Stop paying the minimum This is a very important formula that credit card holders should always know that minimum payments are a method that, if not necessary, should not be done. Because of the minimum payment The principal did not decrease While also encountering daily interest rates of up to 20% per year. Also, interest will be calculated more and more based on the outstanding principal Or if there is a necessity to pay the minimum Should pay more than the minimum If able to endure payment in full amount, should do Because it will help you to not have to bear the burden of interest generated
Anything that can buy cash, should buy with cash. Many people choose to use credit cards every time they have to pay. By not interested in how much the product is priced Even though the price of the product is only 200 baht, choose to use a credit card to pay Which is considered to be the use of credit cards in the wrong way The correct use of a credit card should be used only when the price of the product is high and must ensure that you can pay the bill at the end of the month. Every time choosing to use the card will increase the amount that is required to pay unnecessarily. Should choose to pay when actually using the card
Check usage balance of every billing cycle It is a method to help check the actual spending that month. Because the inspection will help to be more prudent Also prevents transactions that may occur without you being the person who made the transaction Every time you spend through the card, the receipt should be kept every time. To be compared with the bill to see whether the bills match or not
Study the conditions and methods of using the card thoroughly. Every time a new credit card is received Should check the terms and conditions attached to the card before opening every time, such as checking the cut-off date, payment date, interest rate bill And the various privileges that accompany that card
Redeem rewards every year For every spending via credit card, the cardholder will receive reward points according to the conditions specified by the financial institution. For example, every 100 baht spending via the card will receive 20 points and the points that we accumulate will be able to be exchanged for The reward is based on the points you have collected. Every year you should exchange the collected points. By checking from the bill or through the financial institution staff Because if one year has passed Your card will be deducted some points. Which equals you losing the opportunity without you receiving anything Therefore, redeeming reward points is like preserving the right to use your card.
From all 5 simple techniques mentioned, you can do lanes from this second. Because it's not a difficult thing to do Because using credit cards correctly does not have any important principles, just discipline, full payment every month, everything is finished. Other parts are techniques that will help you use the credit card to your maximum benefit.
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