, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Top 10 Scary Clown Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Clown Urban Legends

10. Chicago’s Homey the clown
There was a ton of rumors about a clown who would lure children into his white van near schools. So many people in Chicago began to believe that these rumors were true, and some of them even reported seeing Homey the clown to the police but he was never caught. According to this urban legend, Homey was a kidnapper and rapist who enjoyed dressing in a clown costume because he wanted children to trust him. Homey was always nearby and you couldn’t walk home without seeing his creepy white van following you home. Because of this urban legend, so many parents took time off from work to pick up their kids from school because they didn’t want them to get abducted and murdered by Homey the clown.

9. Ronald McDonald
Yeah, I think it’s safe to say that Ronald McDonald is a creepy looking doll and I would never want to meet him in real life. But according to this story, a man and his wife were driving on a deserted road in the middle of nowhere when they saw something really terrifying. In the middle of the street, they saw dozens of creepy looking Ronald McDonald dolls scattered. This incident took place around midnight and apparently this is a very popular scheme used by gangs, abductors, and rapists to lure women out of their cars. Strangely enough, all of these dolls disappeared the next morning without a trace. I’m pretty sure if I was a woman and I saw these creepy dolls on the road, I definitely wouldn’t get out. If anything, I would put my foot on the gas peddle and motor out of there.

8. A clown armed
There are a bunch of stories about a crazed maniac dressed like a clown who would knock on people’s doors. He would be carrying a bouquet of flowers and two silver balloons, so surely you would want to open the door for him. Or would you…Once you open the door, he would shoot you point blank in the forehead with a .38 caliber revolver. This clown doesn’t seem too friendly, does he? Well once this urban legend gained popularity, a real-life copycat murderer decided to try this out for himself. The mystery of this crazed killer clown remains a mystery to this day.

7. The clown doll
There is a very scary looking clown doll named Vincent Hitchcock who is said to be possessed by a spirit of a child. A woman from Oregon first discovered this scary doll in an online auction and she collects creepy things so she added this doll to her collection for $500. Shortly after she placed Vincent in a corner of the room, she began to experience strange things around her home. Sometimes the clown would be in a different position or he would be missing. Other times Vincent would blink his eyes and watch her as she slept. She left a tape recorder next to him and when she went to listen to it, she heard “I’m going to kill you.” Well, then…I would tie Vincent to a bowling ball and drop him in a river that was 100 miles away from my house and I would never buy creepy dolls ever again.

6. Killer clown chain e-mail
A chain letter or e-mail is a message that tries to convince the reader to forward the letter to as many people as possible. Originally chain letters were sent through the mail, but now with the internet, they are becoming highly circulated through e-mail as well. So, there was one version of a killer clown chain e-mail that warns the person that if they don’t send this e-mail to 10 other people within 5 minutes, the clown will be standing next to your bed at 3am with a knife in his hand. Well, that’s probably the creepiest thing I have ever heard in a while. If I got this e-mail I would send it to twenty people just to make sure.

5. The scary clown statue
This creepy urban legend goes something like this. A teenage girl was babysitting for a family one night. The parents had a huge collection of clown memorabilia, statues, and figurines so they decided to put all of their clown things into one room. This story is already scaring me. So, after the parents left, the children and the babysitter were playing in the clown room. A lot of those clowns were just statues and some were even life-sized. There was one creepy clown that was sitting in the rocking chair and the babysitter felt as though his eyes were following her as she moved around the room. She called the parents to ask if she could move the clown in the rocking chair to another room because it was scaring the kids and the parents said to get out of the house immediately and to go to the neighbor’s house.

Frightened and confused, the babysitter grabbed the kids and ran to the neighbor’s house. The parents later explained that they were being stalked by a mentally ill man for quite some time and he really wanted to hurt this family. One time he even snuck into their house and tried to kidnap the children but failed. And now this time, he dressed up in a clown costume, painted his face and waited patiently until he had the opportunity to kill them. Hmm, haven’t you ever heard of investing into a heavy-duty alarm system?

4. Zozzaby the stinky clown
This urban legend focuses on the true story of Frederick Zozzaby who was a clown that tragically committed suicide but legend has it that his ghost remains on Earth, haunting poor, innocent children. A pair of brothers woke up in the middle of the night because they heard extremely creepy laughter. Once they opened their eyes, they saw a tall man dressed in a one-piece maroon suit and a painted-on clown face standing in their doorway. If that’s not scary enough, the clown moved closer to their beds and his face had a crooked nose, hallow black eyes, and heavy clown makeup. This ghost is said to be extremely evil and if you look into his eyes, you will die. Oh, and you can tell it’s the ghost of Zozzaby because he leaves a terrible odor behind that smells like embalming fluid.

3. Creepy clowns hiding in the woods
According to the urban legend, a mother returns home from work and her youngest son said that he has seen a bunch of clowns whispering in the woods near their apartment complex. He said that he could hear them laughing and they were trying to get him to come into the woods to play with them. Initially, the mother just brushes this off and blames it on his wild imagination but later that night, her oldest son said that he heard chains rattling and banging on the front door. And when he looked through the peephole, he saw a white painted face with a big red nose and devil looking eyes. Apparently, a lot of local children went missing in this area because the killer clowns in the woods convinced them to come and play with them.

2. The phantom clowns
In this urban legend, clowns are driving in vans that are painted in either black or blue and they were known to abduct and murder children in the neighborhood. Most of these phantom clown rumors mostly circulated around young children who have even claimed that they have seen these clown vans lurking near their school and homes. Investigators couldn’t find any evidence of killer clowns in vans who abducted children so that’s where the name phantom clowns come from. But those who have seen the vans with killer clowns inside have also seen them with swords, knives, and guns. And anyone who was brave enough to look inside of the van was never seen or heard from again.

1. Pogo the killer clown
In Chicago, Illinois, there was a charismatic man who dressed up as Pogo the clown at charitable events such as fundraisers, parades and children’s parties. But he had a sinister agenda. He would lure children into his house with the promise of giving them candy, presents or money. Once inside, he would abuse them both physically and mentally. He was an evil clown who sexually assaulted, tortured and murdered at least 33 teenage boys and young men. He would bury his victims in the crawl space of his home and continue to perform at children’s parties dressed as Pogo the clown.

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