Record your income and expenses as a routine.
May have heard all the time about the income and expenditure until accustomed. But the note of income and expenses is an important rule that you should not be ignored, because recording income will help each month you know what that month is. And how much money is left in that month And most importantly, you will know what expenses are not needed You can reduce unnecessary expenses. In addition, recording income and expenditures will help you control your monthly expenditures, such as home payments, car payments, water bills, electricity bills, etc.
Regularly check your liabilities and assets.
People who buy land or collect items tend to forget what assets we have. Should check the assets that they have every year Because sometimes your possessions may cause problems for you Especially the property that is land Because there is a land tax that you have to pay If you forget that you have land there right here May cause problems for you in the past tax issues. Or in case you have debts You should also check your financial health to be able to handle the debt. So that you will be able to make financial plans Or may have to find extra income in order to be released from those debts incurred The debt, the debt that arises, does not mean only the debt caused by business losses. But also includes assets which are loans such as home loans Car loan Personal loans etc.
Additional investment
Keep money in the bank. May be a good story Because it is safe and there is no risk But if it is best to use some of the savings to invest in order to increase the savings, for example, invest in mutual funds At present, many people are starting to be interested in saving money to invest a lot. Because there is a lower risk than investing in shares Including mutual funds Investors do not have to invest on their own, but a financial institution specialist will take your money to invest in the capital market. There are two types of funds: LTF RMF. Both types are different in terms of the fund duration. Aside from the profits earned from investing in mutual funds, what you will receive is that you are able to deduct annual tax deductions.
Career planning alone isn't enough. From above Financial planning is an important issue. The goal should be a clear goal that you will save money each month. And before you retire, how much money do you need to save? To spend comfortably during retirement and can also travel out Without trouble the children
The above iron rule should be enough to guide the reader to put into practice. In which these iron bundles Will help to make your future financial planning successful and sustainable
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