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How to Invest Without Losing

Investing is a good start. And can generate profits for investors quickly Nowadays, it is noticed that there are many young investors emerging in the capital market. But in addition to investing in profits Is also full of risks.

As you already know, investing is a way to quickly generate income when investing in the right direction. But investing can have a negative effect on investors as well as those who are not prepared. So when you will invest Need to study the guidelines As well as the risks To prevent and avoid the consequences that may follow. Let's take a look at what factors affect investments.

Investment contains risks that may cause the investment to not go as expected. Therefore, investors need to understand or study the factors that may pose a risk to their investments. Through the fund's prospectus Or ask an investment consultant about risks before making an investment decision. To save yourself And prevent various problems that may follow, such as

Risk of uncertain returns Investors should take into account that investing through mutual funds. There is no guarantee in respect of returns. And the increase of the principal But the return on investment will depend on the market. And factors affecting the market in which the fund invests the funds according to the specified policies.

Risk from market changes Risk from changes in market conditions can arise and may have direct and indirect effects on the fund. Investing through mutual funds is likely to be impacted by changes in market conditions. It is an investment that can be considered as risky. Because we cannot anticipate those changes Therefore, investors need to have expertise. And study the avenues as well.

Risks associated with economic factors And finances of each country Change in government policy And the politics of each country Can affect investment confidence.

Risk from changes in regulations or laws , changes in market interest rates. Investor confidence in the market Changes which are severely affected by external factors such as natural disasters or war.

Risks from investing in securities / debt Investors may encounter various risks in their holding of securities / debt. This includes the inability to pay back the debt in terms of returns in the form of interest. And the principal to be repaid at the end of the investment period There is also a risk from downgrading the credit rating. In case of failure to pay the debt on schedule.

Risk of lack of trading liquidity This type of risk is the risk that an investor, a security holder, is unable to convert the securities they hold into cash when they need it. This usually depends on the trading volume of the securities in the market.

Risk of inflation This type of risk is a risk arising from a loss of purchasing / investing power. Due to the increase in product prices in the market.

Risks from Borrowing for Investment Is something that should be avoided Because if something goes wrong Could cause debt Investors should understand that borrowing is for investment. It increases the chances of generating profits. But on the other hand, it could cause losses as well. When the investment does not go in the specified direction The investor will have debt from the principal loan with the interest rate set by the financial institution. Therefore, you should carefully consider the risks.

The risks arising from the person This is a risk that may arise from the fund manager being unable to fully comply with the regulations or manage work errors.

Risk from the fund manager Successful fund performance requires the fund manager's knowledge, competence, experience and investment techniques. Would adversely affect the fund's performance.

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