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How ready are you for down

Today we will talk about the issue of money on the topic of the unavailability of down payment things.

Believe that today, those who want to have a house, have a car Or most of the appliances choose to use the down payment to get what they want, such as wanting to have a car but don't have cash. So what is the choice to buy down payment instead of down payment?

A down payment is the payment of principal as collateral for what we need in order to apply that in advance. And then pay the rest according to the conditions Depending on the agreement of the buyer and seller, home down payment, car installment, car installment, electrical appliance installment Which actually It is the financial inadequacy itself. Even though we said we were ready Because at least there is still a principal for the down payment But in reality This is not 100% perfect yet.

If you're ready, you've probably already paid cash for that. Because the down payment is no different from creating debt for yourself. Because in addition to bringing money in the future to be used Still have to repay the principal plus interest And fines in the event of late or default payment as well Many salarymen tend to buy things with a down payment. Because the use of each person's money is a month to month Which need to manage the money to make it enough And still have to keep a portion of the money in case of emergency expenses Buying first, paying later is indulging in passion. Causing financial instability, such as having a certain amount of money saved and wanting to get a car Therefore took the money to go down If you do not calculate well, you will think that you can go down and pay for a comfortable installment payment.

But in reality How much money must be spent in a month, including food, housing? Where will the fuel cost Annual maintenance costs, renewal costs, and still have to pay your own salary to pay for the car each month, the remaining money should not be collected. Have to pay car installments every month.

You see, the car creates a cost burden in the long run. But if we change our way of thinking, there is a lot of cash. Gradually allot the money earned each month Collect small and small amounts until complete.

No need to pay in installments, worth paying? No debt, no need to stress whether this month will manage enough money or not. It is also important that we do not have to worry about money as well, asking if the time is the same, maybe the same, but the value is definitely different. If we put down payment Take the car first Before paying off, the car is already old. If we pay at once, isn't it better? Do not have to pay interest in tens of thousands as well. The live payment is considered a good option. However, you must also look at the necessity. How much you need to use the car If you just want to be able to cut it, for those who have a lot of need for a car. But no cash Able to down payment, but should pay in installments on time. Creating even more debt.

More importantly, if you choose to download and pay later There should be financial planning. Well, it's not that you get the car and want something else. Bring money to down payment for something else.

You should keep your finances ready and you should keep your money organized. Manage your finances well Because the payment system Able to generate debt at any time If you indulge yourself Spend without looking at your debt servicing ability Therefore, the word debt did not happen suddenly. But caused by negligent spending Do not think there is. If you don't want to be in debt, you should manage your money well. What do you want? Save money to buy Will create a habit of spending carefully Making him known to collect small and small And allow us to reflect first every time we spend Whether caused by necessity or desire.

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