, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: 15 Unusual Insurances You May Need

15 Unusual Insurances You May Need

15 Unusual Insurances You May Need

The principle of risk transfer has existed since the second millennium… before our era. No wonder the number, popularity and creativity of the offer of covers and contracts continues to grow! Here are 15 unusual insurance products that can be found around the world.

Insurance against alien abduction
A US insurer will pay up to $ 10 million to a kidnapping victim, provided the insured "returns" and provides proof of captivity. Compensation increases substantially in the event of an unwanted pregnancy (caused by extraterrestrials) or if the insured can prove that they attempted to devour him. Seriously, more than 20,000 contracts of this nature have been signed in the last 30 years. You will get chills reading these spooky encounters with UFOs.

Insurance for "parachutist" cats
The accident is so unusual that veterinarians have coined the term "parachutist cat syndrome" to designate the injuries of these apartment cats who play stuntmen. Insurers therefore offer to reimburse part of the veterinary costs if your animal has had a fall of more than two floors.

Cyberbullying insurance
Some insurances offer schools coverage for harassment of children on social media. According to estimates, more than one in ten students are abused on the Internet during their school career. Compensation is made up of consultation sessions with a psychotherapist. Victims do not have to file a complaint or provide any justification in order to be compensated.

Online reputation insurance (e-reputation)
Social media activities and internet searches say a lot about the personal and professional lives of internet users. Companies offer contracts to protect, and even restore, their customers' reputations by offering “cleaning” and privacy protection services. Insurers also offer products against the risk of online identity theft. Whether it's to avoid voyeurs or for general maintenance, follow these tips for using the computer.

Marriage insurance
Several insurance companies offer guarantees to alleviate the most frequent inconveniences during a wedding: tearing of a dress, loss of alliances, room and its arrangements that are not suitable, guest who is injured and who pursues the lovebirds. However, no compensation is offered if one of the bride and groom withdraws.

Divorce Insurance
If marriage is insurable… so is divorce! This market is developing and offers products to cover, for example, the legal costs inherent in a divorce or the costs generated by unpaid alimony. Insurers talk about a fresh start policy to help future clients be optimistic.

Multiple birth insurance
Your marriage is guaranteed and you do not want a divorce, on the contrary: you are experiencing perfect happiness and you are even expecting triplets! An American company offers insurance to help reduce the financial burden that accompanies the arrival of 3, 4, 5 or 6 children at once. However, you have the obligation to subscribe before the onset of pregnancy.

Insurance for drones
The use of drones is carefully regulated in several countries, but few home insurance policies offer protection for the damage they can cause. It is therefore necessary to take out specific insurance, which offers protection for damage to the device, but also for injuries and other possible accidents during maneuvers.

Golf hole-in-one insurance
This is not about making sure you succeed in one, but rather insurance for the organizers of tournaments and fundraising events that offer (sometimes very high) prizes for making a successful hole in the field. a blow. Depending on the terms, the insurance will reimburse part or all of the value of the prize awarded to the person who has achieved the rare feat.

Kidnapping insurance
More than enviable financial situation or public professional life: so many reasons to insure yourself against the risks of kidnapping and extortion. The companies bear the costs of negotiations, ransoms, salaries, travel and repatriation costs.

Exotic pets insurance
Owners of exotic pets like snakes, spiders, chimpanzees, or scorpions can purchase insurance to protect against damage or injury that may be caused by their animals. More and more companies are offering this type of protection to meet the increasingly popular demand for exotic pets. Want exoticism?

Insurance for loss of driving license
In France, insurers can help you if you lose your driving license as a result of dangerous driving linked to speeding. These products reimburse legal fees, license recovery costs and may even cover part of the salary in the event of a work stoppage obligation.

Body parts insurance Stars and experts from various circles take out insurance for parts of their bodies: Madonna's chest, Taylor Swift's legs, Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonso's thumbs, David Beckham's legs are just a few examples. Let us think of the surgeons, the musicians or the illustrators who insure their hands or the oenologists who protect the value of their nose.

Pokémon Go Insurance
Carefree gamers with their noses in their smartphones chasing the little monsters in this popular game: the perfect cocktail to get hurt because you don't look where you put your feet. A Swiss company offers insurance for a period of one year which guarantees the payment of an annuity in the event of disability or death.

Insurance against a weak presidential result
Candidates for the French presidential election can insure themselves against a bad score. In fact, half of the costs incurred during their campaign are reimbursed, but on the condition of obtaining at least 5% of the votes cast. Below this threshold, candidates must assume almost all of the campaign costs, which can reach fifteen million dollars. Insurers offer protection against this risk.

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