, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: The Holy Place Urban Legends

The Holy Place Urban Legends

Although members of a Catholic congregation always kneel and cross themselves at a certain point in one of the church aisles, nobody knows why. An older member of the congregation provides the explanation: Years before there had been an obstruction at that spot, and anyone walking by had to duck. Eventually this evolved into genuflecting, even after the obstruction was removed.

A similar military story also illustrates the power of tradition in maintaining a meaningless ritual. A soldier is always assigned to an artillery piece during firing to stand with one hand held straight out from his shoulder. Why? The job was left over from the days of horse-drawn cannons; the soldier’s assignment then was to hold the horses so they would not bolt and run when the weapon was fired.

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