Dream Interpretation About Forgery
What does a dream of a forgery mean?
A dream of a forgery, something false or forged, such as. a painting or a valuable piece of jewelry, symbolizes disappointment and deception. This dream can also be a warning of future deception or betrayal.
What does a dream mean when you falsify something?
A dream where you falsify something, e.g. a painting, document, or a signature, means that you want to take credit for something that is not yours, or that you are trying to cover up something you have done, or that you are not honest with others.
What does a dream mean when someone offers you a fake?
A dream where someone offers you a forgery symbolizes that you have to be careful with people who will cheat on you. You may be offered a fake document or an illegal business opportunity.
What does a dream where you find a forgery mean?
A dream in which you find a forgery is a warning that you are trying to hide the truth from others. It can also symbolize that you have been deceived by another person.
What does a dream of a fake painting mean?
A dream of a painting presented as a true masterpiece, e.g. a Rembrandt, means you may be dealing with a deception or a betrayal. This dream means you might be going a little too far and trying to fool someone. This dream can also be a warning that you are trying to fool others.
What does a dream of a forgery in a book mean?
A dream of a forgery in a book, a literary work, means that you are trying to hide the truth from others. It can also symbolize that you are trying to hide the truth from yourself.
What does a dream of a forgery in a play mean?
A dream of a forgery in a play, a literary work, theater or film means deception and deception.
What does a dream of a fake movie in a movie mean?
A dream of a fake movie means you are trying to hide the truth from others. It can also symbolize that you are trying to hide the truth from yourself.