, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: 15 Weird Body Reactions After Death

15 Weird Body Reactions After Death

 It doesn't all end with your passing. Your body after death changes… and not in the most beautiful way. Here is what awaits him!

Your skin becomes discolored

Your pretty skin will change color after death, and its shade will depend on how you lost your life. Earth's gravity will cause it to take on a purple-red complexion where blood will pool. "If a person dies of carbon monoxide poisoning, the blood will turn cherry red," says Judy Melinek, forensic pathologist and co-author of Working Stiff: Two Years, 262 Bodies, and the Making of a Medical Examiner , the one of the best sellers on the New York Times list. “It will also clear up the internal organs. Victims of hydrogen sulfide gas poisoning can turn green, ”she adds. According to science, this is what a near death experience looks like .

You may moan or growl

The air in your body - whether it's from attempted resuscitation or from gases emitted by bacteria - could vibrate your vocal cords as it is pushed out of your throat, causing you to moan (and horrify people). present), according to Medical Daily. However, this will only happen if someone is putting pressure on your chest or moving you. Thanks to the scientific study of corpses, one can see the life inscribed on the body.

Your wrinkles are fading

Ah, death, better than Botox! According to the Women's Health publication , your facial muscles will relax, which will smooth out your wrinkles. Preparing for the funeral is an important step: a funeral director gives us his advice.

Your hair and nails seem to keep growing

You've probably heard that our fingernails and hair keep growing once we pass the gun to the left. However, this is not true. “One of the misconceptions I hear most often is about nail or hair growth after death,” says Judy Melinek. "This idea comes from this feeling of extension due to the fact that the scalp and the skin at the ends dry out, exposing more hair and nails that were under the fading tissue."

You fart everywhere

Your body after death will release… ahem… smelly air from any openings it finds, including the mouth. Give thanks to the bacteria that help break down your digestive system. Read the touching testimony of this mother who offered her son's body to science. 

Your bowels and bladder are emptying

The idea is certainly not pleasant, but it is a fact. After you die, your muscles relax, including your sphincters. This is why urine and feces come out for the air, never to come back.

Your body after death gradually cools down

Your body will take time to cool down, dropping less than one degree Celsius per hour until it reaches room temperature, according to Science Alert. Speaking of which, these people are coming back to life after dying… of cold!

You may move a little

But no, you won't turn into a zombie and come back from the dead. However, your muscles may contract and twitch slightly for a few hours after the expulsion of your last breath. Something to worry people in the room.

Your body will smell bad

Unfortunately, this is inevitable: you won't smell the rose, and it could happen very quickly. After two or three days, the body begins to break down and produce putrescine and cadaverine, organic compounds that, as the Washington Post makes clear, do not improve the air in the room. Even in our lifetime, the  human body sometimes remains a mystery!

Your body becomes rigid

This doesn't happen automatically, but your body will become fully rigid - known as rigor mortis - about 12 hours after death. It will take a few days for him to relax again, but other problems will then be noticeable.

Some parts of you will live longer

All the parts that make up your body envelope do not have the same expiration time. Eyes, heart, bones and skin can be transplanted onto another person for up to 15 hours after death, according to Judy.

Your body cannibalizes itself

As your cells begin to break down, they are digested by enzymes in your digestive system and bacteria in your body. This phenomenon can be accelerated depending on how you lost your life. “When you succumb to sepsis, a bacterial infection that affects your whole body - it rots very quickly because the bacteria that attack your tissues have already spread,” says Judy Melinek. "Those who die from an overdose of certain drugs that raise body temperature - such as methamphetamines, ecstasy or cocaine - can also experience accelerated decomposition."

You could turn yourself into soap

This is a very strange statement, but true. “Bodies left in a cool, humid environment break down in a chemical process called adipocira, where body fat turns into soap,” says Judy. Rather than rotting down to the skeleton, the bodies are well preserved in what appears to be a grayish or yellowish, wax-like fuzzy shape.

Your eyes change color

"Many die with their eyes wide open, and when the whites of their eyes start to dry, they turn blue or gray," says Judy Melinek. "It's called the 'black spot', and it's often part of forensic examinations, to see if pathologists are able to differentiate normal postmortem changes from a disease or poisoning". We reveal to you family secrets that were discovered after the death of a loved one.

Most of you will be ancient history after a few months

At 10 degrees Celcius, it will take about four months for your soft tissues to fully decompose, but the process can speed up at higher temperatures, the Vox website tells us. Soon you will be nothing but skeleton, cartilage, and pieces of dry skin.

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