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10 Legit Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance

10 legit ways to lower your car insurance without sacrificing coverage.

1. Keep a good driving record
Having a clean driving record can lower your car insurance premium while a history of tickets and accidents will increase it.

2. Drive less often
Driving less can lead to lower car insurance rates. Many companies offer discounts for lower annual mileage, so if you work from home or have reduced your commute, let your insurer know.

3. Improve your credit score
Your credit score can affect your car insurance rates. Some states allow insurance companies to use credit scores to calculate premiums, while others prohibit or limit this practice.

4. Bundle your insurance coverages
Bundle your insurance coverages to save money. Many car insurance companies offer discounts for holding multiple policies, such as Auto and homeowners or Auto and renters. Consolidate your policies with one sure to compare coverage and prices.

5. Pay in full
Paying in full for auto insurance may be more practical if you're paying over $11,000 a year. Many companies offer discounts for upfront payment.

6. Have an anti-theft device
Having an anti- theft device on your car can save you money on car insurance. Many insurance companies offer discounts for vehicles with anti-theft devices, reducing the chances of theft.

7. Investigate available auto insurance discounts
Insurance companies offer various discounts, such as good student, military service, defensive driving course, new car, automatic payment, and safety feature discounts. Ask your insurer about all possible discounts and save the documentation for submission.

8. Drop unnecessary coverage
Review your car insurance policy and eliminate unnecessary coverage, such as comprehensive and coverage for older cars, to save money.

9. Switch to a higher deductible
Increasing your car insurance deductible can save you 40% or more on your premium. If you have enough savings consider opting for a higher deductible to lower your monthly auto insurance costs.

10. Comparison shop
Use online insurance marketplaces to compare multiple car insurance quotes at once and find the best coverage at the best price. This can save time and money.

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