, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Movies Series Based on Famous Novels

Movies Series Based on Famous Novels

10 fun series adapted from the book That will let you slip into the world of fun books

Often times we will see movies that bring famous literature or novels to the screen. As with the world of series, youth literature and novels are often produced. And many of them were successful and popular with audiences. Resulting in returning to find more books to read And today, would like to introduce you to a series based on famous novels that have a wide variety of stories from the present day. Until going back to the different eras, you can definitely call it fun. As for what matters will be, let's follow along.

1. Sherlock (2009)
Sherlock Holmes, one of the most famous and legendary detective characters of the world famous literary scene. Written by Sir Arthur Conan Deutsch tells the story of the brilliant young detective Sherlock Holmes. Be observant and observant With knowledge of science such as physics, chemistry and forensic science skills He is famous for his clever, complex, unpredictable investigations. With the tactics of investigating the Sherlock Holmes-style case by the Sherlock edition, the series has a total of 4 seasons.

2. Game of Throne (2011-2019)
The best of the series that you absolutely do not want to miss. The series adapted from George Raymond's bestselling book A Song of Ice and Fire, Richard Martin for Game of Thrones. With the story of the seat of the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms between the 3 main families comprising Stark Family, Lannister Family And the Targaryen family Along with the invasion of the Zombie Army White Walker. The North will change the war between the clans. The series consists of 8 seasons, packed with a rich story. The struggle between kingdoms to use magic.

3. Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019)
Adapted from the true story of Piper Kerman, which depicts a true experience of a year in prison in Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison, Orange Is the New Black will bring audiences to know. The tumultuous story in prison of Piper Chapman who goes to prison for his involvement in the transnational drug trafficking movement. Which is a squeal from her ex-girlfriend And the fun of this series is the story of each prisoner before they end up in this prison. The series has to follow all 7 seasons.

4.13 Reasons Why (2017-2020)
Based on the best-selling Jay Asher novel of the same name, it tells the story of a teenage tragedy that could happen to any family. And all of the events lead to suicide and discovering the truth about what happened to Hannah Becker, along with the key evidence: a tape containing 13 reasons why she made the decision to commit suicide. The series spans four seasons and will slowly lead the audience into a story that if anyone is stressed or mentally fallen. We do not recommend viewing. Because the story of the series may gloom you for days.

5. Little Women (2017)
A three-episode series, aired on BBC One, based on Luisamay Alcott's world-famous novel of the same name, the story of the four March-Joe, Meg, Amy and Beth siblings. American civil war They have to learn about love and loss. The story of the Little Women series has been adapted several times from 1958, 1970 until the 2017 version of course, there is also a movie version for fans to follow.

6. YOU (2018-present)
Based on Caroline Capeness's thriller with a compelling twist. The series will introduce you to Joe Goldberg, a charismatic young man with a career as a bookstore manager. Where he fell in love with a young woman who frequented the books He's obsessed and does whatever it takes to get involved in the lives of people he is obsessed with. And make myself the right person for that girl Even in the end, it ended with a bloodshed The series has a total of 2 seasons, I can say that it is intense, inviting, kind, watching one at a time, definitely ending.

7. Bridgerton (2020)
After the series about Bridgerton aired As a result, Julia Quinn's book was best-selling and ranked in the New York Times, followed by Bridgerton on the love story of Daphne Bridgerton, the eldest daughter of the Bridgerton and Simon families. Bassett, Duke of Hastings The fragrant bachelorette that the Debutant mothers dream of becoming their son-in-law. Even though both of them said they did not want anything from each other But it is clear that hearts have begun to grow after having to outsmart each other amid social expectations for their future. It was broadcast for a total of 1 season and the strength of this series has resulted in the green light to build for Season 2.

8. The Queen's Gambit (2020)
Another popular series after it aired on TV for The Queen's Gambit, the board game of life. Adapted from the writing of Walter Tavis, which recently won Best Miniseries or Television Movie. And best actress award Genre, miniseries or TV movie based on Anya Taylor-Joy. On the stage of the Golden Globes A series about the story of Beth Harmon, a girl left behind by her parents in an orphanage. In 1950 Kentucky she coped with loneliness and discovered that she had a talent for chess. But to acquire her abilities Had to exchange for drug addiction You will also have to face the hidden demons while fighting in the male-dominated world of chess.

9. Lupine (2021)
Another immortal character in the literary world, Arsene Lupin, created from Mauris LeBlanc's writings, is making a comeback after the Lupine thief Lupine series. Released as one of the top five Amazon and Fnac bestsellers by Lupine Lupine, about the adventures of Arsene Lupin, a gentleman thief. Master of Disguise Who set out to avenge his father From the injustice created by the wealthy elite family It was broadcast for a total of 1 season and the strength of this series has resulted in the green light to build for Season 2.

10.Shadow and Bone (2021)
Shadow and Bone, the legendary Grisha series based on the legendary Grisha. Leigh Barduco's best-selling world-wide tale tells the story of a world bruised by war, Alina Starkov, an orphan and a humble soldier. She released a special power that could be the key to the independence of her country. As the land of huge shadow sniffers crawling in Alina has to part from everything she knows she is familiar with in order to train with a super-powerful elite soldier known as Grisha. But while trying to practice the use of strength Instead, she discovers that allies and enemies may be the same person. And this beautiful world is not what it seems at all. But with serious power Including charming criminals mixed in And may have to rely on something superior to magic to find a way to survive. The series is scheduled to air on April 23, 2021 and will consist of 8 episodes.

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