, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: 10 Scary Urban Legends Who Owned the Internet

10 Scary Urban Legends Who Owned the Internet

10 Scary Urban Legends Who Owned the Internet

Urban legends can be fun or scary, depending on how much you believe in them. But even the most unbelievable ones can make anyone's hair stand on end, especially when they're so spread out that they start to look almost undeniable. You've probably heard a story that fits that description, haven't you? Because the internet is the ideal stage for their dissemination.

Could you say which urban legends are the ones that terrify your friends the most? Today, we've separated a selection of 10 legends — or will they be true stories — that can make those bravest friends of yours have little shivers. Could it be that some of the stories we've brought here scared you at some point?

1. The suffocated Dobermann

Years ago, an Australian couple was arriving home and noticed that their Dobermann dog was suffocated, lying breathless on the living room floor. Immediately, the man passed out in panic and the woman put the dog in the car to run to the vet. After leaving the animal at the clinic, she decided to return home to help her husband.

On the way, she got a call from the vet. He said that the woman should leave the house immediately, as the dog had choked on a person's finger and possibly this intruder was still in the house. The family then called the police, who went to the scene and found a man unconscious and fingerless in the room. Will it be real?

2. Organ thieving taxi drivers

If you are afraid of horror movies, we suggest that you never watch any such work that has been produced in South Korea. Korean movies have much more dark undertones than any others released around the world and this is also noticeable in urban legends that arise in the country.

A few years ago, what conquered the world was the story of organ-stealing taxi drivers. That's right: according to a Korean urban legend, some taxi drivers used to sedate their customers to steal kidneys and other easily removed organs—apparently, only scalpels were used and no anesthesia. After the robbery, bodies were just dumped in fields or on the road.

3. The White Death

Imagine a little Scottish girl who hated her own life. Now imagine that she managed to erase all traces of her life—burning documents, tearing up photos, and eliminating any evidence that she ever existed. Finally, she committed suicide and her body was missing for days.

It took a few days for his body to be found and, little by little, all his family members died mysteriously. Want to know the worst? Other people who learned of the story were visited by this little girl's ghost and were also killed.

4. Watch the bathroom

Another direct South Korean legend is that of the abandoned toilets of haunted schools. As legend has it, many young people and children in Korea use high school bathrooms to commit suicide — taking advantage of their scary hallways, heavy doors and many other details that you wouldn't want to know in person. Urban legend still says that the ghosts of young suicides stay in bathrooms to kill other people who pass by.

5. The ghost of Pokemon

Have you ever heard about “Lavender Town Syndrome”? It is a supposed disease that would have made many Japanese children kill themselves after playing the games Pokémon Red and Blue on the Game Boy.

6. Annie96

A young woman named Annie is alone at home and enjoys chatting with a friend over the internet — at the time, PC instant messengers still dominated the market. Suddenly, she notices that someone very much like her friend appears at the window and a scary conversation ensues.

Through the messenger, she asks him to stop scaring her. He says he can't because he thinks about her too much. Suddenly, the tone of the conversation changes and she invites him to come over. He asks how he can be sure that she is the one typing. Annie goes offline. You can check out the entire dialogue through this link (in English).

7. The Experiment

A mad scientist decides to carry out a cruel experiment: to test the effects of isolation on the human mind. To do this, he imprisons several children for several years, preventing them from interacting with other humans and from having contact with any living being — surviving only on the instincts that remain in humanity.

Cruel? It can be worse. Few knew, but his real purpose was to seek the imprisonment of a spirit! He wanted to steal a child's mind so he could dominate his body and return to youth that no longer belonged to him.

8. More Pokemon

Another macabre story involving Pokémon, but this time in the Silver version. One student finished the game and decided to play again to relive the emotions. The problem is that the more he plays, the more he realizes that the characters in the game are dying in the story. Do you know what's scary? Pokémon characters never die!

9. Laughing Jack

If you had a child and he told you he just met an imaginary friend, would you be happy? Well, one woman didn't give a damn about it when her five-year-old son told her he was having fun with his new colleague: Jack Laughing. It didn't take long for the changes in the relationship between that mother and Jack to begin. Several times, she noticed that her son was acting strangely.

In the mornings, dolls appeared in her room. The boy acted aggressively and empty, no longer looking like the boy he used to be. All of his strange actions were justified in the same way: "Laughing Jack taught", "Laughing Jack did", "Laughing Jack gave". The situation maddened the woman, who ended the madness by stabbing her own son to death.

10. Squidward's suicide

Few imagine, but SpongeBob is not as innocent a cartoon as it sounds. In the early 2000s, a Nickelodeon intern reportedly found a lost episode of animation. In the work, Squidward was tired of all SpongeBob's disturbance. In despair, he begins to cry blood and ends his own life. The tape was destroyed and all we have today is the frame in which he appears crying.

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