, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World JM: 2021-10-24

Discover Everything About the Legend of an Ancient Legend the Sombrerón

 In the legends of Guatemala the legend of the Sombrerón de Guatemala stands out. This is very mysterious because it has such an enigmatic history; This story has been captured in books, stories and even on cinema screens and today in our blog we will tell you its history, origin and everything you want to know about the legend of the Sombrerón.

Who was the Sombreron of Guatemala?

He is a character that is part of the mythological legends of Guatemala, this character wanders at night riding his black mule, he appears before the woman he chooses and with his charms he falls in love with them to convince them to go with him and thus take him away. their soul when they die, because they do not feed because all the time they are thinking about the Sombrerón.


The origin of the legend of the Sombrerón dates back to the middle of the 18th century in Guatemala when a man named Juan Bayona was accused of an illegal act, he was prosecuted and the inquisition, which at that time commanded, condemned him to attend mass on Sundays with a huge black hat, this in order to ridicule him before everyone in view of the fact that this hat was huge and he could barely see; all the people of his town made fun of him when Juan Bayona went to mass and indeed he became the laughingstock of the town.

Juan was tired of this situation and was angry with everyone in his town but his sadness was stronger, the following Sunday he did not attend mass so that they would make fun of him, so Juan Bayona decided to take his life.

In church everyone waited for him to make fun of him every Sunday, when they received the news that he had committed suicide, everyone in the town gathered and confessed their sin since they felt guilty that their actions and mockery led to that Juan committed suicide, but this did not free them from the lost soul that wandered in search of revenge.

Features of the Sombrerón

He is a shadowy personification of small stature, in fact he is also called  Tzitzimite  (goblin), who is always on the lonely roads waiting to meet some of his victims. The Sombrerón always wears black, he wears his huge black hat for which he is given his nickname, he is always riding a black mule and accompanied by two fierce and large black dogs that are held by thick metal chains; at first this can be seen as shadow people .

Letter from Juan Bayona before committing suicide

Before passing away, Juan Bayona wrote a letter in which he recounted from the beginning and the event that led him to commit such an atrocity.

In the content of the letter, he mentioned that he was born in 1742 in the city of Capitanes Generales, a town that was under the supervision and command of the Catholic Church, he described himself as a visionary and fantasized person characterized for his adoration and for the trust he placed in God. He says that he was very young when his parents passed away and he was orphaned, despite the fact that his uncle raised him and gave him bread and a safe house, he felt like a miserable child and grew up with many difficulties.

In 1772, he was 30 years old, he himself relates that he did not enjoy great beauty. His figure was not exceptionally pleasant; for quite some time he had a nose wound on the other side, a larger than normal mouth and a line of long teeth. He was short and had an unbearable character.

One night, in the streets of Antigua, there was an eerie silence. Some calm, meek and cold, took asylum in their enormous capons, trying to find them in the dark, however, they did not see that a Christian was killed on the road to Los Plateros.

The day after the occasion, the experts accused Juan Bayona; That is the reason why they secured him in a prison, in the general prison of society. The leader of the city was Don Francisco Sánchez, he made Juan stay there.

Juan spent his days thinking about the dirty game of being in jail. As he was not guilty, he was furious, he did not know who to turn to for help. One afternoon, to kill time, he composed on a piece of paper some sentences that were in charge of the president and the ecclesiastical supervisor.

They were alarmed, they said they were bad calls towards Satan. On paper he requested help from the devil and his mother, the devil, in return, offered to run with them when he died.

As indicated in a record marked on August 4, 1772, the president of Antigua, Ventura de Naxera, asked the Commissioner of the Inquisition and Prebendado of the church of the house of prayer, Antonio Cortés, to reflect on the document and issue a sentence for its creator.

The court of the Holy Office condemned him to go every Sunday to hear mass in the basilica, his back uncovered and his head covered with a huge hat.

At first he objected, however, as the voice of the congregation was the last word, he agreed, the individuals ridiculed him and from that moment on, everyone shouted at him, there is El Sombrerón!

The main Sunday was only the beginning of the long affliction that Juan Bayona had to live through a punishment that he did not deserve, although not for long: his peculiar image, indeed natural among the general population of his time, could not bear the strange and cruel discipline.

One Sunday, ahead of schedule, the bells of the house of God began to call mass, the most hurried parishioners went to their call, only one did not, next to his horrible cap, he lay cold and dead on a path of the city.

In the end, the disappearance was felt as an act of consolation for Juan Bayona's adversity and death itself gave him its mortal kiss, as the news spread, many people were moved with a sigh of terror or bitterness. They asked God for him and asked for the absolution of God and the ecclesiastical supervisor, and they admitted their sins.

Juan was physically gone, however, the ghost of his memory oppressed the neighbors of Antigua. They say that later, no one set out to walk at night on the paths where the man in the hat walked.


One night in Antigua Guatemala, Juan Bayona, alias El Sombrerón, was walking through the streets when he saw an exceptionally wonderful young woman with long hair and big eyes, fell hopelessly in love with her, followed her home and accompanied her by a and again, he sang to her and made her fall in love every night, the girl didn't tell anyone about him. One day, the young woman began to stop eating until she almost died, her mother realized it and that was the point at which the mother recognized that it was the result of the spell spoken of in the legend of the Sombrerón.

She took her little daughter to a religious and they admitted her to the convent thinking that she would be better there and that the Sombrerón would not have access to that place, however, the young woman continued without eating and only thought about the Sombrerón and longed for him to go to tell her the beautiful verses that made her fall in love. One day she woke up with an entwining in her hair made by the ghost and that day the beautiful girl had passed away.

At the wake of the girl, the Hatter appeared, seemed to cry, and the tears that he shed seemed like crystal gems, crying inconsolably, he remembered his beloved.

Another variation of the story focuses on the young woman being saved from dying because her mother understood that it was the ghost of the Hatter that was chasing her daughter and seducing her. Since this ghost loves girls with long hair, the lady cuts her daughter's hair and the Hatter stops chasing the girl.

The legend of the sombreron in Colombia

In the Colombian legends also speak of the legend of the Sombrerón, it has crossed borders because despite being originally from Guatemala still this myth has come to Colombia and has been taken as part of the mysteries of this country but modifying a little original story.

The legend of the Sombrerón says that in life the protagonist was a critical man, who lived from city to city and who lived from one place to another, he ran continuously mounted on an extraordinary dark steed that occasionally discovered how to be confused with the agony of the night . It is said that no one, at any time, hurt him or that he hurt anyone, his disappearance was questionable for everyone, except that in his post-existence he was remarkable.

In Colombia, the legend of the Sombrerón is about, contrary to the Guatemalan version, a man of great stature who dresses in black and wears a huge black hat that completely covers him, always rides on a black mule and chases maidens: he only He appears to drunks, early risers, womanizing men, and wanton women; In short, he appears to all those night owls who like to party. This horror is said to be the male version of the Siguanaba .

Being a faceless ghost he appears in the gloom of the night, first the howls of the dogs and the noise of the chains hitting the ground are heard, those who claim to have seen him identify him riding his mule accompanied by two huge black dogs that are They find themselves bound by metal chains that look heavy. In addition, a threat is heard under an imposing tone of voice that establishes that if it reaches its victim, it will put a hat on it.

The legend of the Sombrerón tells that his favorite day to appear was on Fridays.

It is also counted in Chiapas

The legend of the Sombrerón in Chiapas, Mexico, describes him as a scary older, skinny and tall man who wears black all the time and of course also wears his huge black hat, which prevents his face from being seen mounted on his black corsel; He is also accompanied by two large and ferocious black dogs.

This ghost when choosing his victim appears to him causing a great fright, leaving him petrified, which prevents them from defending themselves. It envelops them causing great fear and offers them money and long life in exchange for the fact that when he dies he hands over his soul, those who accept are freed from his spell and he leaves them in the same place where he found them. Children are not exempt from meeting the Sombrerón because they are also victims of this soul.

The only way to undo the already accepted commitment to give the soul to the Sombrerón upon passing to the exchange of wealth and the long life that it offered them is by exchanging his soul for that of a child, an innocent soul, since these had a greater value for the Sombrerón; the person who is trapped by the spell must search for the child and then invoke the Hatter to offer him the soul of the child in exchange for undoing their deal.

Legend has it that on a Friday night, Juan, a Mexican man who always, even on weekdays, was seen partying with different women, having a disorderly life and without composure, after they threw him out of a bar For having formed a fight, he would go late at night through the lonely streets of Chiapas to another of the bars he frequented.

On the way, he began to hear the frightening howls of the dogs that were in the streets, suddenly the road was more desolate and he also began to hear as if they were dragging metal chains on the asphalt and in the gloom of the night he barely made out a figure; it was a horseman.

Juan is impressed because it was not very common to see riders in the center of the city, but even so he continues on his way, suddenly Juan begins to feel afraid of getting closer to this rider since his presence felt dark. When visualizing well the figures he had seen previously, Juan remains totally immobile with his heart racing from fright, it seemed that it was going to explode, because he saw that what he was seeing was not an ordinary rider but rather a being supernatural.

It was about a man who was riding on a black mule, he was also dressed all in black, with a huge black hat which prevented his face from being seen, he was accompanied by two dogs that looked very fierce, they were large and they were also Negroes were held in place by heavy metal chains which crawled and made eerie noises.

When this presence begins to approach Juan, he remains immobile with a terrible fear watching as the rider dismounted his mule and headed towards him, Juan felt high discharges of chills, his heart was racing and he could not run or make the slightest movement , which prevented him from running away and screaming for help.

When the Sombrerón was in front of him, he offered him with great enthusiasm and a frightening voice a lot of money and a long life in exchange for the fact that when he died, Juan would give him his soul. Time seemed to stop at that horrible moment, the streets were alone and no one could help him, he resisted for what seemed like a long time but in the end he agreed to the contract that the Sombrerón proposed to him; then in the blink of an eye Juan was on the same path but alone, the frightening Hatter had disappeared with his horrible companions.

From that moment, Juan's life changed completely, he became a man with a good gambling streak for which he became a wealthy man, in different circumstances of life the Sombrerón appeared reminding him of his deal. At a certain point in his life, Juan had a horrible accident where he almost died and in that episode of his life the Sombrerón had told him that he was coming for his soul.

Juan fought and prevailed against the Sombrerón and put all his effort not to die at that moment because he loved his life and everything he had in it. After having survived the accident, Juan began to investigate the mysterious character with whom he had made the deal and found a legend that said that in order to undo the deal, he had to deliver the soul of an innocent child to the Sombrerón.


Determined to do whatever it takes not to give up his life and undo the deal, Juan decides to try what the legend said, he would pass it through the streets watching the children who were there and in the parks playing; He also observed those who were orphans on the street trying to choose which would be the best option to feel less guilty.

Finally, Juan decided to cheat on a child, the street was his home, he had no family and Juan thought that this favored him since no one was going to worry about the child's absence, nor were they going to file a complaint or claim something. It was about Tomás, a boy of only 8 years old, who survived on the alms that people gave him and also he was paid to run errands, with that money he managed to buy food every day.

Tomás believed that Juan was a very friendly man who had only felt sorry for his situation, Juan began to approach Tomás, gave him gifts and spent time with him, until one day Juan got up and decided that it was the day to deliver to Tomas al Sombrerón, he looked for the boy, bought him sweets and toys and took him for a walk around the city. At nightfall he invited him to walk through a dark and lonely alley; Upon entering the alley, Juan began to call the Sombrerón and told Tomás not to be afraid that he was going to introduce him to a friend so that when he grew up he would be a man with a lot of money like him.

The Sombrerón introduced himself and Tomás began to be afraid of it, because it seemed very terrifying to him, without being able to move he listened as Juan spoke with the Sombrerón and offered his soul to the lurid specter; Tomás, unable to do anything to defend himself, regretted having met Juan and having accepted all his gifts.

The rider did not hesitate to take the child's soul, Tomás disappeared from the streets where he passed it without even leaving a trace of his incident, no one complained about him or wondered what had happened to him, while Juan's conscience rested The whole truth and although he got rid of the deal with the Sombrerón, he could not get rid of the remorse that caused him to have given the soul of that child to the Sombrerón, who had maintained a miserable life and even in its end it did not change to a better destiny and all this thanks to Juan.

The Sombrerón and  the story for children

Children are also protagonists of this legend and at present the relationship of the Sombrerón with children is used to scare children who have bad behavior.

The mothers tell the children the legend of the Sombrerón so that they know that they must behave well and that they should not walk in the street alone because anyone who owes their soul to the Sombrerón by wanting to undo the deal can kidnap them to give their soul to the anima, due to the great value it has to be a completely innocent soul.

Differences between the versions

In Colombia, Mexico and Guatemala there is talk of a character who is described as a tall man with black clothes and, of course, the characteristic huge hat for which he is given the name of El Sombrerón; In the history of Guatemala they describe him differently, as a very small man who was also called a goblin who wore boots that had golden spurs. In the legends that tell about this character, countries mention that he does not appear alone but was accompanied by two ferocious dogs.

If we compare the mission of each one of the ghosts related to their appearances, we realize that they are different since in the legend of the Guatemalan Hat, its mission is to make beautiful girls with long hair and big eyes fall in love, with whom it falls in love to the point of making that they stop eating just to think of him, leads them to death and when they die, he takes his soul. There is another legend that says that the spell can supposedly be broken by cutting the beautiful girl's hair, once they have short hair, the Hatter loses interest and frees the maiden from the spell since she does not meet the profile that he seeks. .

The legend of the Colombian Sombrerón has as its mission only to scare drunks, women of the easy life, early risers, womanizing men and those who are lost in the world of gambling, it appears on their roads and together with their dogs they scare away the victim and make them run threatening the victim that if he reaches him he will put his hat on him.

The Sombrerón de México does not have a profile of requirements to choose its victim, the fear it produces when appearing in front of a person paralyzes them, then offers them wealth and long life in exchange for the fact that when they pass away they give their soul to them. ; once they accept the deal after their torture, he leaves them on the same path where he got them and effectively changes their lives and gives them everything offered, the bizarre thing about this Sombrerón is that the deal can be canceled but in exchange for a high price: the soul of an innocent child.

Did you know?

The legend of the Sombrerón is just one of the numerous stories composed by the Nobel Prize winner Miguel Angel Asturias in the book Leyendas de Guatemala (1930), which was the main book distributed by the best essayist who created Guatemala. The shape of the Sombrerón de Asturias is totally different from the well-known legend known to Guatemalans, since it teaches how this incredible character came into being.

17 Easy Budget Tips to Save Money

17 Easy Budget Tips to Save Money

Are you often short on cash and do you not know how you can save more money? Then read the 17 easy budget tips below and make sure you don't have to worry about saving even more money.

1. Get a bottle of cleaning vinegar at home. Vinegar is good against limescale, foul odors and it also seems to help against athlete's foot.

2. Swap one or more scents with your friends. If you've been using one scent for some time, you'll want to use another scent. By exchanging a scent, you don't have to spend money on expensive scents and you smell nice and different. Nice swap deal, right?

3. Get your fruits and vegetables on the market. Market prices are significantly lower than supermarket prices.

4. Compare items you want to buy online. If you have seen an (expensive) product in the store, first look on the internet to see if you can buy it cheaper.

5. Set savings goals. In this way you provide some extra reserves and you can spend this money on unforeseen expenses or a nice holiday of course. Earlier we wrote how to set savings goals.

6. Cancel newspaper and magazine subscriptions. It is much cheaper (and even free) to check the news online.

7. Make sure you know what your fixed costs are. This way you have a good and clear overview of your finances. Via my free fixed costs Excel file you will find out in one go what your fixed costs are, all in a handy overview.

8. Take a snack with you when you go into the city , so that you can not be tempted by all kinds of tasty snacks.

9. Have a fleece blanket or blanket in the house. Take this in the evening when it gets a bit cooler and leave the heating off as long as possible.

10. Pick up mainly the house brands in a supermarket, both at the AH and at other supermarkets there are plenty of cheaper and tasty products to be found than those expensive A-brands.

11. Know your income and expenses. Enter your fixed expenses and income in our free Excel sheet and see how much money you can save or lack.

12. Do your shopping less often during the week and limit getting your groceries to 1 or 2 times a week. This ensures that you have fewer snacks and other tasty snacks at home. Another good budget tip: make a weekly menu to save a lot of money on groceries.

13. Buy your winter clothes a little later in the year. The later you buy your winter clothes, the greater the chance that that nice coat is on sale. This also applies to buying your summer clothes, the closer to summer you buy your summer clothes the cheaper it gets. Clothing is also cheaper to get by looking at discount codes.

14. Halve the meat and double the vegetables with the meal.

15. Drive 80 kilometers in fifth gear. By driving less fast on the highway, you save about 10 to 15% in fuel costs if you drive according to the new way of driving.

16. Do you still buy expensive detergent bottles? Then easily make your own detergent yourself and save many tens of euros per person per year.

17. Use a shower coach. This ensures that you, your partner and your children are not in the shower for too long. Earlier we wrote an article about how to make your children shower shorter.

8 Tips to Save Energy in the Summer

8 Tips to Save Energy in the Summer

When we think of saving energy, we mainly think of winter. But you can also save energy in the summer. These summer tips will help you with that.

Keep the house cool

It is best to keep the sun out of your home as much as possible. It may seem uninviting, but by leaving the sun protection (shades or curtains) down during the day, your house will heat up much less. Close your windows and doors during the day and only open them when it is cooler outside than inside.

Use nature or a fan, but no air conditioning

It is often cooler in the evening, at night and early in the morning, so feel free to open a number of windows or doors against each other.

Do you still need extra cooling at home? Then opt for a fan instead of air conditioning. The use of an air conditioner is considerably more expensive than a fan and that easily saves a few tens per year.

Dry your laundry outside

You may use a clothes dryer in the winter. But in the summer you can also use the natural drying sources: the wind and the sun. A rotary dryer in the garden or a clothes rack on the balcony is a free clothes dryer.

Spray the garden with rainwater

Every year we water our garden with hundreds of liters of drinking water. Of course, your garden needs water in the summer. How do you prevent a dried out garden, but do you water as budget-friendly as possible? Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater!

A rain barrel can save hundreds of liters of water every year. In the Netherlands, 1 out of 6 garden owners already collects garden water from the rain barrel (source: Milieu Centraal ). Is there a swimming pool in the garden for your (grand)children? Then you can also reuse that water to water the lawn.

Get rid of the (possible) extra fridge

Some families have an old refrigerator in the shed for ice cream, beer or frozen products. However, that second refrigerator is often an old creature and consumes a lot of energy unnecessarily. On average, a second refrigerator consumes tens of euros of electricity per year, but if the refrigerator is older and less efficient, that amount quickly increases.

Use solar garden lighting

Cozy in the garden in the evening, but not sitting in the dark? Use solar powered garden lighting. The lamps can soak up the sun all day, so you can sit in a lit garden in the evening. This also saves you having to extend power cables to the garden.

Turn your heating off or on summer mode

With the thermostat set to summer mode, you prevent the heating from starting at times when it is slightly cooler in the house, for example if you open the windows and doors in the morning or in the evening. A shame if the thermostat sees that as a signal to start heating – especially in the summer!

Turn off devices

Devices that are continuously on give off heat in the house. For example, think of laptops, lamps and (game) computers. Cooking also makes the house warmer, so opt for a fresh salad instead of a hot meal in hot weather.

Practical and Smart Saving Tips

Practical and Smart Saving Tips

Groceries, snacks, (online) shopping. Many small expenses can add up to save a lot of money, which you might be able to save if you think about it a little more. Do I really need this? Could this be cheaper? These tips help.

Keeping up is saving
How much did you spend on groceries in the past week? How much did you spend on small purchases here and there? And what were your expenses on clothes or shoes? Chances are you don't know this exactly.

Keeping track of your expenses is often the first step in saving. Unnoticed, we often spend more than we think. If you know where your is going, you can start budgeting and that gives you a grip on money.

Many online banking apps already sort your expenses into certain categories, such as groceries, clothing, and housing. But you can also write down your expenses in a cash book or notebook.

Savings tips for groceries
Shopping is a standard procedure. That's why we often don't think much about it, but groceries can be a major expense per month. You can save on this with some minor adjustments.

- Make a weekly schedule: determine what will be eaten per day and plan this for a few days or a week in advance. That saves time and save money. Get your weekly groceries at home once a week or at a fixed time. This way you don't have to go to the supermarket every day and you can't be tempted to buy extras.
- View the brochures (often also available online) of the supermarkets in your area. Determine the dishes for your weekly menu with products that are on sale at that moment.
- Offers can yield significant benefits. But that only applies to products that you also use in that quantity. So be careful not to stock up on too many (fresh) groceries, just because it is an offer. Products with a long shelf life such as coffee, detergents or care products (for example toothpaste or shampoo) always work.
- Make sure you have an easy meal, such as frozen pizza or leftovers, if you don't feel like cooking after a long (work) day. That is still cheaper than ordering food.
- Look at what you already have at home and often you arrive at a creative meal. Or regularly read a leftover day or plan a clean-up menu, where you empty your fridge, freezer and pantry and make a dish with it.
- Do not go shopping on an empty stomach. Trek makes you less resistant to temptations in the supermarket.
- Are the children coming? Agree in advance what you will and will not buy and what they may choose.
- In the supermarket, the more expensive brands are often at eye level. Just bending over or stretching can yield interesting savings.
- Do you still have a preference for a certain A-brand? Buy other products, which you care less about, or from the cheaper house brand.
- Water, tea and lemonade are cheaper than soft drinks and beer or wine.
- Prices on the market are in some cases lower. This can apply to foodstuffs, but also to personal care products, bicycle equipment or animal feed.
- Compare the prices. There are comparison or offer sites that can help you with this. Compare, for example, the price per kilo or per liter of certain products. Only then will you know whether one brand is more expensive than another.
- You also save by wasting as little as possible. Visit the Milieu Centraal website for more tips.

Shop and consume
- Small, recurring expenses can add up. Think of the daily coffee-to-go or the bag of liquorice at the gas station. The effect of the 'unnoticed leakage' of money is called the Latte factor.
- Think consciously about a purchase. Sleep on it. If you shop online, put the product in your shopping cart and see if you still want it the next day. And if you see something appealing that's beyond your budget, think about what needs to give way. Make choices: or and not and.
- Sharing is becoming more common. Think, for example, of sharing tools with neighbors or family, exchanging products (such as clothing exchange) or sharing systems for cars and books. There are several local exchange groups on social media. See also: alternatives to buying .
- Search social media for giveaway corners or local groups with free pick-up items. Also consider Marketplace.
- Wait for the sale or buy in the 'wrong' season: many party items are on sale after Christmas and camping equipment after the summer holidays. - Don't want to spend more than a certain amount? Set a budget in advance and keep it.
- Save the receipts: smart exchange is better than unused.
- Do not automatically opt for new or expensive: you may also be able to work with second-hand or a cheaper brand. Or visit the discount drugstore or thrift store.
- In addition to (e-)books, you can also borrow audio books, read magazines and more in the library. Young people up to the age of 18 are free members.
- To play sports? First, think about how much you will actually exercise. Unlimited sounds appealing, but if you're going low, a different plan may be cheaper. There are also countless (online) programs on YouTube and running or exercising outside costs nothing, except sports shoes.
- Do you have any coupons or gifts at home? If you've run into bargains throughout the year, you'll have some in store for birthdays or holidays.

7 Handy Saving Tips to Make It Easier to Save

7 Handy Saving Tips to Make It Easier to Save

Some are better at saving than others. Maybe you think this has to do with your character mainly? No, the opposite is true. Behavioral experts show that saving is mainly related to behaviour. And you can do something about that yourself. The good thing is, it's easier than you think. With a concrete goal, you also succeed in putting money aside. Here are 7 tips to make sure you meet your savings goals.

1. Save for a specific goal

Think of a specific goal to save for. Because that way you are much more motivated to keep saving. And especially if it's something to look forward to, such as a vacation or a new kitchen. The closer you get to your goal amount, the more fun it gets! These are common savings goals:

A vacation
Buying your first home
Major expenses, such as a car or a renovation
Study costs of your child(ren)
Extra repayments on your mortgage
Supplementary pension
Many people also save to have a buffer for unexpected larger expenses. That is not as concrete as the savings goals above, but just as important. How much you need as a buffer depends on your own situation. You can calculate it with Nibud 's Buffer Calculator.

2. Decide how much you save

Well, how much should you then save? It becomes much easier when you know what you are saving for. Because your savings goal determines approximately how much money you need. Furthermore, your income and expenses determine how much you can save each month and how quickly you reach your savings goal. So make sure you gain insight into what you spend per month.

Do you already have an overview of your expenses? If not, look back at least three months in internet banking. And calculate how much you spend on average on fixed costs and other expenses. This way you can see how much you can save.

You can go even further by figuring out which expenses you can cut. Read also how someone else approached this in our article Muriël Kneepkens saves on almost everything. You can also save a lot on small amounts. Just add up what you spend on coffee, a sandwich or other small expenses outside the home.

3. Choose a starting moment for saving

New Year's resolutions have the best chance of success when you start at a special moment. For example, at the start of a new year, on your birthday or at the start of a new academic year. It could also be a new week. Scientists call this the fresh start effect. Put your start time in your calendar. Or completely right: immediately set an amount that you will automatically save from your start date!

4. Save first, then spend

Most of us get paychecks at the end of the month. Transfer the savings amount immediately after you have received your salary or another form of income. With this you follow the advice of the world famous billionaire Warren Buffet: “Don't save what is left after spending; instead spend what is left after saving.” Loosely translated, it means that you first put your savings aside. And from the amount that is left, you spend it. Of course, that only works if you have correctly calculated how much you can save. Because you should have enough left over for expenses that are really needed. And to live a little pleasantly.

5. Make saving easy

Start saving automatically. Preferably do this every month just after you have received your salary. Automatic saving is one of the tips of the NIBUD to save unnoticed. Transfer a fixed amount to your savings account every month via direct debit. It's a job once, which you enjoy for a long time.

6. Make saving fun

If you make saving for yourself fun, then you better stick with it. This can be done in different ways, so choose one that suits you. For example, you can transfer the money you save on shopping thanks to discounts to your savings account. Or take a habit you want to get rid of. Agree a fine with yourself if you fall back into your (bad) habit. That fine goes to your savings account of course! It can also help to create a savings plan with friends at the same time. This can be for a common goal, but it doesn't have to be. You can even make it a competition: who will save much money as possible.

7. Extra income? Increase your savings amount

Are you getting extra income that you didn't count on? Do not spend that money, but put it away in your savings account. For example, a salary increase, your holiday pay , 13th month or if you receive money back from your energy company. Even if there are no expenses, you can transfer those amounts to your savings account.

10 Tips to Save Your First €100,000

10 Tips to Save Your First €100,000

Saving the first $100,000 is the hardest. Once you have that, mechanisms kick in so that save your money will grow rapidly. But how do you get that first huge amount together? Here are ten tips that have helped us tremendously. This article was written by Renée Lamboo on December 1, 2018. Renée Lamboo writes about her own money choices and those of others. She wrote a number of stories about money matters for Rabobank. Be inspired and take your next step towards a financially healthier life.

Reach the magic point with 10 saving tips
It's been a while since we reached that magical point.€100,000. I still remember it like it was yesterday. This sounds very dramatic, but it was quite something. For years we had had that goal in mind. €100,000 in our savings account. A ton. An amount that would change the rest of our lives and that I secretly thought would never be feasible. But when we started calculating, it turned out to be possible. Two incomes, not too high fixed costs. And above all, a lot of motivation to achieve that goal. The latter was the main reason it worked. We both wanted it to work and saw the impact it could have on our lives. We could use it for a house to buy and therefore never have fixed costs again. We never had to borrow money again when life was against us. We could use the investment and the proceeds to (partly) live on.

In the end, it took us about four years. From the moment we decided: this is what we're going for, to the point that it was really on our bill. Raising the first $100,000 is the hardest, they say. After that, the money will work for you, as they call it. Especially when you get a little return on it. That return is not so good on a savings account, but you can also invest with it, for example. Note to self: only if you don't need the money now and in the near future, of course. Not only do you generally achieve a better return, but by not withdrawing your income but investing it again, the yield suddenly starts to grow very fast. They call it the eighth wonder of the world. Return on return. Do you understand?

1. Get around the table and make a mood board

Yes, gentlemen among us, you heard it right. And no, that's not boring. A mood board. This is really step one on the way to that $100,000. In the middle of the paper you chalk that target amount with a thick marker, around it you write words and paste pictures that you associate with achieving this goal. Whatever it is. Visualize it. Go see it literally in front of you. And hang the result of your crafting in the house. In a place where you at least see it every day. Do this together, if you have a partner. Even if you think making a mood board is boring. I promise it will help you.

2. Stop finding money complicated

Many people find everything that has to do with money difficult and complicated. So they quit. Money is simply part of life. It's just a matter of addition and subtraction. Okay, and sometimes a little bit of sharing. It doesn't get much more difficult. Keep seeing it that way. If you want to save $100,000, you will have to spend less than you earn. Finished. It is not more difficult.

3. Save automatically

If I saved what was left at the end of the month, I would still have an empty savings account. Yes, also with me, that account is almost always empty at the end of the month. If you know what your costs are in a month, you also know approximately how much you can save. So as soon as your money is in, you put that money in a savings account. Save first, spend second. You can now automatically save, so that your bank automatically transfers it to your savings account on a certain date.

4. Take your time

More haste less speed. Jak, what a cliche, but it's true. Of course you would rather reach your goal today than tomorrow, but most people don't have €100,000 together overnight. Set realistic goals. We actually had no time frame in mind. We saved as much as we could and saw our net worth growing, which made us excited to move on. Saving is not a sprint, it is an endurance run. If you start too hard, you won't last.

5. Don't think of yourself as pathetic so easily

Cutting back on your expenses is part of saving. And that doesn't mean you have to sit by the fireplace next to a pack of cheap wine on Saturday evenings from now on in a thick sweater. It does mean that you forgo those senseless impulse purchases. You don't miss anything, because research has shown for years that they are not going to make you happier. Keep in mind that you are doing this for yourself. Not for anyone else, not under duress. You choose it yourself and it will ultimately bring you more happiness than those impulse purchases are doing now.

6. Dive into your finances

Yes, sorry, this one really fits. Make an overview of income and expenses. Don't spend more time on it than necessary, because most people find this annoying to do. It is necessary evil on the way to your first ability. And if you really go for it, I hardly dare say it, a cash book will also help you. Don't give up now. Such a notebook really gives you more insight. So you are more likely to reach your goal. On the Rabobank site you can get a free household book that works very well.

7. Start earning some extra money

I understand that not everyone has a big income. Really and truly. I do believe that anyone who is healthy in body and limb can try to earn something extra. Babysitting neighbours' children, an online trade, selling stuff on Marktplaats. I wrote a piece about passive income before . That is income in which you invest once with your time (and sometimes money) and which then continues to generate income. Be inspired by it.

8. Only your opinion counts

If you plan on saving $100,000, everyone will agree. My 5-year-old son always says: 'What you find, you have to bring to the police.' That seems like a good response, even among grown-ups. Let everyone enjoy it all. He who laughs last laughs best.

9. Change your money mindset

Many people have a negative feeling about money. discharge! What happened in the past has happened. You are now going to look ahead and your future could look very bright. See money as a means to achieve your goals. Something nice, positive, which offers possibilities. Allow yourself to have money and to save. It is not a punishment but a gift to yourself.

10. Success

Yes! You're now part of the 100k club (I just figured this out. We've never gotten together or anything). My last tip: stay grateful. Reaching this goal is not feasible for everyone, I am very aware of that. With a reasonable income, especially with two incomes, you will come a long way. But not everyone is in such a situation. So: if it works, realize that you are lucky. I am still grateful every day and also try to share with people who are less fortunate. A nice gift, a spontaneous contribution, donate some money to a Sinterklaas campaign for families with less to spend. Sometimes you don't necessarily get less from sharing, but more in a non-financial way.

189 Life Hacks to Save Money

189 Life Hacks to Save Money

How do you save money? Financer's 189 life hacks will help you find ways you might not have thought of. Save by buying more, enjoying and having more fun, getting healthier every day. Save smartly!

1. Always take food and drinks with you
Wherever it is allowed. It will always be cheaper than buying "locally".

2. Cook at home
Going to cafes and restaurants, ordering food at home is, of course, nice. But cooking at home is much more profitable. Any purchased food will cost you 50 - 100% more than cooked yourself.

3. Test products
Services like Buzzaar and the like send you a product to test. You need to try it, distribute it to your friends, and then post a photo report with a review. The parcels are quite weighty. According to the feedback from the participants, from testing tea/coffee, then you can not buy them at all for a month or even two.

4. Have a "no shopping day"
One of without our society, already confirmed by psychologists, is the habit of buying. Spend only one day a week with your family and don't shop at all. It's not as difficult as it sounds. But it will help to see how many joys are around.

5. Do kitchen gardening
Considering the prices for parsley and dill, you can save a lot by growing greens on your windowsill. At the same time, the air in the apartment will be fresher.

6. Look at the lower shelves of the stores
Or the topmost ones. In the middle (at the level of your eyes), according to the laws of sales, the most expensive things and products will be located.

7. Healthy lifestyle - the way to save
A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle are powerful savings in the long term, which will save you from the need to treat many diseases for many years to come.

8. Stop competing
People spend a lot of money just to be better than others. Consider if you have this bad habit. And if there is, try to get rid of it. In 90% of cases, this is just how extra money is spent. Instead of being distinguished by an expensive smartphone or car, it is better to save up for an apartment or house.

9. Drive to the store full
Hungry people buy 10 - 15% more than well-fed people. And this is logical. As the saying goes, "I would eat it with the eyes of an elephant." In addition, when we are hungry, it means that our glucose levels have dropped. And it is necessary, among other things, for the brain to function. Roughly speaking, we just begin to think worse about what we really need.

10. Get a reusable bottle
Think about how often you buy water in half-liter bottles to quench your thirst. If this happens more often 2 to 3 times a week, it makes sense to have a reusable bottle and take water from home.

11. Start saving for retirement
Given the unpredictability of our pension legislation, it is advisable to open a replenishment deposit as early as possible and make at least 2-3% of your income to it. This will not greatly affect the quality of life, but you will be surprised how much money can be raised in 5 - 10 - 15 years.

12. Unplug the plug
Even if the appliance is not turned on, if the plug remains in the socket, a small amount of electricity continues to flow. A decent amount accumulates in a year. Or rather - "indecent", considering that this is electricity, from which you do not have any benefit.

13. Don't keep money at home or on a card
The financial cushion is best set aside for replenishment and withdrawal. Yes, the percentages will be small, but still.

14. Count in liters and kilograms
Many manufacturers are disingenuous, offering a lower price, but also a lower volume / weight of the product. Always convert to cost per liter or kilogram. So you really know what is cheaper.

15. Buy clothes "out of season"
The choice will be more limited. But the prices are also much lower.

16. Choose the right food brands
Own products of network markets (Auchan, Pyaterochka, etc.) are much cheaper, and are often produced at the same factories as expensive branded products.

17. Postpone purchases
Did you spontaneously want to buy something? Wait a day or two. Do you still think that it is vital for you? Then buy. But 90% of the time, you will realize that it was only a momentary rush. Or maybe you will forget about the thing that seemed so desirable just two days ago.

18. Forget about bars
Bars and clubs are literally a vacuum cleaner for your money. You can have fun with friends at home or in the park. In a word, there are a lot of places where they will not pull half of your salary out of you.

19. Buy seasonal vegetables and fruits
They are cheaper than greenhouse ones.

20. Load the washer 100%
The washing machine will consume approximately the same amount of electricity and water in any case. Therefore, by erasing "in small portions" you only rob yourself.

21. Walk
If the road is less than 1.5 - 2 km, walk this path instead of driving or using public transport. Especially if we are not talking about buying something heavy or about the road to work (when, indeed, even 10 minutes of saving can be critical).

22. Be polite
Obvious but effective advice. Polite, smiling customers are much more likely to be reminded of available discounts and “suddenly” found necessary goods. They are more often found a place "outside the schedule" and generally go to meet them in every possible way.

23. Refuel at the right time
At least in the summer. Optimally late in the evening, at night or early in the morning. During the day, when it is hot, gasoline is saturated with vapors, which occupy up to 5% of the volume. As a result, you get 5% less fuel directly.

24. Semi-finished products are evil
Although cute cutlets may seem cheaper than meat, if you recalculate the cost per kilogram, you will understand that this is not at all the case. After all, this "minced meat" contains at least 50% of bread and eggs. A good slice of pork of the same satiety will cost much less.

25. Wholesale stores are your everything
See what foods you are consuming in really large quantities. Milk? Water? Juices? Diapers? If you buy immediately for a month, you may be able to order from wholesale stores. It's much cheaper. A small wholesale starts from a fairly small volume of purchases.

26. Drink water
The cheat on alcohol in restaurants reaches 5-10 times the size. Drink water, maximum - juices or soda (although they are well wound on them). Most importantly, avoid restaurant alcohol.

27. Buy products by weight in stores
Alas, the markets continue to either overweight or call the wrong price. And the apparent "savings" due to low prices immediately disappear. It is more profitable to buy vegetables, fruits and other products by weight in large markets, where the buyer himself weighs the purchased.

28. Don't fill the kettle
If you only need a cup of tea, pour one cup of water. And remove the limescale often. It reduces thermal conductivity, boiling takes longer, and more energy is spent.

29. Live pharmacist
Even if you ask for the most common iodine, with a high degree of probability you will be given something branded for 100 rubles or more. Feel free to clarify several times that you want the “simplest” thing. Better yet, take a look at the pharmacy website in advance, if there is one. The difference can be up to 10 - 15 times the size.

30. Cake size matters
Count on sweetness according to the formula - 200 grams per guest. Do not need anymore. According to statistics, only 70% of guests taste sweets anyway.

31. Wash in cold water
If there are no stubborn or greasy stains on your clothes, and you just need to freshen them up after wearing, there is no point in washing them in hot water. You will be able to save up to 90% on electrical costs for the washing machine.

32. Quit smoking
Yes, advice that has set everyone's teeth on edge. But really - getting rid of this addiction, you will not only improve your health, but you can also save 2,000 - 5,000 rubles a month on average. Or 20,000 - 50,000 per year.

33. Don't buy a lot of baby clothes
They grow very quickly and the wardrobe will still have to be constantly changed.

34. Leaving - don't pay
If you are leaving for more than a week and no one is left at home, you have the right to apply for a recalculation of utility bills. You will only need to confirm the fact of departure - for example, show tickets. The application is submitted to the management company.

35. Pay for parcels with stamps
When sending things and documents, we pay up to 20% VAT. And you don't have to pay VAT for stamps. Tell the post office that you want to pay with stamps. You will be paid in the program and given a check marked "without VAT". You don't have to glue stamps - it's just a form of payment. If the employee is not aware that this is possible and will refuse you, call the hotline 8 (800) 2005-888, and they will confirm your case.

36. Prioritize
The main thing in saving is to separate "need" from "want". The really necessary spending should be at the top of the list of expenses. But most often you can refuse whims. Meanwhile, the majority of people spend up to 30% of their money on just such a minute “want”. Before you buy something, ask yourself, "Do I really need this?"

37. Think about stocks
Sometimes you can find very good clothes there (including from well-known brands) and at very favorable prices. A decent second-hand can also be a good option.

38. Cook smartly
It is more profitable to reheat food in the microwave than on the stove. And to fry bread and other small "dishes" - in a toaster.

39. Create a grocery list
For example, hang a bulletin board in the hallway or kitchen. Make a table for cereals, meat, canned food, household consumables, etc. Write down with a pencil how much and what you have. Then, before going to the store, you will not need to dig up the cabinets. On the other hand, you will stop buying what you already have at home.

40. Get involved in financial education
Subscribe to news from large banks (for example, Tinkoff), at least start occasionally reading financial analytics. In the modern world, it is vitally important to understand what is happening in the world and in the country in order to be ready for any changes. Most importantly, you need to know how to obtain legitimate financial benefits.

41. Use taps with an aerator
This is a mesh at the end of the tap. It not only retains sand and other impurities, but also contributes to the "dilution" of water with air. As a result, the pressure does not decrease, and the flow rate is reduced by almost 2 times.

42. Clean the vacuum cleaner after every cleaning
So the degree of suction will be maximum, it will not be necessary to brush the brush over the same place several times, and the faster the cleaning, the less energy loss.

43. Don't have a zoo at home
Pets warm the soul. And yet there should be a reasonable number of them. Three cats, a dog, two hamsters and fish will seriously undermine your budget.

44. Check out the Fix-price
Despite the fame of the "cheap store", you can really find good things there - especially consumables (notepads, pens, etc.). And very cheap. Just be careful. Do not buy some little thing that is not worth the offered price - this is where it happens.

45. Check the expiration date of products in the store
Then you do not have to throw away the products, and with them - and money down the drain.

46. Make lists
A shopping trip with a pre-made list can save you up to 30% of your regular costs. After all, it is confusion and the lack of a clear understanding of what to buy that does not allow us to pass by "here is another share 2 at the price of 1".

47. Defrost the refrigerator regularly
The abundance of ice increases the cost of electricity.

48. Do not throw away non-working equipment
List it for sale on Avito. Repairers often buy non-working units for spare parts.

49. Don't just go shopping
Shopping walks is the easiest way to spend your excess. Something always catches your eye.

50. Check checks
The "human factor" plays a role everywhere. And not because the cashier or the receptionist really wanted to cheat you. Mistakes just happen. And technology as well. But these mistakes can result in significant expenses on your part.

51. Fix your clothes, don't throw them away
This does not mean that trousers or shirts need to be sewn up to holes. But a broken zipper, flying buttons and a slightly parted seam are easy enough to "fix". And this is much more profitable than buying new things. If you don't know how to do it yourself, find an inexpensive atelier nearby. It will still be cheaper.

52. Subscribe to communities like "For Free"
You can often find quality items there that you won't have to pay for. There are also similar communities "all for 1000". You can even stumble upon decent furniture or appliances.

53. Subscribe to communities like "For Free"
You can often find quality items there that you won't have to pay for. There are also similar communities "all for 1000". You can even stumble upon decent furniture or appliances.

54. Write down all your expenses
And those included in the planned budget. And even more so, those that happened spontaneously, unexpectedly. Often, at the end of the month, we cannot figure out where to make such a breakthrough of money precisely because several thousand or even tens of thousands of rubles were spent on unexpected spending.

55. Install apps with discounts
"Foodil" and other similar applications will allow you to find out in time about where you can get discounts in stores. This will greatly reduce spending.

56. Learn a language through barter
Now there are a lot of services that allow you to communicate with foreigners. Find a native speaker of the language you're interested in who wants to learn Russian and engage in barter.

57. Make big purchases
Buying food for 2-3-4 weeks will save a significant amount, and at the same time carve out more time.

58. Have picnics
Buy vegetables, fruits and have a picnic by the sea. It will be even better than lunch at any restaurant, and much cheaper.

59. Cleanliness is the key to savings
Teach children to be hygienic. How much it wil.

60. Turn off the stove earlier
Electric stoves keep warm for a long time. So it is more economical to turn off the stove not after the dish is ready, but 5 minutes before. And it will not burn, and you will save energy.

61. Feel free to ask for discounts
Maybe in the clinic where you applied, there is some kind of action going on now. Or at the store. Or even in a restaurant. The employees themselves will be happy to tell you about special offers, bonuses and discounts.

62. Copper and ceramics versus steel and cast iron
Steel and cast iron pots and pans take much longer to heat up.

63. Understand tax deductions
You can get back some of the money that your employer deducts from your salary in tax (or that you pay for yourself as an entrepreneur). There are deductions for purchased medicines, for paid education, for real estate - and all registration online takes half an hour. Moreover, just for medicines, you can get more than 15 thousand a year.

64. Use energy efficient light bulbs
There is still a lot of controversy around them, but you can't argue with the facts. The use of energy-efficient lighting sources can save up to 3,000 rubles per year. And if you do not have a one-room apartment, and in the dark, most of the family is at home - even more.

65. Buy books from second-hand book sites
On Alib and similar services, you can even find new publications for literally a penny. The condition of the book is indicated by the seller - up to excellent and new. For comparison, last year they exhibited a 6-volume Hugo book in good condition (only yellowed pages) for 300 rubles.

66. Drive right
Rapid acceleration, frequent braking, constant increase / decrease in speed and driving at speeds above 2500 rpm increase fuel consumption by an average of 25%. Try to overtake less and keep at a speed of 70 - 90 km / h. It is this mode in most cars that is designed for minimum fuel consumption.

67. Start keeping a home budget
Calculate your budget and try to stick to your plan. Our tips will help you.

68. Don't try to skimp on cheap clothes
This does not mean that you have to go to Prada and Armani. But simply high-quality, albeit more expensive, things last longer and, ultimately, much more profitable.

69. Don't go shopping after work
A tired person is less attentive and often agrees to a purchase, just to buy something and not “travel in vain”. Even if this "something" he does not need at all.

70. The best fun for kids - free
Of course, children need toys, entertainment and educational activities, but do not succumb to the modern mass hysteria “give everything to the child”. Don't spend too much on entertainment. This is harmful not only from a budgeting standpoint. Children, who are only taken to various entertainment events, grow up less independent, because they simply do not know how to occupy themselves.

71. Rent
If something is needed for a short time, there is no point in throwing money on it. A hammer drill, which is needed every five years, a lawn mower or similar things can be rented.

72. Change your shower
Have you changed your shower for a long time? Do it now. Modern models with extended spacing are much more economical, and the flushing efficiency is just as good. Savings - up to 1.5 liters per minute.

73. Prepare documents in advance
Maybe now you don't need a driver's license or a foreign passport. But it is better to draw up all the available documents at once, so that later you do not run into increased duties or changed rules. For example, 8 years ago, it was possible to get a license simply by passing an exam. Now you definitely need to study at a driving school and pay money for it.

74. Dress for one time
If you only plan to wear a dress or suit once (for a wedding, party, etc.), find a salon that is ready to take back evening wear for half the price within a few days. It will already be much cheaper.

75. You don't have to have fun for money
There are even more free options in the entertainment industry. Go to the same "Afisha" and choose. Concerts, exhibitions, master classes - you can find whatever your heart desires and not pay a dime for it.

76. Understand the composition of cosmetics
Visit a beautician once not to "make a marafet", but to get detailed advice. Read the articles of experts on the Internet and find out which "ingredients" are really needed, and which are just an advertising lure. First, this is how you finally start buying cosmetics that work. Second, find out that there are many inexpensive but effective analogues.

77. Create a separate travel account
You can save money there for vacation every month. And at the same time, when you rest, there will be less temptation to spend too much.

78. Explore government programs
Everyone knows about maternity capital. But this is far from the only existing federal program. Find out what subsidies and aids you are entitled to on preferential terms.

79. Choose banks with insurance
If you are going to open a deposit, make sure that the bank participates in the insurance program. So the amount of up to 1.4 million is guaranteed to be safe in any situation.

80. Choose the right technique
When choosing a refrigerator, microwave oven, stove, look not only at the functionality, but also at the level of energy consumption. Opt for more energy efficient technology.

81. Feel free to ask your doctor / pharmacist about analogues
Sometimes you can find medicines with the same composition, but 50% or even 80% cheaper than a medicine from a promoted brand. The main thing is not to select them yourself - without a specialized medical education, you can make a serious mistake.

82. Don't keep eggs in the same basket
The old rule is usually the world, but still working. Never invest in one thing. If you have an opportunity to make savings or at least open a deposit, select several banks. Or even several types of assets. Just be sure to study them beforehand.

83. Travel on weekdays
Weekend tickets tend to be more expensive, both by plane and by train. And it's more difficult to get them.

84. Collect store maps
Do you often shop somewhere? Is there a store offering a discount card for the opening? Collect everything. These are not as useless "pieces of cardboard and plastic" as you might think. On loyalty cards and similar bonus programs, you can really save up to 50% of your spending.

85. Try to shop without kids
Even if your child is well brought up, it is unlikely that he will never ask for anything and you are unlikely to refuse him all the time. And children's "want" severely increase annual spending.

86. Order from online stores
So you will save time, and you will be much less distracted by promotions, and you will be able to think about what you can really buy with a special offer right now, and what you don't really need.

87. Use public transport
Unless, of course, you are in Tokyo, where, they say, it is absolutely impossible to understand all the intricacies the first time. In other cases, public transport is much cheaper than a taxi.

88. Supply counters
Remember that otherwise water consumption is simply calculated based on the norms. It may be a profitable option if you splash under running water for many hours every day. But in 90% of cases, it is more profitable to pay by the meter.

89. Place the refrigerator further from the stove
Unbelievable, but true - this way it consumes less energy, because it does not have to cool down additionally.

90. Clean your phone from subscriptions
Once every 1-2 months, check if you have accidentally connected any paid subscription. This can actually happen almost unnoticed by you. And money from the account will fly away decently.

91. Talk to doctors about money
If you are currently in financial trouble, do not hesitate to tell your doctor. In 99% of cases, you can find some more inexpensive analogue of treatment, or at least measures that will allow your health to not worsen. This is much better than keeping silent and simply not following the doctor's instructions, starting the disease more and more.

92. Have you been renting for a long time? Haggle
If you have been renting the same apartment or house for a long time and always pay your rent on time, maybe you should carefully talk to the tenant about a discount or more favorable terms? For example, that you will pay less if you immediately deposit money several months in advance.

93. Shop with friends
If you do not have such a consumption of products and things to buy in bulk, agree with your friends and shop together.

94. Get an advisor for meaningful purchases
Someone who really understands these products. Alas, sales consultants have their own goals, and they are not always interested in selling you something of high quality and cheap.

95. Use a card with cashback
Get a credit card , and then part of the money spent will be returned with cashback. There are offers with a refund of up to 20%. And in order not to have to pay interest, it is enough to pay off the debt before the expiration of the interest-free period (up to 55-100 days).

96. Replace the mixer with a lever mixer
It allows you to quickly adjust the water temperature. For a year, the savings turn out to be decent.

97. Change
Thanks to Ya.Menya and similar services, it will be possible to exchange unnecessary things for the necessary ones. It is more profitable than throwing it away and then spending money on purchases, and much easier than selling and then buying again.

98. Minimize the number of active processes on the computer
The lower the load, the less energy it will consume.

99. Don't forget about the maintenance of the equipment
Regular replacement of filters in the washing machine, maintenance of the air conditioner will prolong the life of your household appliances for a long time and will save you a lot of money on repairs and the need to buy something new.

100. Do not open deposits more than 1.4 million
This is the maximum amount that is covered by insurance. In addition, from a certain amount, the rate begins to fall and the deposit becomes not so profitable.

101. Swap batteries for rechargeable batteries
If you have a lot of things at home that run on batteries, it is cheaper to buy good batteries once than to constantly spend even seemingly “pennies”.

102. Reduce the number of extension cords
Because of the greater "number" of points of resistance, they lead to greater energy consumption.

103. Eliminate "heat leak"
Even if you changed your double-glazed windows not so long ago, check if there is any blowing somewhere from a window or from the walls. The fewer such leaks, the less often the heater will have to be turned on.

104. Take part in the drawing of prizes, services and workshops
Do you like to sit in social networks? Sit profitably. Many specialists and shops offer goods, services or master classes for free, playing them for repost. The chance is small. And still.

105. The nearest Zambia is a way out
Dzerzhinsky and similar cities located immediately behind the Moscow Ring Road do not differ in infrastructure and provision from the sleeping areas of Moscow. And real estate here is much cheaper, and utility bills are much lower. It's not even worth talking about the benefits of fresher air and fewer people.

106. Get medical insurance
Especially if you have a large family. Voluntary health insurance will significantly save on paid medical services. The main thing is to choose carefully and read the reviews.

107. Application "Thank you" and analogues
Install apps to accumulate points when you purchase from specific stores. This is another type of cashback - and quite profitable.

108. Check your payments
The invoices sent by no means always correspond to the truth. Check if you have counted too much. The difference between real and "written" debt can reach several thousand, and sometimes even tens of thousands.

109. Create a personal account at the Federal Tax Service and at the State Services
So you can always check online for debts, fines, etc. In addition, payments made through these systems will be much easier to confirm in the event of any overlaps.

110. Change money wisely
If you need cash, never change it at the airport. There will always be a disadvantageous course. But there is one more life hack - compare the rate in your bank and in exchange offices. It may be cheaper to simply pay by card wherever there is such an opportunity.

111. Buy pet food online
Online pet stores usually have a good discount program and you can immediately choose something in the "sales" section.

112. Shelter instead of buying
If you are not going to go to exhibitions and do not have a great love for a particular breed, it is much more profitable to take an animal from a reliable shelter than to buy it. Moreover, pedigree inhabitants are often found in shelters.

113. Book rooms on hotel websites
This is usually cheaper than booking a room through a travel agency. Sites like Financer will also be useful, but in a tourism direction. Compare hotels with different conditions and choose the best one.

114. Don't forget about vaccinations
Both for yourself and for your pets. Remember, health is the best way to save money on medications and doctors.

115. Do not call. Chat on the Internet
Especially if you are at home or at work - in a word, where there is unlimited Internet or connected to a mobile tariff that you still do not have time to spend. Calls via Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram and other messengers in this case will be much cheaper.

116. Take Nursing Courses
A lot of the procedures that you have to pay for in the hospital can be performed independently at home. Courses for junior nurses will cost around 8-10 thousand (as of 2018). But they will allow you in the future to save several dozen, or even hundreds, on the setting of injections, droppers and other procedures.

117. Repair the car
Timely maintenance and minor repairs will save you money in the long run. Less often, complex and expensive repair work will be needed. And, of course, the car will fail much later.

118. Take care of raising your pet
Moreover, it is advisable to do it yourself (if we are not talking about complex large breeds of dogs). The better your pet is brought up, the less problems and expenses will be caused by damaged furniture, damaged things, etc.

119. Scratching post for a penny
An excellent scratching post will turn out if you wind a jute cord on a wooden block or a plastic post. And then just change it as it gets worn out.

120. Minimize the number of devices
It's easier to get one big smartphone for both reading and making calls than buying a small phone and tablet separately. And if, for example, you need a laptop only for text work, a tablet with a keyboard is more profitable.

121. Buy flights from your computer
Some companies automatically increase the price when buying from a smartphone. Sometimes the difference reaches 1.5 thousand rubles.

122. Sell unnecessary books
Many people still get books from moms, dads, grandparents. Some kind of "history of the revolution" or other publications that you are guaranteed never to read are more profitable to sell. And the place will be free. Just be careful - you may come across a rare edition, for which you can get quite decent money.

123. Exercise isn't just for humans
Frequent walks and active activities with your pet will help him stay in shape - and this is a guarantee of health and the prevention of many diseases.

124. Order from one account
Many online stores have individual loyalty bonuses, cumulative discounts, etc. Create one account for the whole family so that everyone can order profitably.

125. Look for fellow travelers
Services like Blah Blah Car are a great way to save money on travel. And if you are on good terms with a colleague and live close to each other, it may be more profitable for you to give each other a ride in turn than to constantly "drive two cars."

126. Coupons & Gift Cards
Use coupon services to save money. Just remember to check reviews so you don't get a coupon for a poor service.

127. Remember safety
The seat belt was not invented by cowards. Be sure to follow the safety rules in the car. Most often, insurance refusals occur precisely because the driver himself did not follow the rules.

128. Unload the car
An increase in car weight by only 100 kg is already an increase in fuel consumption by 15% - 20%.

129. Get regular medical check-ups
Any health problem (especially heart problems) is easier and cheaper to cure in the beginning. Plus, the better your health, the better and more productive you work.

130. Create a "health fund"
Set aside at least 3-5% of your income for a "medical fund" - this will be emergency supplies in case of a health emergency. It is cheaper than borrowing money immediately if someone is sick. And it is certainly cheaper than not being treated at all, and then paying for services for the treatment of any "side effects".

131. Get "luggage clothes"
A capacious vest will allow you to stuff most of all in your pockets, turning it into carry-on luggage and reducing the risk of overpaying for the weight of your luggage.

132. Sometimes a hostel is more convenient
If you're not going to spend a lot of time in your room, it might be worth considering a hostel instead of a hotel. It is much cheaper, even if you choose the comfortable option with a separate bath and toilet. And even cheaper if you are traveling with a company.

133. Learn to give your pet injections
Injecting is a rather expensive "pleasure." Especially if your pet needs a course of treatment. Meanwhile, it is quite simple to put the injection yourself. Ask your veterinarian to teach you.

134. Consider a “connecting flight”
This option may be cheaper than a point A to B flight.

135. Follow the promotions in pharmacies
Some pharmacy chains organize promotions for certain drugs or "bulk" discounts on certain days.

136. Warm the engine with a blanket A lot of fuel is spent on warming up the car in winter. Instead of throwing out your old blanket, start covering the engine with it before parking overnight. It will not allow the engine to freeze so much that it will take a long time to warm up in the morning. It will be possible to start in 30 - 40 seconds. 137. All inclusive can be more beneficial
Especially if you are visiting the country for the first time and are not yet very pricing-savvy. Moreover, the greater the number of travelers, the more, most likely, it will be possible to save. In addition, you do not have to constantly think about the remaining money and worry that it will not be enough until the end of the vacation.

138. DIY pet toys
Toys at pet stores just seem cheap. But they actually cost a ridiculous amount of money, given that any pet can figure out a toy from household unnecessary little things.

139. Don't miss out on free opportunities
We're not talking about cheap advertising "go through a full scan and find out that you are terminally ill", but about official promotions. Large medical and even government centers sometimes offer similar promotions as part of some federal or image programs.

140. Buy a router yourself
It is always cheaper than settling for a model that comes "from the provider". True, only if you are able to customize it yourself. Otherwise, the cost of a specialist can kill all the savings.

141. Dishwasher - for rest
Of course, not in everything. But it is more profitable to wash large pans and pans by hand. The dishwasher will use a lot more water on them.

142. Refinance your mortgage
Interest rates change every year. Study the offers on the market - it may be more profitable for you to transfer the mortgage to another bank or simply conclude a refinancing agreement . Why pay more when you can not pay?

143. Install a two-tariff electricity meter
This will allow you to switch to cheaper night or weekend rates. Washing, ironing and washing dishes in the dishwasher can be postponed overnight. Or until the weekend.

144. A good travel agent is a separate savings
A good specialist will always find ways to save money, and most importantly, to avoid spending unknowingly. The main thing is to competently approach the choice of a travel agency.

145. Get a credit card with "miles"
If you often travel by plane, a credit card with bonus "miles" for each purchase will help you seriously save on ticket purchases.

146. Plan two vacations
Always have a plan B for your vacation. Instead of visiting one country, plan two and compare. You can do the same with the entertainment options already in the "place of residence."

147. Car repair = fuel savings
According to statistics, 30% of cars have excessive fuel consumption. A third of the deviations from the norm are due to interruptions in the power system itself, 28% to the engine, another 26% to the ignition system and about 16% to the transmission.

148. Take tests directly to the laboratory
For example, "Invitra" calmly accepts tests directly. And it costs seriously cheaper than taking it through the clinic (which will increase the price from above for the driver to take the tests to exactly the same "Invitra").

149. Compare providers
Perhaps your home is already connected to another, more profitable provider. Check it. Just be sure to read the reviews before switching to another company. In order not to lose the quality of the connection.

150. Compare different airports
Sometimes tickets to the same country at different airports under the same flight conditions can differ quite well in price.

151. Don't carry cash
If you are going abroad, it is better to take very little cash with you. Firstly, each country has its own laws in terms of the import of cash. Secondly, your bank cards will be of much less interest to thieves than “live bills”.

152. Do not withdraw money from "other people's" ATMs
In almost all ATMs, cashing a card of another bank is accompanied by a commission. It would seem that it is not large (50-100 rubles), but a decent amount can run up in a year. In addition, if you have a card linked to an individual entrepreneur or LLC account, the commission can grow up to 300 - 500 rubles.

153. Sign up for alerts
Are there stores where you buy something on a regular basis? Be sure to subscribe to their e-mail newsletter to keep abreast of special offers, promotions and other sales.

154. Travel "out of season"
During the season, tickets, hotels, and local entertainment become more expensive. Even a week before or a week after you have every chance of seeing the same good weather, and everything will cost much less. Also try to avoid traveling on major holidays (New Year, May 1-3 or 9 in Russia).

155. Tradition doesn't have to be expensive
A family tradition to gather in a restaurant or go on vacation is wonderful. But forfeits at home or parties together can be just as fun. But much more inexpensive. Show your imagination - so the holidays will become more fun, and the wallet will be fuller.

156. Make a vacation plan
Make a rough vacation plan and allocate the funds that you plan to spend. Don't forget to set aside some of it in case of emergency.

157. Include travel in your insurance
Insurance from airlines and travel agencies is good. But we all know how difficult it can be to actually get the promised services. In addition, insurance for travelers, issued by yourself in an insurance company, will be cheaper and will allow you to independently choose what you really want to insure yourself against. And air tickets and tours can be bought cheaper.

158. Choose profitable routes
There are notoriously inexpensive vacation destinations. For example, Turkey, Greece. If you really want to go to the sea, but not enough for Italy, maybe you should choose one of these options?

159. Put on your helmet
When driving a motorcycle, remember that it is cheaper to prevent injury than to treat it. Even insurance. A helmet and a "turtle" are not a luxury, but a necessity.

160. See your vet regularly
A regular check-up of your pet's health will allow you to detect the disease in the early stages, when it is easier and cheaper to cure it.

161. Explore Subscription Options
Contrary to popular myth, subscribing can also be useful - for example, to buy e-books or watch high-quality movies. Most importantly, do not forget to turn off the subscription for those periods when you do not need it.

162. Choose the right insurance
Be sure to find out all the conditions for insured events. It is better to overwhelm the consultant with questions than to find out later that repairs for half a million will not cover you.

163. Conduct an energy audit
At least once every six months, analyze what the electricity is spent on and think about how you can reduce these expenses. Especially if new appliances that consume energy have appeared in the house during this period.

164. Ask a friend for a discount
Going to buy something from a store you haven't encountered yet? Ask your friends - maybe someone already has a discount in this store.

165. Go to events with friends
Many paid events offer discounts for group visits - at times quite serious.

166. Change consumables regularly
Regular replacement of filters, gaskets in the plumbing system, plastic pipes and other consumables will help avoid accidents, and at the same time reduce the frequency of replacing a more expensive piece of equipment (for example, a tap).

167. Review mobile rates regularly
Mobile communications are rapidly falling in price. At least once a year, it makes sense to look at the tariffs of your provider - there is every chance that you can already pay a lot cheaper for the package of services you need.

168. Save money on pet care
Make a deal with a friend or neighbor. He might even like it. And in return, offer a trip to a restaurant or some other "pleasantness".

169. Find "your" clinic
Permanent treatment in one clinic, firstly, will make the treatment itself more effective. Because the doctor will already thoroughly know your characteristics, and specialists of different profiles will always be able to consult with each other. In addition, all analyzes and research results will be "at hand" of the specialist, and you do not have to re-pass them more often than necessary.

170. Learn to care for your pet
Trimming your nails and cleaning your ears is not that difficult. You can watch YouTube videos if you are afraid of doing something wrong, or even ask your veterinarian to show you how to do it. This is much more profitable than taking your pet to the veterinary clinic for procedures all the time.

171. Talk to the locals before you travel
Before sending on a trip, go to the forum of the point where you are going and find out the approximate prices - for housing, food, and other goods. So sellers won't be able to deceive you just because you are a tourist.

172. Buy quality food for your pet
Not more expensive, but better quality. First, it will save on treatment costs. Second, quality food is often more expensive. But it contains more nutrients, and not "dummies", so its consumption is much less - your pet will simply fill up faster.

173. Keep an eye on your tickets
Plane or train tickets can still be returned with a 100% refund. If you bought them in advance, do not forget to look for better opportunities during this time. It may be possible to return tickets and buy a cheaper option.

174. Download travel apps
Now there are a lot of applications that will help you save money - from the selection of tickets and hotels to free guides in various countries.

175. And hotels have discounts
If you are sure that no emergency will happen and you will definitely stay at the planned hotel, book a room without a refund for canceling your booking. This option is significantly cheaper.

176. Don't feed your pets homemade food
Firstly, in the end it can come out significantly more expensive than special feed. But more importantly, 90% of human food is extremely poorly absorbed by animals due to flavors, colors and other additives. As a result, treatment is much more expensive than feed would have cost.

177. Compare plane and train
Train travel is not always cheaper. Be sure to compare all the possibilities. It is possible that the plane will be not only faster, but also more profitable.

178. Save money on babysitting
Do your neighbors have a child too? You can take turns with the children or at least hire one nanny for two apartments.

179. Explore Discounted Entertainment
Even paid movie shows or museum exhibitions have special offers - for example, discounts for students. See how you can benefit from your "status".

180. Do not administer human medications to animals.
First, it is often more expensive, if only because human medications have a higher dosage. In addition, self-administration of medicines intended for people can have dire consequences - from severe poisoning to death. Use human medications (and in principle medications) only as directed by your veterinarian. Even if you have something at home that you think can replace pet medication, it is better to spend on a prescription than spend much more on additional pet medication.

181. Brushing your pet's teeth is not superfluous
Dental prophylaxis for your pet will prevent expensive treatment and problems not only with teeth, but also with digestion.

182. Check your UK
In addition to the "personal desire" of the management company to set its own prices for utilities, there are quite legal regulations governing this process. Learn your rights and check your bills regularly to avoid arbitrariness and pay more than you could.

183. Compare prices at veterinary clinics
Of course, there are emergencies when help is needed urgently. And then any adequate nearest veterinary medicine will do. But perhaps a more distant, but more inexpensive option is suitable for episodic prevention.

184. Take your photographer with you
If you are looking for photos from an event, try to find a separate, inexpensive specialist. Prices for photo and video filming in registry offices and other establishments are usually very high.

185. Save space
Set up a dormitory for children. If you live alone in a rented apartment, it may be more profitable to rent an apartment with your “neighbor”.

186. Hire a local guide
If you are familiar with the language of the country you are flying to, hire a local guide. If you don't know well, look for ads from compatriots. Many, moving to another country, offer the services of guides and translators. This is often cheaper than booking a tour. In addition, the "locals" know much better where you can eat inexpensively and very tasty food or have fun for reasonable money.

187. Choose the right gasoline
Diesel cars are usually more expensive (both on their own and to repair), but if you drive more than 50,000 km in a year, this is a sensible choice. On average, overpayments will pay off in 5 years.

188. Refinance a car loan
Look for better car loan rates . Why pay more than you could for several years?

189. Ask your veterinarian for advice
Surely he knows how to save money on the maintenance of your pet without risking his health.

35 Ways to Teach You How to Save Money

35 Ways to Teach You How to Save Money

Saving, rational consumption and financial planning are part of a comfortable position and confidence in the future. You can learn to save money quickly, but it is better to change the approach to your expenses gradually.

How to learn to save money

1. Take control of your income and expenses

To do this, plan your weekly or monthly budget and regularly check how well you are following it. Divide it into mandatory and optional costs. Try to shorten the latter. Do it manually on paper, computer, or mobile apps. Online home bookkeeping will optimize personal finances and show problems.

Calculate how much you earn in a month. This should include any of your income: salary, bonuses, cash gifts, part-time work. This will give you an understanding of how much you have at your disposal.

2. Save some money

To make saving easier, use strategies that are clear and workable, such as the five-envelope technique . Another option is pay yourself first, where you regularly save 10% on any income.

This will gradually build up a "safety cushion". It will help to cope with unforeseen expenses: breakdown of equipment, medical needs and other difficult life situations.

Identify and prepare in advance for irregular expenses (insurance, taxes, or changing tires on the car).

3. Set a goal

It is difficult to save without a specific dream: you succumb to momentary desires. When there is a goal and terms (for a trip in six months or for a car in a year), it is psychologically easier to save money. You know why you give up some things.

4. Open a bank deposit

Do not put money under the mattress, inflation will "eat" it there. Finance should work. There are many ways to do this, but the safest is to open a deposit in a bank. To choose the best conditions, check out the service.

How to save money with a small salary

5. Don't go shopping on payday

When you receive your salary, there is a risk of spending it right away to reward yourself. However, you have to spend only after the money has been allocated.

Set aside 10% of your income (if that's a lot, then at least 5% or even 1%). Pay your mandatory monthly expenses (utilities, phone bills, internet, groceries), and then try to spend on useful things that will last you a long time. Give up everything that is cheap and disposable.

6. Close credit cards

High interest rates on debt prevent you from saving, and you will be tempted to spend more than you earned. Find out how much you owe the bank each month and budget so that paying off the debt is a priority. When you close the loan, send even more money to the "piggy bank".

7. Give up bad habits

The regular purchase of alcohol and cigarettes wastes not only health, but also the budget. Go to bars less often. Relax actively, spend time in parks and sports grounds.

8. Trust sales less

All kinds of "Black Fridays" and "Cyber Mondays" are more often marketing gimmicks than real benefits. In addition, people are led by daily offers in the spirit of "1 + 1" and take unnecessary goods out of greed.

Don't buy everything and ignore the advertising hype. Take what you really need.

9. Plan big purchases

This will help you to ask the price of the product (find out its price in different stores) and accumulate the required amount on time. Set a purchase date and determine how much you should save per month.

The same approach can be applied to gifts for the New Year to loved ones or to prepare a child for September 1st. If there are 6 months left before the New Year, and you plan to spend 10,000 rubles on gifts for your family, it will be easier to save 1,500 a month than to pay the entire amount at once on the eve of the holiday.

10. Skip fast food and business lunches in a cafe

Instead, look for canteens near work - it's cheaper and healthier. To make it easier to search, look at Yandex.Map. A more budget-friendly option is to cook at home and carry it with you.

11. Issue transport passes

If you buy a ticket for the metro or train every time, it will be much more expensive per month. Just compare the price of a season ticket and a one-time trip in your city.

How to save money by spending money

12. Use cashback

Cashback is a return of a percentage (usually from 1 to 10%) of the money spent on purchases. It can be obtained through cash-back services, for example, Letyshops or the banking application that you use. Therefore, before buying any product or going to a restaurant, check if there is any cashback on it.

13. Go to coupon sites

Coupon sites were popular in Russia in the early 2000s. But over time, the "big three" of the largest and most reliable were established.

14. Track cheap flights

In the high season, catch "last minute" tickets for charter flights. They are cheaper because travel agencies could not completely sell them.

How to save money on food

15. Don't go shopping hungry

On an empty stomach, any food seems more attractive, so the basket will be filled with unnecessary items.

16. Arrange scheduled trips to the supermarket

Before this, make up an approximate menu for the week and a list of products. This will make it easier to follow the plan and not deviate from the budget.

17. Download discounted apps

Many mobile services help monitor promotions in grocery stores. Popular applications - "Edadil", "Promotions of all stores in Russia".

18. Find out the addresses of wholesale stores

For example, METRO Cash and Carry. Go there for the goods you can't do without in the kitchen (cereals, flour, sugar). For meat, vegetables, fruits, go to the market - there you can bargain and bring down the price.

19. Buy groceries online

In order not to go to several points comparing the prices of products, use the online stores of these retail chains. It's easier to find out about promotions there.

20. Buy analogues

Famous brands make you pay more. Products that the store makes itself will be cheaper (Red Price at Pyaterochka, D at Dixie, 365 days at Lenta).

How to save on clothes

21. Plan your wardrobe correctly

When you go to the mall for clothes, write a list too. It will help you not to be distracted by cute sneakers if you only need jeans and a T-shirt. Basic things must be of high quality and durable. Check clothes for defects, look at seams and pills.

Try it on, even if you are sure that the size is yours. If you are thinking of taking or not taking, do not buy.

Consider your lifestyle: when you work in a bank, you can't do without a pair of business shirts, and one sports kit is enough for fitness.

22. Dress in stocks, thrift stores and thrift stores

Fashion is cyclical, so do not shy away from second-hand, there are really interesting things there. There are also swaps, freemarkets and dress crossings where you can exchange clothes for free. Bring your own, and take what you like.

23. Register on store sites and subscribe to their news

Brands and online clothing sites often give promotional codes for the first purchase (for example, Befree, Lamoda, Wildberries). This way you can save 5-15%, which is especially beneficial when you buy an expensive item (winter jacket, suit, shoes). Subscribe to our newsletter to keep abreast of sales or promotions.

24. Buy clothes when traveling

This applies to designer items that cost less in their homeland than in our country. Also, do not bypass Duty Free at airports if you want to take original jewelry, accessories or perfumes. In some countries, you can do Tax Free (VAT refund) for purchases.

In order not to travel abroad yourself, use the service : it brings together buyers and travelers and helps to get goods that are more expensive in Russia. There you can order clothes, gadgets, nutritional supplements and other things.

25. Become a member of bonus programs

Do not be lazy to draw up the cards of the stores that are offered at the checkout. They will give you an advantage the next time you come to the store.

26. Learn to take care of things

If you take good care of your clothes, they will last longer. Sew up holes, remove stains, periodically dry-clean your outerwear, clean your shoes every day.

When you are tired of the thing, go in for customizing - reworking and updating. You can make a T-shirt from a jacket, a topic from a T-shirt, a hat from a sweater, and shorts from jeans.

How to save money on a car

27. Monitor her condition

By performing maintenance on time, you save on major repairs. Study the car manual or service book to change parts according to the plan, for example, the timing belt.

28. Do some of the work yourself

You can check the level of fluids in the car, change engine oil or wheels yourself.

29. Reduce fuel consumption

This can be done by checking the air filter and tire pressure frequently. Avoid idling and use cruise control to avoid harsh acceleration and braking.

30. Get discounts at gas stations

Gas stations reward their customers. Lukoil, Tatneft, Gazpromneft, Rosneft, Shell and others have bonus, discount, fuel cards. Check if there is a cashback at the gas station where you refuel in your banking application.

Do not buy food or coffee at gas stations yet: prices there are much higher than store prices.

31. Plan a route

By combining several activities in one trip, you will reduce fuel consumption, wear less your car and save time.

Assess the traffic situation through the navigator. Sometimes it is better to go by public transport, take a car sharing or taxi, so as not to burn gasoline in traffic jams. If you have a dacha, then leave there before everyone else does.

How to save money when renovating

32. Make the correct sequence of work

Make a repair plan. You cannot lay clean floors if your wall decoration is not ready. Take measurements of the rooms in order to accurately calculate the area and material you need to buy.

When you need a lot of building material, it is better to take everything in one go to save on shipping.

33. Choose simple building materials

Don't chase brands for exterior or interior decoration. Instead of tiles in the kitchen or in the toilet, lay linoleum, and replace stretch ceilings with foam plates.

34. Choose your interior style wisely

The minimalistic design of a house or apartment is a guarantee of the absence of unnecessary furniture or finishing touches. Choose styles where floor, ceiling or wall finishing is not required at all, such as loft or industrial.

35. Do part of the repair yourself

This applies to redecoration when you have a little painter or plasterer skill. And it is not difficult to glue wallpaper, fold laminate or assemble furniture if you watch a few lessons on Youtube.

How To Make Bacon Jam

Pork Namtok Grilled with Air Fryer

13 Crazy Fruit You've Never Heard Of

10 Banned Food

15 Weird and Gross Halloween Candy

12 Most Expensive Fruit

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