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What Does It Mean to Dream That You Are Robbed

 Dream interpretation is an interesting method that allows you to get to know yourself better and reflect on the situation you are experiencing. It should be mentioned that it is not a scientific technique, however, there is a lot of literature on the subject.

If you have had a dream related to robberies, in this Psychology-Online article, we will help you interpret what it means to dream that different objects are stolen from you and in different scenarios.

The Interpretation of Dreams: Freud

According to Sigmund Freud , dreams are part of the subconscious that reaches consciousness and that can have some meaning. According to his theory of dream interpretation, in the subconscious part of the mind there are emotions, memories and desires that have been repressed. This content rises to the conscious surface during dreams. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams, or fragments of them that we remember, can be useful to know the content of the unconscious part . And, in this way, get to know yourself better.

How to know the meaning of a dream?

According to Sigmund Freud's theory of dream interpretation , all dreams can be interpreted as they are a message expressed by the subconscious. In order to interpret a dream, it is necessary to analyze the content with the following questions: who appears? What is the danger? What is the outcome? and how do i feel?

Next, we will analyze the meaning of one of the most recurrent dreams: dreaming that you are robbed. We will see the different nuances that influence the meaning of dreaming that they rob you depending on where it is and how it happens.

What does it mean to dream that you are robbed

To dream of being robbed means, broadly speaking, that your inner peace , your internal order, the balance of your life is affected . Dreaming that you are robbed is indicating that there are conflict situations that may be affecting you emotionally.

Dreaming that you are burglarized at home qualifies the meaning of the dream. The house means the refuge, the place where we can be as we are. Therefore, the house is the reflection of who lives there . To dream that you are robbed at home can mean that it is you yourself who produces the internal imbalance and that the conflicts that affect you are internal, that is, you are not at peace with yourself. In addition, dreaming that your home is robbed with you inside, has just confirmed that the house is yours, that it is your home and, therefore, that the conflict is with yourself.

Dreaming that they enter your house while you sleep

The fact of being sleeping, in a dream, means that we pay little attention to what is happening. Therefore, dreaming that they enter your house while you sleep indicates that you are probably neglecting your internal conflicts or emotional imbalance.

Dreaming that a friend steals from me

Friends, in dreams, reflect a part of ourselves. Their actions symbolize things that we do ourselves but do not recognize. So, what does it mean to dream that a friend steals from me? If dreaming of being robbed means that your inner peace is affected, in the event of dreaming that a friend is robbing you, it may mean that it is you yourself who is harming or altering yourself and you don't realize it.

If instead of a friend it is your partner, the interpretation of the dream may vary. Dreaming that your partner steals from you can indicate that this person is also involved in the conflict.

Dreaming that someone else is robbed

To dream that someone else is robbed may mean that it is that person who has inner peace affected, that they are involved in some conflict that influences their internal balance and emotional state. On the other hand, it indicates that the person who dreams is concerned about the situation of the person who appears in the dream.

Dreaming that they want to steal you but they can't

In case of dreaming that they want to steal from you but they cannot, this dream may be indicating that there is some conflict that may compromise your inner peace, but that is ultimately not affected. You may be solving it.

What does it mean to dream that money is stolen from you

What does it mean to dream that money is taken from me? Let's now see the different meanings of dreaming that you are stolen according to what the stolen object is. In case of dreaming that money is stolen, it is worth mentioning the meaning of dreaming about money . Money, in dreams, represents both material goods and the professional field . Therefore, dreaming that money is stolen may indicate that the cause of the emotional imbalance is economic, referring to material goods or the work environment. It may be that in these areas conflicts arise that compromise your inner peace.

More specifically, dreaming that money is stolen at home may mean that it is you who generates these conflicts or that the conflicts are internal but are related to economic, material or labor issues.

In case of dreaming that they steal money that is not yours, the interpretation of this dream may include another person. That is to say, dreaming that money that actually belongs to another person is taken from you, it can mean that you worry about the conflicts that another person has about economic or labor aspects.

What does it mean to dream that your wallet is stolen

Besides money, other stolen objects can give a particular connotation to the dream. Next, we are going to specify what it means to dream that your wallet is stolen and to dream that your wallet and mobile phone are stolen.

Dreaming that your wallet is stolen

The wallet, in dreams, symbolizes our identity, because in it we keep cards, documents, photographs, money, etc. Things that are usually important to us. To dream that your wallet is stolen represents the fear of not being recognized or valued by others. On the other hand, if the dream is characterized by a feeling of significant anxiety, it can also symbolize the fear of a significant loss , such as the fear of the death of a loved one. In this article, you will find how to overcome the fear of the death of a family member .

If you dream that your wallet is stolen and you get it back, it could mean that the outcome of the feared situation or conflict has some positive part or that you have enough resources to deal with the situation or problem.

Dreaming that your wallet and mobile phone or cell phone are stolen

If in addition to your wallet, in your dream, your mobile is stolen, it may have a different nuance. The telephone in dreams represents the desire to contact people who are far away. Therefore, dreaming that your mobile phone is stolen can mean that your inner imbalance is related to the distance between you and a loved one.

Dreaming that your car or car is stolen
What does it mean to dream that your car is stolen? And dream that your car is stolen and you get it back? In dreams, the car symbolizes a prized possession, signifies freedom and is a symbol of status. Therefore, dreaming that your car or car is stolen can indicate the fear of loss of social recognition or freedom. On the other hand, it can also mean that the conflict that alters inner peace is related to social position or freedom.

It is also interesting to know what it means to dream that your motorcycle is stolen. The motorcycle, in dreams, symbolizes openness to new experiences and adventures. Dreaming of a motorcycle is related to youth and strong emotions. Therefore, dreaming that your motorcycle is stolen can indicate conflicts related to new experiences, adventures or strong emotions.

What does it mean to dream of stealing money
What if you are the one who steals in the dream? What does it mean to dream of stealing? Dreaming of stealing indicates that you feel some affective lack , that you do not feel fully complete or duly considered by others. Also, dreaming that you steal and get caught or that you steal and chase can indicate a different connotation. The persecution, in dreams, means that an inconvenient decision has been made.

On the other hand, dreaming that you steal someone's wallet or that you seize a wallet that is not yours indicates feelings of envy towards a close person. If you want to know more about envy, you can consult this article: The different types of envy .

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