, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Video: He tried to pass a breathalyzer by dancing ballet and traditional

Video: He tried to pass a breathalyzer by dancing ballet and traditional

 A Florida woman's attempt to pass a breathalyzer test using her dancing skills was ultimately unsuccessful.

Accidental Breathalyzer A woman in Florida, US, was required to pass when, according to police, she rear-ended her car with another vehicle.

Police on Saturday (28/08) released security camera footage of the incredible incident last April, which showed the 38-year-old dancing as she tried to escape a breathalyzer when officers arrived at the scene.

Police say her eyes were red and watery when she tried to walk in a straight line.

According to her arrest documents, the 38-year-old was trying too hard to follow directions and was very unsteady, almost falling.

"Do you want to pay attention so I can give you the instructions?" he was allegedly asked before taking the test.

"Yeah, well, you sound like my ballet coach, so, that sounds about right," she replied.

After performing "multiple ballet and Irish folk dance moves", the officer replied: "That was not good".

When the woman seemingly reached the end of her performance, she refused to take a test and was later charged with driving under the influence.

It happens to be the second time, since 2019, that he has refused to take a breathalyzer test, according to police.

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