, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: What is Vittorio Mincato

What is Vittorio Mincato

DEFINITION of 'Vittorio Mincato'
A former CEO of the Italian oil and gas company, Eni. He reached the CEO position in 1998 and held it until 2005, when Paolo Scaroni took over. Eni is present in 77 countries, and its activities include the exploration, production, transportation, transformation and commercialization of oil and gas, in petrochemicals, construction and engineering of oil services.

BREAKDOWN 'Vittorio Mincato'
Vittorio Mincato joined the company shortly after having faced corruption scandals, downsizing and several conflicts with the Italian government, which owned about a third of the company. He helped move the company forward, leading Eni to his first acquisitions financing of foreign companies (Britain-based Borneo and Lasmo) and helping it become one of the largest oil corporations in the world.

see also finance and business knowledge

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