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Understand the Explanation of Urban Legend

Understand the Explanation of Urban Legend

Urban Legends are Modern Myths

There are fictional stories today in urban legends, as they were real. They are called “urban” because they come from cities only to distinguish them from older stories from similar traditions. In fact, urban myths are just a contemporary version of myths, fairy tales, fairy tales and lofty tales. The main difference, today, is that urban legends are often created with confusion and trickery, rather than with use or expression.

In addition, urban legends - though often spread through traditional oral storytelling - have also spread through the Internet.

What are Myths?
Back thousands of years ago, humans developed myths to explain natural phenomena. God built a car across the sky, carrying the sun from east to west every day. A goddess is kept underground for six months each year and her mother spends and then returns to the surface world - and this explains winter and summer. Among the same myths from China, Persia, Egypt, and other parts of the ancient world were stories made to explain natural phenomena from the movement of planes to storms.

What are Fairy Videos?
Fairy tales are fictional tales involving magical creatures such as fairies, dragons, leprechauns, unicorns, and goblins.

There are fairy tales from many cultures; Baba Yaga stories from Russia, Grimm's Fairy Tales from Germany, and so on. Fairy tales can be modern as well: many contemporary children’s writers use traditional fairy creatures to tell more up-to-date stories.

What are Folktales and Tall Tales?
Greek and Roman mythology went out of fashion thousands of years ago - but stories from all over the world are still being told.

Stories are passed down through the generations, usually through word of mouth. They can be completely unrealistic stories about tricky spiders (Anansi) or realistic but fictional stories like the stories of Robin Hood or King Arthur. Folktales are usually rooted in a particular culture and include archetypal characters such as the Hero, the Trickster, and the Fool.

Like stories, lofty stories are passed down through the oral tradition. Unlike stories, however, there are far too many stories about people. In some cases, the people in the stories actually have a basis; in other cases, they are fully appreciated. Tall stories are told as if they were true, even though they are clearly obvious. Examples of great American stories include the story of the giant Paul Bunyan and his giant blue bull, and the story of John Henry, the railway worker who could work faster and harder than a mechanical steel driver.

Examples of Urban Legends

Hundreds of urban legends may be making the rounds at summer camps, on the Internet, and as bedtime stories.

" The Choking Doberman ," a creepy campfire story about a burglar whose hidden presence in a family home reveals when the owner of the cheese dog turns up a circular finger, is always related as if it had happened real but truly folklorists as a classic urban legend.

Popular Urban Legends:

Alligators in the Sewers
An Hook
The Circular Pet
Marcus Cookie Recipe $ 250 Neiman

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