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Dig Crime El Chapo Guzman

The most powerful drug king in the world Make billions by hauling drugs into the US. Without crossing the border? Went to the ground.

At Aqua Prieta, Mexico, 19 May 1990, within reach of the US border. The Mexican police received a report from a local news outlet. To invade the lawyer house It seems that nothing is illegal. Until one of the staff tried to open the water tap in the lawn. Suddenly the water pressure pushed the hydraulic system in the house to work. In the game room, the pool table was raised. At that moment, the secret door under the pool table opened. Right in the middle of the house, just like in a movie When the table has moved up to a height enough Staff saw a hole that had to climb 30 feet of stairs, which was the mouth of a giant drug tunnel.

There were stairs, lighting, and ventilation chimneys along the four kilometers. It had never been like this before. The authorities knew very well that only one person could do this. El Chapo.

El Chapo Guz is the drug trafficker most wanted by the Mexican authorities. And the most powerful drug king, Joaquin Guzman Loera (Joaquin Guzman Loera) grew up in Mexico in the 60s, was nicknamed EL chapo or short dude in Spanish. When he was 15, he started managing his own cannabis farm in Sinaloa, this is the land of the drug trade. The notorious drug dealer, but from Sinaloa city as it is the land of the Mafia's traditional.

El Tiempo tea starts from unruly teenagers. He decided that Drugs will be a way for him to become wealthy. You will become great with fear, extortion and violence.

He ascended the drug trade in Guadarahara. EL chapo is famous for its sharp operations. Controlling the transport of drugs by sophisticated means to the United States. Many people might think that because you carry a gun and a crossbow. Because you are strong Because growing up on the side of the road Therefore became a drug dealer But El Chapo is not. This guy is smart. While the end of the row hid the pills in the coffee can Or toys El Chapo played big things very carefully. He's not just taking cocaine from Colombia by plane. But he has a whole fleet According to the report, he likely had over 500 planes, so he could almost dominate the airspace. But taking business to the next level and always one step ahead of the fbi. El Chapo devised a whole new plan to smuggle drugs. He came up with the idea that we could use the miners method. By transporting drugs through the border through the underground.

Building the world's most advanced drug tunnel, EL chapo has built a team of expert engineers to build a tunnel 5 feet high and 30 feet below the ground. Which starts from the south of the US-Mexico border In the village of Agua Prieta Which stretches to 200 feet in Arizona The cutting edge technology that El Chapo needs. The construction cost was $ 1.5 million. The first challenge was that the tunnel had to take the shortest route. When in the underground it is a job that can be said Easier said than done

Working time drilling under the ground You may slash out on the side, stab it into the ground, or be slanted. So you have to carry the surveying equipment. To see if it can be pierced in a straight line at all times While working underground El Chapo Engineer The angle and direction of the tunnel must be checked. With an optical instrument called a total processing camera This device fires a laser at the end of the tunnel wall. The laser will reflect back to see if they are straight or not. You have to do this because the gps cannot be used underground.

When you dig into the ground into holes, chimneys, or tunnels, it becomes uncomfortable and damp. It will soon be filled with carbon dioxide. That you spit out You will need to pump air into it. Drilling in underground tunnels requires installing a ventilation system.

Air duct ventilation tunnel Which has a circular pump That do compressed air and provide light Inside the tunnel, electrically walking with plastic pipes Will adjust the way on the house in Aquaprieta. This project uses tremendous manpower. You have to have workers to carry the soil out of the tunnels. Where had to carry a stick to support And that tool over there And a worker who wasn't just two people Will have to go down a hundred people

After 1 year of construction, El Chapo's tunnels are complex. Is the same length as a football field And extends under the US-Mexico border The tunnel starts from the house in Aquaprieta. To a warehouse in Dallas, Arizona.What was more shocking than the tunnel itself was The amount of drugs that were transferred together during the first 6 months of tunnel operation. 144 tons of cocaine were reported to have been transported through the tunnel.

America is the world's largest drug consumer. Mexico is one of the world's largest drug manufacturers. Being a neighbor is like a good supply of demand. When the divorce crosses the border, it will spread quickly. According to the El Chapo network that works in America After selling the drugs, they had to get money, all of which would be collected and sent back to Mexico. It was the year that El Chapo smoothly transported drugs through the tunnels. It wasn't until Mexican police found a hydraulic entrance on May 19, 1990 and shut it down, but the lost drug king had already prepared a backup plan for it.

His engineers also designed a tunnel to transport medicine elsewhere. However, there is no way to get rid of it because it is all over the place. Over the past two decades El Chapo's Tunnels revolutionized the way medicines are delivered around the world. Take over the sinaloa cartel and turn it into a $ 3 billion business a year. In 2013, he became the number 1 enemy of the United States. It was the first criminal to endanger Al Capone. It looks like El Chapo's work. Part of it is having to think of ways to stay one step ahead of the way. After following him for years, February 22, 2014, the fbi successfully surrounded El Chapo. It was arrested in the Mexican resort town of Mazatlan and sent to the highest security prison, Altiplano, or Alcatraz of Mexico.

Altiplano, about 50 miles west of Mexico City, is one of Mexico's best prisons. It is Mexico's high-tech prison. Above the prison is a closed airspace. Absolutely forbid planes passing over there. But El Chapo had no intention of going to sleep in prison for a long time.

After changing the drug cartels in Sinaloa. It's a drug business that generates more than $ 3000 million annually. EL chapo guzman is one of the world's richest and influential drug kings. And he was arrested in February 2014, and Mexico captured the godfather. After the balustrade, al chapo faces a bigger challenge. There will be extradition. The US government will attack him as a drug dealer. Every drug dealer's nightmare is being sentenced to punishment to the United States. Because his movement and power will end To avoid prosecution in the United States The famous man in tunneling The only option left is to dig another tunnel. And again, it is well planned before action.

Reports claim that Al Chapo engineers graduated from Germany. Obviously, this jailbreak operation is unlimited. Escape route to the world It sits 30 feet below ground and is nearly a mile long, or the equivalent of 13 football fields, costing around $ 5 million, but there are geological obstacles blocking it. Because the Altiplano is surrounded by rivers and lakes Above the underground water system again An underground water system is groundwater that is close to the surface. Which the formation is under the soil surface layer The water will be so much that you have to pump it out. Or have to wait for the water to dry only.

They use a method of pumping water straight out of the dug. Engineers built tunnels from the construction site to the prisons, using PVC pipes, electrical wiring, and air pumps. Enter the underground passageway The engineer even had to build a motorcycle on a track to carry over 3000 tons of dirt, the rail system he was using to remove the dirt was incredible. El Chapo's power, money and influence in Mexico Gives him all the information he needs Even digging a tunnel to reach his bathhouse in the prison It's the only spot in the prison that doesn't have CCTV to keep an eye on him 24 hours a day.

El Chapo was speculated to have had blueprints for Jail or other Mexican security sites on hand before being captured. Show that he has a backup plan and always leads the way. The prison guards pretend to be blind. As the construction progresses Because they received a table from El Chapo He can pay the government officers, the police, the warden.

In July 2015, El Chapo began working under the floor of the bathroom with a tunnel. Then he jumped into the hole. And then disappeared Giant Tunnel King Jump on a motorcycle Freedom Rush A world-shocking jailbreak through a mile-long tunnel made headlines around the world. El Chapo's reputation is even more notorious. His breakout tunnels were like official stamping. Like saying Think you can defeat me? It's not possible, but six months later, in January 2016, El Chapo was captured again. By the Mexican Marines Raja Tunnel to deliver medicine Back in prison, El Chapo, he built the most intricate tunnels. In the history of the world drug trade Class size James Bond has had to turn to wow.

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