, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Top 10 Scary Things Found In The Ocean

Top 10 Scary Things Found In The Ocean

10. Truk Lagoon
This is the worlds biggest ship graveyard. Its the site of a WW2 battle between the US and Japan. At the bottom of the lagoon now lies 60 warships and 200 aircraft, frozen in time below the waves. Divers have found a many skeletons of the dead soldiers, sailors and airmen who died in the battle. These days, Truk Lagoon is a popular area for tourists - with only some of them aware of what lies lurking in the nearby waters.

9. Manfred Bajorat
In 2016, the mummified body of Manfred Bajorat was found by fishermen on a yacht floating off the Philippines. I just wanna warn you guys, the picture youre about to see is pretty graphic so skip ahead now if you don't really wanna see this sort of thing. Manfred was found slumped at his desk in a mummified state. He had been sailing the world on his yacht for 20 years. Its thought that from the way he was sitting, death was unexpected, perhaps from a heart attack. His mummified state may have been caused by the dry ocean winds, hot temperatures and salty air.

8. Gulf of Corryvreckan
This is a constant, massive whirpool off the coast of Scotland. Its caused by complex tidal forces and geology that combine to create this swirling pool of death. A documentary team once equipped a mannequin with a life jacket and a depth guage. They threw it into the whirlpool where it was sucked down. They wondered if it would ever come back up again but eventually it did. The depth gauge told them it had been all the way down to over 650ft so yeah - don't go near that thing.

7. The Ghost Ships
Every year, ghost ships with bodies show up on Japanese shores. When this first started happening a few years ago, everyone was confused as to where they came from. Then, it became clear that they were actually from North Korea. At first people thought the bodies were fishermen who were trying to escape North Korea, but when some ships were found with live crew, the men said they wanted to be taken back to North Korea. It turns out the ships are just old and keep being pulled out to sea with no GPS to get back.

6. The Titanic
You may have heard of this ship before. The passenger liner suck on its maiden voyage from the UK to the USA on April 15th 2012 - resulting in the deaths of over 1,500 people. For over 70 years, the location of the wreck was unknown. Then, in 1985, its remains were found on the sea bed. Diving crews since then have returned haunting pictures of this watery grave. Its drawn even more attention since the famous Titanic movie of 1997. Seeing these pictures are kind of disturbing for some meal - it makes what happened feel a lot more real.

5. The Mariana Trench
This is the deepest point of the Earths oceans. Its maximum known depth is 10,994 m - thats over 36,000 ft. Youll notice I said maximum KNOWN depth there - thats because scientists arent 100% sure how deep it really goes, every decade the number gets revised. Experts were shocked to find creatures living in the trench. - this was very surprising to them. They though that life couldnt exist there because of the immense pressure. The fish and crustaceans that have been found in these mysterious depths look just as strange as youd expect.

4. The Great Blue Hole
This is a giant sinkhole off the coast of Belize in central America. While the edges of the hole are relatively shallow, the hole itself plummets to a depth of 407 ft. The formation of it has taken place over the past 153,000 years - at one point it was an open air cave before being flooded by sea water. Diverse are allowed to visit it they have 24 hours of diving experience - however many people put off by the ominous feeling of the depths below them.

3. Ice Finger Of Death
The real name for this phenomenon is Brinicle. Its a downward growing hollow tube of ice of descending salt water that forms in exremely cold ocean temperatures. The icy finger will work its way down to the bottom of the shallow water and when it gets there - it spreads out to freeze everything in its path. The BBC captured some incredible footage of it doing just this - starfish and sea urchins were frozen solid when touched by the Icy Finger.

2. The Angler Fish
Its widely agreed that this fish is the scariest fish in the ocean. At first glance, the angel fish already looks scary. They live in complete darkness, a mile underwater - in an area known as -the midnight zone - they use a lure on their head thats lit up by bioluminescent bacteria to attack other creatures. Its prey think theyve found a shiny fish in the ocean depths to eat, but when they get close, the Angler Fish is there to greet them with a toothy mouth straight out of hell.

1. Thonis-Heracleion
This is the lost underwater city that was discovered in the early 2000s off the coast of Egypt. Until then, historians had only heard about it in ancient texts - they presumed it had been lost forever. They found incredible Egyptian relic including this 5.4 m tall statue of the god Hapy. In the murky depths, among the fishes, archaeologists have found god coins, stone monuments and slabs with ancient text carved on them. Theyve been exploring the area ever since but even today - its thought that 95% of this city lost in time is still yet to be discovered.

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