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4 principles of financial success

Competition has both losers and winners. The winner will receive applause and praise from the audience. Losers have to hurry off the field but losing does not mean losing forever. The loser may return to be the winner one day. If things go wrong and improve and practice, they can become winners.

Just like our people Inevitably encounter obstacles in life Whether it is a matter of work Family problems Or even the economic conditions that are jamming These are all obstacles in the way that we are headed. And of course those who will experience Financial success Naturally have different formulas or tips But the author has techniques learned from successful people to share.

1. not extravagant
Who will suffer Financial success is the first thing they do. Meaning not being extravagant with unproductive things Or if it was something nonsense that he might buy But he will choose to buy because he thinks it will be worthwhile and benefit him. For example, he may buy jigsaw puzzles to continue playing. But he looks farther than just finishing But he will continue to see what he has received from purchasing jigsaws: practicing concentration, patience, and spending that time with his family or the people around him.

Although we see successful people may use high-priced products. Because he has to meet many people If the dress or jewelry is not finished It may cause people to meet without trust But that does not mean that you who are not successful should follow. May be able to be done but must be based on not more than fit.

2. Understand the investment
People who are successful in work but poor financial are not balanced. Work and finance must be balanced. Financial goals have to be About how much savings to invest and how much money to invest Which investing is not just profit But investing in a form of saving savings is another form of savings that will help increase your financial security. Learning and studying financial expansion should therefore be given priority.

3. Pay to
Every time money goes out of pocket, it is important to think that what we will pay is worth it. Or have a return? Not small, small and small See anything, want to buy all Think about whether small payments, small payments, total payments are not small amounts. Therefore, every time to pay out Do you think that is necessary? And what benefits did it bring back? Value every time But it doesn't mean that you don't want to buy things you want, but you can buy them, but you don't have to worry about your finances as well.

4. Modest
This point may not be about finances. But the person the author knew Is a person in the finance industry and is very successful in Thailand What that person has Is humility There is always humility towards others. Even if the person they meet has a less professional position But he always treats others with humility Many people, when they reach their highest achievement, tend to have clouds covering their eyes. Causing him to think that he was so good that he forgot others, which is considered a very dangerous matter.
From the 4 techniques mentioned above Is a technique that you can use in everyday life And try to see what the result will be Believe that if the principles of fit and are based on the truth You will definitely be able to succeed.

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