, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Japanese Urban Legends The Girl from the Hole

Japanese Urban Legends The Girl from the Hole

Japanese Urban Legends The Girl from the Hole

Japanese urban legends They have terrorized children and adults in Japan for many generations. In addition, thanks to horror films made in Japan, which lasted its golden era at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, they managed to cross borders, reaching almost all parts of the world.

In this way, Japanese urban legends are scattered all over the world, although there are still a good handful of them that are not known to Westerners, as in the case of the urban legend known as ‘The girl from the hole’.

The girl from the hole
As in most urban legends in Japan, the evil spirit Of this attacks people in the place where they feel the greatest protection, their own home, which makes them always more frightening, since leaves it is the feeling that there is no escape.

The girl in the hole is an evil spirit hidden in the holes and cracks in some houses in Japan waiting for someone to play with her, but what this girl-shaped entity is really looking for is people who draw to the under the world , which she will achieve if the occupant of the house desires to look at her. So if you are in Japan and hear noise behind furniture or doors, you better let it be, because if you start looking for the origin, you may find face to face with the bad girl mind this.

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