, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: The decision-making process according to our personality

The decision-making process according to our personality

 Personality plays a very important role in decision making. The theory is reaffirmed thanks to a study carried out by psychologists from Biological Psychiatry ...

When making decisions, what do you think influences you? Pressure? Stress? Opinion of others? Of course, there are many factors that are imposed so that someone can finally choose an action, in a situation. But, have you ever thought that your personality is one of those super important elements? Personality greatly influences decision-making. Therefore, we will get into the subject, so don't miss it!

As we mentioned, personality has a super important role in decision making. The theory is reaffirmed thanks to a comprehensive study conducted by psychologists belonging to Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. In this, it was determined that mental health and personality go hand in hand when it comes to wanting to choose an action, and execute it. It has been divided into four (04) personalities involved in the study.

The impulsive: In this case the person will make the decision without thinking much before, but will do it later. There will be reflections on what is done once it has been done. Many of these decisions are downright negative, which creates some frustration for the individual. For these people, professional help will be to provide various other reasons why they should or should not select their option. What has been your motive? At that time, the person will enter a more reflective state avoiding possible future regrets.

Each personality type abides by decisions differently

The undecided: This type of individual according to psychologists, is quite thoughtful before making a decision. However, that same ability to reflect is what makes him / her, being a rather indecisive person. Many times they lose opportunities trying to choose one; Therefore, at that time the experts recommend setting deadlines or time limits to carry them out.

And speaking of personalities, do you want to know how much you have changed in all these years? What is your personality type for decision making? Then you can take an online test to indicate what your personality is . Do not miss the opportunity to know yourself. It will only take a couple of minutes, your answers will be analyzed and you will get an accurate result.

- The rigid person to make decisions: He is totally inflexible to make a decision, therefore, he only stays in his current state, he does not even make changes! he does not make decisions, he prefers to stay the same way. In this case, he must be shown a lot of fans so that he can continue doing what he does, in other ways and more comfortably. That way you will rectify your position and take the next step, according to the experts. 

- The prudent: In this case, the person has already analyzed and is preparing to make a very accurate decision almost always. Why? since prudent personalities know what they want and when they want it. They are very quick to do this, without disregarding each of its consequences. Well goes the saying that says "Cautious person, worth two."

As you can see, each personality has its own way of seeing things. Many take their time to decide, and others simply go the fast way without taking all the variants well. In any case, you can always change or shape these kinds of attitudes by trying to change your personality a bit (which takes time). To do this, you must seek professional help.

We hope you liked the topic, it is always interesting to know how others act in a situation or how you act yourself! Maybe that way you can better understand the reasons why you make certain decisions.

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