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How to Save on Shopping: Tips to Avoid Unnecessary Expenses

How to Save on Shopping: Tips to Avoid Unnecessary Expenses

How can a fixed shopping budget save you money every year?

Knowing how to save on your groceries can earn you hundreds of dollars each year, which can help you reach your savings goals. Want to learn how to do your grocery shopping on a budget? Here are our 12 simple tips to save on your groceries.

Do your shopping according to your budget
Shopping on a budget is a good place to start saving money. According to the UK's National Statistics Office, an average person spends € 123 per month on groceries, or around € 31 per week, not including dining out. For each additional member of your household, these numbers double.

This means that a couple spends around € 247 (almost € 123 multiplied by two) per month on groceries, a three-person household spends almost € 370, and a four-person household spends around € 494 per month, just for the races!

How to shop on a budget
Based on the figures above, if you spent around € 20 instead of € 30 per week on your groceries, you would save € 40 per month. These figures could reach more than 450 € per year! This is an important part of your annual budget goals which could include paying off a loan, saving for a project, or going towards an emergency fund.

However, before establishing your monthly budget for groceries, it would be a good idea to budget for all of your finances in order to better control your financial health. To do this, here are our tips:

Track your monthly spending so you know where your money is going each month.

Separate your variable costs from your fixed costs (that is, non-adjustable expenses, like rent, are fixed while adjustable expenses, like groceries, are variable).

Calculate how much you want to save on your variable costs each month.

Set your budget in place and measure your progress to see how well you are sticking to it, then make adjustments as needed.

Make a shopping list according to your budget
Here are our tips to help you make your shopping list within the budget you have set to save on these costs each month.

1. Cook simple dishes

When it comes to shopping on a budget, simplicity is key. Choosing to make a complex recipe can easily eat up an entire week's budget, simply because of the number of ingredients. If you want to save money on groceries, choose simple, tasty recipes you love that only require five ingredients or less.

Better yet, when choosing the meals you want to prepare for the week ahead, go for recipes with the same ingredients. This will save you money in the long run, as buying in bulk is usually cheaper, as long as you use all the food you buy!

2. Plan your weekly meals

If you really want to shop on a budget, planning your meals in advance is essential. Before you go shopping, make sure you know exactly what you are going to eat this week, in order to calculate your estimated costs.

This cuts down on the chances of going over budget and encourages you to get creative with weekly meals!

3. Give up meat one day a week

It's no secret that meat is one of the most expensive food products, especially if it's organic. Limiting your weekly meat consumption is therefore an excellent solution.

Not only will this save you money and cook vegetarian more often, you might even get a taste and start eating less meat.

4. Healthy and affordable groceries for vegetarians or vegans

Keeping the tips above in mind, here is an example of healthy and affordable groceries for a vegetarian or vegan with a maximum spend of € 22 per week:

Rice € 1.50

Fresh fruits and vegetables € 7

2 vegan spreads at € 2.50

Oats € 1

4 boxes of legumes (chickpeas, black beans) € 3.50

Bread € 2

Smoked tofu € 2.50

Oat milk € 2

It might not seem like much, and yet with € 7 you can buy different vegetables which, paired with rice or legumes, can be the centerpiece of your evening meal for six days of the week. For the 7th day, tofu could be the main ingredient.

Oats and almond milk could form the basis of a hearty breakfast, and you could make sandwiches with bread, plant-based spreads, and the leftover vegetables for lunch.

Here are our tips for saving money while shopping.

Our advice to save on your shopping
Once you know how much you want to save on your groceries each month, there are a few tips and tricks you should put into practice while you shop.

5. Calculate your races

To have a clear overview of your expenses while shopping, calculate the amount of everything in your basket. You can do this using your phone's calculator or rounding off all prices to whole numbers, which will make mental math easier. This prevents you from accidentally overspending.

6. Pay for your groceries in cash

A good tip for saving on races is to use Dave Ramsey's envelope system . This budget method requires you to take cash out of your monthly income and divide it into separate envelopes based on your budget goals.

For this, you need to have envelopes for your fixed costs and for your variable costs such as recreation, shopping for clothes, dining out and shopping. By paying for your groceries in cash, it is virtually impossible to overspend!

7. Look at the bottom shelves

Supermarkets put their most expensive products at eye level to push you to exceed your shopping budget. However, if you look at the same types of food that are sold a shelf or two lower, you will notice that the prices tend to go down, with the cheaper products being closer to the ground.

8. Take a small basket

Another method that supermarkets use to keep you from saving on your groceries is to provide you with oversized shopping carts and baskets. This makes you feel like you have few products in your shopping cart, just because they don't fill the tote.

The best way to get around this problem is to choose the smallest shopping bag for your groceries, which is often a basket. Otherwise, if you only buy a few small items, forget the basket and carry them in your hand.

9. Compare prices per kilo

Another great tip for shopping on a budget is to compare product prices per kilogram, not the listed retail prices. In general, in addition to the retail price, you can find the price of the product per 100 g. You should take this figure into account when comparing other similar products.

For example, if you want to buy Parmesan but there are two different types of cheese at € 4 and € 6, you might think that the most economical choice would be to go for the € 4 pack. However, if you look at the price per kilo, you realize that the € 6 Parmesan costs € 1 for 100g, and the € 4 pack costs € 2 for 100g.

In other words, although it costs € 2 more, the € 6 parmesan packet is 50% cheaper than the € 4 pack and gives you 200g more for just € 2 more. This is a smarter decision from an economic standpoint because it will allow you to eat longer for less money.

10. Compare prices

It's no secret that supermarkets and independent grocery stores price their products differently. Often the price of the same product varies greatly from store to store. To achieve your monthly shopping budget goals, you should therefore do a little field survey.

For this you should go from store to store and notice the difference in price of the food items you buy most often. You will soon get into the habit of going to different stores depending on the type of food you need to buy. However, these prices may vary depending on the season and promotions in each store.

11. Don't shop when you're hungry

We've all been there: we walk the aisles of the supermarket with growling stomachs, and driven by hunger, we fill our baskets with unnecessary items. Shopping on an empty stomach leads to spending more, thus exceeding the shopping budget.

The solution ? Eat before you go shopping! It sounds simple, but it can make a huge difference. Even if you eat something as small as a banana or a granola bar before shopping, it could save you from spending an extra $ 15 on food.

12. Track your expenses

Just like with your general budget, it's essential to track your food expenses after you're done shopping. You can do this by entering the numbers in an Excel spreadsheet, a manual budget manager app, or you can use a budget manager app that is fully integrated with your bank account that calculates your food expenses.
5 Tips to Prepare for Your Property Settlement
1. Insurance

Haven't organised insurance yet? Get it now! It can be a risky practice to rely on the vendor's  insurance cover (or lack thereof) if something happens to the property during the period from exchange to settlement. Having adequate insurance in place will give you peace of mind.

2. Keys, codes and passes

Make sure you organise who has the keys and when you can collect them from the agent or your legal representative. Also, make sure you have the alarm codes (if any) and instruction manuals. Some purchasers want to collect the keys that day from the agent; others have the keys delivered to their solicitor after settlement. By sorting out the logistics beforehand, you can enjoy your property sooner (without setting off any house alarms!).

3. Final inspection

This is probably the most important inspection you will undertake, so you should organise it during daylight hours as close as possible to settlement and really take your time with it. Has any debris been left behind? Do the fittings and fixtures remain? Are the contractual inclusions actually in place? Have the exclusions been disposed of?

4. Final Title Search

Just like a final inspection, a final title search will inform you if there have been any dealings with or new interests in the legal ownership of the property. After all, you can't buy something from someone if they don't own it. You'll also need to remove any caveat you've placed on the title to enable the change of ownership to take place.

5. Cheque directions

Your legal advisor and lender will organise the cheques on your behalf, but it's up to you to make sure the settlement amounts and payees are correct before property settlement. Also, make sure the cheques have correct spellings - incorrectly issued non-negotiable bank cheques can hold up and delay a settlement, and that's the last thing you want!

7 Tips Every Homeowner Need to Know About Insurance
Most home insurance policies will pay for damage to your home & possessions in the events of storms, fire, theft, or vandalism. Home insurance also provides liability insureance if someone gets hurt on your property and decides to file a lawsuit. Home insurance can also cover the costs of a hotel if you are temporarity displaced from your house.

Standard policcies have exclusion, including; earthquakes, power failure, war, nuclear hazard, government action, faulty zoning, bad repair or workmanship, and defective maintenance. Flooding and water damage are usually only covered in certain conditions

Take the time to research your prospective insurance agencies before you commit to a policy. Read reviews and consider recommendations from friends and family. Finding a cheap rate is great - but remember that in the case of an emergency you will need to be dealing with the insurance company directly. Having an insurance company with great customer service can really help alleviate some of the stress in an already stressful situation with your home.

Did you know that having things like a working smoke detector and burglar alarms can lower your rates Preventative actions can reduce premiums. Insurance agents typically price your premium based on how much risk they foresee. So, by reducing your liability risks, you can qualify for lower rates.
You may also save some money by bundling your other insurance policies, like car or life insurance, with your home owners.

Make sure you report any possible claims as soon as possible. Many insurance companies have a time limit for reporting claims. If you wait too long, you may not be eligible for benefits, especially if waiting has caused the problem to worsen. This is especially true in instances of water damage - where mold can set it quickly and raise the costs of repair.

It is important to document everything that occurs during a loss. Write down the damages, and what you have done to help mitigate the damages.
In addition to saving receipts, contracts, and appraisals, document phone calls by writing down who you spoke to and when. Insurance claims can be cumbersome and confusing. Don't depend on your memory alone to remember all the details.

Jewelry is usually covered in a homeowner's policy - but beware - it is typically only covered to a certain amount. When you sign up for homeowner's insurance, be sure to ask your agent about the limits. If you own jewelry which has a value that exceeds the standard policy, you may want to consider buying supplemental insurance so that incase it is lost or stolen- you are covered 100%.

8 Tip on Homeownner Insurance
1. You're a statistic
To an insurer, you're not a person; you're a set of risks. An insurer bases its premium (or its decision to insure you at all) on your "risk factors," including your occupation, who you are, what you own, and how you live.
2. Know your home's value
Before you choose a policy, it is essential to establish your home's replacement cost. A local builder can provide the best estimate.
3. Insurers differ
As with anything else you buy, what seems to be the same product can be priced differently by different companies. You can save money by comparison shopping.
4. Don't just look at price
A low price is no bargain if an insurer takes forever to service your claim. Research the insurer's record for claims service, as well as its financial stability.
5. Go beyond the basics
A basic homeowners policy may not promise to entirely replace your home.
6. Demand discounts
Americans waste money every year because they forget to ask for them!
7. Insurer isn't necessarily your friend
Your idea of fair compensation may not match that of your insurer. Your insurer's job is to restore your financially. Your job is to prove your  losses so you get what you need.
8. Prepare before you have to file a claim
Keep your policy updated, and reread it before you file a claim so there are no surprise.

10 Legit Ways to Make Money and Passive Income Online
Did you know you can actually make money online? yeah that’s right, and all you need is a computer or phone with internet access. So in this video, I’m going to show you 10 websites where you can actual start making some side cash or if you are really serious, some good Money! isn’t that amazing! On some of these websites you can actually make as much as a 100 dollars a day or even  more, and the best part is, you don’t have to quit your 9 - 5 job, you can make this money, working in your free time. On the internet, there are two distinct ways of making money. The first way is active income. With active income, its like your normal 9 -5 job. You only get paid for the work you do. If you do not work, you don’t make money, as simple as that. The second way is through passive income. This is my favorite method because, with active income, all you do is put in the work once, and the money in theory should keep rolling in, without you having to do any more work other then maybe promoting what you have made, or in some cases what other people have made. So let’s get to the video.

Upworks is a website for freelancers. With upworks you are making acvtive income. businesses and individuals post services on upworks that they would like to outsource such as article writing, video editing, app development, coding, there tons of jobs and services being outsourced on upworks… The beauty of all this is its low barrier of entry, you just have to be good at something.  If there is something that you are good at maybe graphic design or coding or just about  any skill, head over to upworks and start making some Money. Here's a tip if you are considering working on upworks, have a robust profile that looks good. This will drastically increase your likelihood of ever receiving job offers, from potential clients. Displaying your best work or highlighting specific experience can and will help you stand out.

2. YouTube
Not a lot of people know this but, you can actually make money with YouTube. If you are considering getting into YouTube to make money, make sure you understand one thing clearly. Thanks to the new rules, if you are planning on starting a brand new channel from scratch, you first have to reach the YouTube minimum threshold to get monetized. Which is you will need 4000 watch hours, and 1000 subscribers in the last 12 months. Once you have reached that, you can get monetized, how much can you make on YouTube? Honestly as much as you want! As long as you keep uploading good content that people are willing to watch your golden, and the longer the video the more money you can expect to make… you can make anywhere from 1$ to thousands even hundreds of thousands of dollars. The more views you are getting, the more money you can expect to make, and also you get more subscribers! With YouTube, what you are earning is passive income, make a few videos and they should keep making you money consistently. You can also make money with YouTube through paid sponsorships, but with paid sponsorships you will need a large audience, usually a minimum of 10k subs to do that. You can also make money through affiliates, but we will get to that later.

3. Amazon
Although Jeff Bazos, did start off the company selling books, amazon now sells almost anything you can think of. It’s not just a site for buying your favorite toys though, you can actually make money with amazon. And here’s three ways you how… The first way is Amazon Mturk – Mtruk is kind of like upworks, it’s a place where businesses outsource work that is too difficult for a computer program to do. Such as audio editing and transcribing, translating audio and video from different languages, testing webpages, writing reviews, and a whole lot of other services. You can make as much as $20, $30 an hour, by working on a few different tasks. This is a legit may of making money, and they do pay. This is active income though.

The second way is Amazon kindle publishing. Turn your ideas into an eBook and make money today. Every time you buy an ebook from amazon, amazon and the publisher make money, and you can too. The thing with kindle publishing is… you first need a book to sell. You can either write this book yourself or you can hire someone to write it for you. You don't have to be an established author, or find a publishing company to do this. You can actually do this from the comfort of your home and start earning some passive income. Sounds awesome right? and the best part is, it’s absolutely free, so sign up and start making some money.

Amazon takes care of the money handling shenanigans… and you can sit back relax on your couch, while making some good old… passive income. If you are really interested in kindle publishing, I highly recommend you do more research on this topic. You can find free videos and tutorials right here on YouTube that will teach you the basics. If you want expert advice, you might have to first pay for a course. I will link a really good one in the description, if you are interested. Some people make over $100,000 publishing Kindle e-books on Amazon. It’s definitely a market to look into. The third way is Amazon associates program.

This is a very popular and easy way of earning passive income. All you do is sign up to the amazon associates program which is free, than you can pick from thousands of stuff amazon sells on their website and start promoting. Amazon will give you a special link, and every time someone buys through your link, amazon will give you a commission anywhere from 5 – 10% of the sale. Amazon will pay you 60 days after a purchase and you can chose to be paid either through amazon gift cards, wire transfer to a bank account – although this is currently only available in the US but if you live outside America you can be paid via cheques, or you can have the money transferred to your amazon account and start buying stuff with it.

4. clickbank
Clickbank is a marketplace for product creators and affiliates to make money online buy selling their courses or services to the world. Clickbank only sells digital products, but the beauty about clickbank is that the, commission payout is so much higher than that of Amazon. Some affiliates pay you as much as 75%, for selling their services, while others pays as low as 5%, so keep that in mind. But with that said, you can make some really good money on clickbank, hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Simply head over to clickbank, pick something to sale and start making money.

Flippa is the number one marketplace for buying and selling online businesses. It attracts a huge audience, and it offers great tools to increase visibility, it’s an auction site really much like eBay, for those selling and buying digital assets, such as websites, apps, domains, shopify stores and amazon FBA accounts. If you are good at making apps or even websites… you can actually sell it online and make some money. Or better yet, if you have some money lying around and you are interested in buying either websites, apps, or ecommerce stores… that are already making money, you can do so with flippa. What happens is, you place a bid, much like eBay and if your bid is the highest, then congratulations because you just bought yourself an online business. You can also make money by selling online businesses. So that’s flippa for you.

6. Shutter stock
Basically shutter stock is a platform where you can buy or sell digital media. Such as pictures, music and video clips. Mainly created by freelancers and third parties, so if you might be particularly good at photography taking amazing pictures and videos. Or really good at making sick beats, you can monetize your talent on shutter stock. The way you make money with shutter stock is every time some purchases one of your pictures, you get paid a commission, usually a couple cents to a few dollars, if you are lucky. The trick to making a lot of money with shutter stock is to consistently keep uploading high quality images.

7. Rover
Do you like pets? Dog in particular? If so, then you should probably check out rover. Rover is a dog sitting service, but this is currently only available in the US and Canada. So if you live in any of those two countries then you can register as a dog sitter, and get paid for babysitting dogs. You can make anywhere between 80 - $100 a night, just by watching someone’s dog! You can literally make hundreds of dollars a week by just babysitting someone’s pet. Now how about that for a deal?!

Take lessons is a website where you can teach any skill. Everyone has a skill, that they can teach, whether that might be, teaching someone a language, how to cook, how to play a musical instrument, how to solve complex math equations…any so much more. Anything that you think someone else might not know, you can teach people on takelessons, and start making money.

9. Fiverr
You have probably heard of fivver mentioned a lot of times, because it’s a simple and easy site to start making money. But if you haven’t, basically it’s a freelance website where you can literally outsource anything and I mean anything… as long as its legal, for as little as $5 There are so many different ways to make money on fiverr, just to name a few. You can do animations, Logo Design, Packaging Design, Web & Mobile Design, Social Media Design, Photoshop Editing, Architecture & Floor Planning, 3D Models & Product Design, T-Shirts & Merchandising, SEO and so much more. If there is anything that can be outsourced, you can most likely find it on fiver. Head over and check out fiverr guys, it a legit of making money.

10. Drop shipping
With drop shipping, what you are basically doing is selling someone else stuff for a small or large profit without having to deal with the shipping. So basically you are acting like a broker or a middle man. You can do this by opening up a shopify store and then linking it up with oberlo. Oberlo is basically an app that integrates with shopify, and it is what a lot of people use to source for stuff that they would like to sell on their stores. The basic principle of drop shipping is, you create a store or any channel where people can buy stuff from you. Then once they buy something from you, you pay the manufacturer, usually for a lot less then what you got it for, and then have the manufacturer ship it to the customer. All without you ever seeing or touching the product.

The best part of drop shipping is that you set your own price of the product you want to sell, then take the profits and pay the manufacturer the rest. So yeah that’s drop shipping in a nutshell. If you are interested in drop shipping, there are a ton of tutorial here on YouTube, that will show you the step by step guide of creating your store, finding products, advertising, finding influencers, and finally shipping and getting paid. It’s a bit complicated to start, especially in the beginning, but you can make a ton of money… with drop shipping. With that said, thank you for watching guys, please subscribe, enable notification and I will see you on the next one.

Top 10 Ways to Make Money Online

Are you tired of the 9-to-5 routine? Did our Worst Jobs video do nothing to make you feel better about your current employment? We may be able to help you, as always, with another great installment! This time, we’re tackling the top ten real ways you can make money online! These may not replace your full-time job immediately, but with a little time, patience and imagination, you could go create a career out of the comfort of your own home!

10. Online Psychic and Tarot Readings
Regardless of what you believe, there are those out there that swear by astrological readings, tarot cards, and psychics. That also means there are people out there that would pay others to provide said services, turning what some would consider ludicrous into a viable business. Via websites like, alleged psychics can sign themselves up for paid live chat sessions and charge a specific amount per minute. Tarot readings are a bit more complicated to get started in, mostly because there are so many free services offered, but Craigslist has proved a viable starting point before moving onto your own online tarot reading service.

9. Online Surveys
Ever wonder how some companies make the decisions they do? Sometimes it’s an internal decision based off of figures and estimations, but consumer opinion can be a big part of change; but where would those opinions come from and how do  hey coax people to take the time to do a survey? Well, with online surveys and cash money, of course! There are plenty of websites that offer compensation for surveys, so much that the market is getting pretty saturated, but some sites are a bit more generous than others. If you aim to make some extra cash through online surveys, recommended sites include,, and, or for Android users, the app Google Opinion Rewards is a great way to earn a few bucks towards your Google Credit account.

8. Online Focus Groups
Like online surveys, online focus groups allow for convenient consumer and political research, but they require a bit more from the participants than clicking a few radio buttons. Rather than gathering a group of people in one location, though, everything is done in an online forum. As there isn’t much of an inconvenience to participants, not every online focus group pays, but if you’re looking for a quick buck, is a valuable resource. A moderator will steer the discussion, which is held over a web-based technology like WebEx and GoToMeeting, and you won’t have to deal with the awkwardness of face-to-face  iscussion.

7. Etsy
Feeling crafty and don’t know what to do with those 25 scarves you crocheted? You can try your luck at an arts and crafts show, spend the money to secure a table, and enjoy the blistering heat, or you can simply open an Etsy shop and sell your handmade product from the comfort of your own home. Members of the eCommerce site specialize in handcrafting unique items, leading to a community of over 1.6 million sellers and $2.39 billion in annual sales in 2015 alone. Additional to arts and crafts, Etsy also allows shops to carry vintage and antique items that are at least 20 years old.

6. eBay
Have a lot of junk that you think may be worth something? Since 1995, the online auction house has proved to be a fine means of unloading your unwanted stuff. While you’re free to sell just about anything you can find, those that have the potential to make the most money tend to either focus on limited collectibles, antiques or open their own eBay Store and specialize in stocking and selling anything from clothing to electronics to niche items like, uh, erotic postcards. One of the best ways to find stuff to sell on eBay is by visiting local thrift stores, garage sales and estate sales. Be sure to bring a device with an internet connection so you can price-check your lucky finds before you buy them!

5. Owning or Building a Website
Have a service you think you can offer? Is your mind filled with things that you’d love to throw out for the world to read? Think you have the know-how to turn an online space into an advertising mecca? You may want to shell out the minimal start-up cash to build yourself a website. Making money from a website is a long-term endeavor that takes a lot of patience and time, but if the formula can be perfected, your bank account can grow from ad revenue. If you are the creative type and know your way around Wordpress, or even better, can code, there are plenty of small brick-and-mortar and service companies looking to have a website built, and will often pay in the $1,000's.

4. Virtual Assistant
Thanks to the wonders of the internet, some jobs are able to leave the office setting and be done from the convenience of your home. One position, which offers the perks of a home setting and independence, is a virtual assistant. Much like an in-office assistant, virtual assistants act as a sort of liaison for a higher-up employee, scheduling meetings, fielding phone calls, performing research and record keeping, and partaking in conference calls and online meetings. Via e-mail, telephone calls, and online meeting software, virtual assistants communicate with fellow employees and not once do they need to slip into high heels or throw on a tie to get the job done.

3. Online Tutoring
Maybe you’ve pursued a career in teaching but find that it’s not at all what “younger you” thought it was cracked up to be. Maybe you’re in between teaching jobs or are just waiting for summer break to end. Whether the situation, your schooling doesn’t have to go to waste, especially not with online tutoring as a feasible alternative. Cutting out the need to deal with children in a face-to-face setting, online tutoring allows you to use your educational background to help people of all ages with homework, basic and advanced test prep, and general coursework. Even if you’re still pursuing a degree, so long as you’re a Sophomore in a 4-year degree program, sites like will consider you for an online tutor position.

2. Freelancing
If you have an ability to create something others may struggle with, such as an informative piece of writing, beautiful graphic logo, or piece of music, you could have a future as an online freelancer. Typically, freelancers are responsible solely for content, whether it be a company logo, website design or podcast theme song. Just knowing how to create something is one part of the battle as marketing yourself and finding clients can be far more frustrating and time-consuming. Websites like PeoplePerHour,, and are vital resources for starting freelancers looking to remain and succeed in an online setting.

1. Own a YouTube Channel
It’s true, you can make quite a bit of money by owning and operating your own YouTube channel. What isn’t true is any inkling you may have that it’s easy to do. Many different factors go into what makes a YouTube channel successful, first and foremost being whether or not the idea is original and appealing. Though that doesn't mean you need any talent or expensive equipment, there are plenty of channels that have started or continue to use sub-par equipment, yet have a huge following. YouTube GradeAUnderA is a prime example - a channel that went from 50,000 to 2.8 million subscribers in just one year, utilizing only Microsoft Paint and Movie Maker to make his videos. YouTube is all about creativity and finding an audience that enjoys your content. Chances are if you find something funny, entertaining or educational, then someone else will too - so don't be afraid to start creating content and starting your career path on YouTube!

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