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Knowing How to Use Money Must Start at the Family Institution

Knowing How to Use Money Must Start at the Family Institution

The values of people today who spend more than themselves Don't know the value of money Causing the creation of debt To improve or change that habit is already difficult. As the old saying goes, we don't want to lose weight, but we can solve the problem of overspending at the root cause. Starting with the family institution.

The money is not easy to earn. But often leave our bag without difficulty Parents should teach and cultivate, that is. 'Knowing the value of money' for our children to use Starting from teaching children about financial planning Gradually as follows.

1. Begin to train your child to have basic responsibilities
By assigning appropriate expenses to the children in an agreed period, for example, starting from giving money on a weekly basis. And gradually increase the period of time to monthly when the children are old enough to be able to manage their own money If the child cannot allocate expenses as scheduled, such as not spending enough weekly money To add is not enough The solution is To make income and expenditure accounts To see where the excess is spent And adjust the spending to be able to manage their own money later.

2. Taking your kids to shop too
In addition to teaching children how to compare product prices And to know how to manage money that is already limited It also cultivates a wise choice for shopping. Because buying things that are worthwhile Not that you choose, but things that are cheap. But we still have to consider the quality. And quantity for decision making If choosing to buy cheap things but don't have quality It will not be used for a long time or will wear out quickly. You will have to buy new ones frequently. Combined, it may be more expensive. Buy quality items at a higher price from the beginning. It is important that parents use this opportunity to teach their children to distinguish 'wants' and 'needs' because children are often unable to distinguish the two. Thinks that what you want is all you need Parents therefore have to teach.

3. Appreciate when your child is doing well
When children do well, the best reward for them may not be expensive gifts. Rather, it is a feeling that brings pride to your parents. The compliments, smiles and hugs of your parents are meaningful. Because it is a clear and warm expression of acceptance of the child The reward may be something that the family receives, such as going to a special meal. Or go on a family trip As for gifts that are things May give from time to time But not so often And it doesn't always have to be expensive. Because it may implant the child to stick to the object Can do good in exchange for compensation.

4. Do not indulge your child too much
Even if the things you want are not that big Or is more expensive than the power of the parents It is not difficult to buy a bag. But indulging in all of the children will develop a self-indulgent character Want What should be done is to teach children how to save for the purchase they want more. It may start by agreeing that the parents will pay half of the money As for the children, have to collect the other half of the money Which in this way will instill in the child to save And know more about the value of things.

5. Teach them how to share
In addition to teaching them how to save money, parents should teach their children how to share, such as drop in a donation vending machine. Or save a little money to buy gifts for relatives on special occasions Gifts may not be of great value. But the important thing is to teach them that In addition to saving money, it can create happiness for yourself. Can also create happiness for others as well.

This is a technique for teaching children how to use money well. Parents must start teaching their children how to save money. Know the value of money When they grow up, their children will become quality people, not spending more.

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