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Acquisition Financing

What is Acquisition Financing
Acquisition financing is the capital that is raised in order to buy another business. Acquisition financing enables the user to satisfy their current acquisition aspirations by providing immediate resources that can be applied to the transaction.

BREAKDOWN 'Financing acquisitions'
There are several different options for a company seeking acquisition financing. Alignment of creditors for a traditional loan are the most common options. Favorable rates for acquisition financing can help smaller companies achieve economies of scale and is generally considered an effective method of increasing the size of company operations. These loans are available through traditional banks as well as loan services that specialize in serving this marketing. Private lenders can offer acquisition financing to those who do not meet bank requirements, but they can also make financing available on more expensive terms. For example, A bank might be inclined to approve financing if the business to be acquired has a steady stream of income, substantial and sustained profits, and valuable assets. By comparison, getting bank approval can be problematic when it comes to financing the acquisition of a company that largely has accounts receivable rather than cash flow.

Multiple forms of business acquisition financing
Depending on the size of the companies involved and the nature of the acquisition, there may be financing options through the Small Business Administration. The SBA 7 (a) loan program, for example, can meet these needs for qualified borrowers. The advance can be as low as 10% for acquisitions when using this program. However, the borrower must meet the SBA requirements for business size, which include limits on net worth, average net income, and total loan size. There may also be extensive documentation for the applicant that includes submission of details about accounts receivable, personal and business tax information, and personal and business financial statements.

Other ways to finance an acquisition are debt that is repaid in the form of shares and the interests of the company making the acquisition. This can come into play if the buyer turns to close partners, such as friends and family, to provide financing to secure the acquisition. Seller financing is another way to finance the deal. This typically involves the buyer making a down payment and the seller financing the remainder of the transaction. The buyer may then make installment payments to the seller over an agreed period.

see also finance and business knowledge

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