, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Arcade Fire: Singer Win Butler accused of sexually harassing four people

Arcade Fire: Singer Win Butler accused of sexually harassing four people

 Arcade Fire frontman Win Butler is facing four allegations of sexual harassment. What does he support?

Win Butler, singer of the Canadian group "Arcade Fire", is accused of sexual harassment by four people.

A Pitchfork investigation revealed four people, aged between 18 and 23 at the time, who claim the Grammy-winning frontman behaved inappropriately towards them.

The three women and one other person, whose gender has not been identified, accuse the singer of taking advantage of his fame and their admiration for him by harassing and sending them sexually explicit messages between 2015 and 2020, when Butler was between 34 and 39 years old.

He denies the accusations and claims that the relationships they developed were consensual. "It is deeply revisionist and wrong to suggest otherwise," the singer said.

In a more recent statement, according to the Guardian, Butler, who is married to RĂ©gine Chassagne - also a member of the band - said he was "very sorry for anyone who was hurt by his behaviour".

The three women who sued him said their relationships with the singer were inappropriate because of the age difference and power imbalance.

One of the alleged victims, who goes by the pseudonym Stella, said she began texting Butler in 2016, aged 18, after they met for drinks. She said the singer later began "texting her without her consent or replying to him", making it clear he didn't want to bother her.

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