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7 Stomach Coated Fruits

 Fruits for people with gastritis What can you eat to help relieve a stomach ache? Coat the stomach to relieve pain

important symptoms of Stomach disease is a burning sensation whether you are hungry or when you are full. This is the heartache that makes us suffer. Some even had to rummage for snacks to help coat their stomachs. alleviate the symptoms

But eating appetizers several times a day may be too full. So let's eat the fruit that coats the stomach. Relieve stomach pain from gastritis? For people with any kind of gastritis, let's see, but first, let's check if we really have stomach disease.

Check the symptoms of gastritis Are we there?

Stomach disease is an ulcer that occurs in the lining of the stomach where it comes in contact with gastric juices. Stomach ulcers can be caused by many reasons, such as the body's poor resistance to the acid of gastric juice, stress, unhealthy eating habits, not eating on time. not complete main meal Drinking alcohol, smoking, or even taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory painkillers on a regular basis

 including Helicobacter pylori infection (Helicobacter pylori or abbreviated H.pylori) from eating food that has the bacteria into the stomach. and the infection moves into the cells lining the stomach causing stomach ulcers and may increase the risk of stomach cancer

The symptoms of gastrointestinal disease include:

1. Abdominal pain in the area under the tongue that comes and goes, chronically

2. Often have a stomachache before eating or after eating.

3. If there is an ulcer in the duodenum Usually have abdominal pain 1-3 hours after meals or abdominal pain on an empty stomach.

4. Have more abdominal pain in the afternoon, evening or late at night, but symptoms will be relieved when eating, drinking or taking antacids.

5. Having a burning pain, tightness, nausea, and sour belching, which can cause confusion between gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Stomach coated fruit

What to eat when your stomach hurts

If the symptoms mentioned above What should be done is Don't eat too much food in one meal. but eat less And increase it to 4-5 meals a day, including eating more foods that are high in fiber such as vegetables and fruits. What fruits can help relieve gastritis? Let's see.

1. Banana

The benefits of bananas can help relieve gastritis in many ways. Whether it is the introduction of tannins from raw bananas. (In the form of raw banana powder, drink) to help coat the stomach. Or eating bananas, bananas, ripe, so that the body receives soluble fiber. to aid in the absorption of the stomach wall heal stomach ulcers to heal faster

In addition, bananas also contain a special kind of substance that stimulates cell division in the stomach. Strengthen the stomach to withstand acid better. Also in bananas there are tryptophan. which is an essential amino acid that when ingested, the body will convert it into serotonin A neurotransmitter that stimulates the stomach to produce a natural mucous membrane that coats the ulcers in the stomach. Reduce stomach irritation And serotonin also helps to relieve stress. Helps to sleep more comfortably.

However People with gastritis should not eat bananas on an empty stomach. Bananas contain carbohydrates that your body needs to digest in order to convert starch into sugar. which the body will secrete a lot of gastric juice and may cause people with gastritis or gastroesophageal reflux disease to exacerbate Therefore, if eating bananas helps reduce gastritis symptoms, it is better to eat after meals.

2. Papaya

Papaya is a fruit that is good for the digestive system. In addition, papaya contains soluble dietary fiber. Including beta-carotene and vitamin C that help heal stomach ulcers. make the wound heal faster prevent infection And papaya also helps in excretion as well.

3. Apple

If you want pectin to coat your stomach Enhance immunity to the stomach lining to be resistant to acid from gastric juice. So eat an apple to relieve the stomach ache from stomach ailments.

4. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is a fruit that is high in beta-carotene. Helps prevent gastritis Accelerate the healing of stomach ulcers faster In addition, cantaloupe contains quite a bit of vitamin C. It is a fruit that helps prevent stomach infections as well.

5. Guava

Guava contains a lot of tannins. In addition, the ripe fruit of guava contains high fiber pectin. high in vitamin C It can be said that it combines important nutrients that help take care of our stomach very well. Therefore, eating guava can help heal wounds and reduce inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

6. Noni

In addition to noni has outstanding properties in helping to treat acid reflux. Substances in noni also help speed up the healing process of stomach ulcers. Reduces acute inflammation of the stomach from alcohol. And although eating fresh noni fruit is quite difficult to eat But nowadays, there are many brands of noni capsules that are easier to eat.

7. Amla

Amla is a fruit that contains 20 times more vitamin C than oranges. In addition, Amla is a fruit that has a bitter astringent taste, has properties to heal wounds and reduce excess acid in the stomach. In addition, tamarind juice can help relieve heartburn as well.

Fruits that should be avoided when stomach disease

Fruits that people with stomach problems or stomach ulcers should not eat is. Citrus fruits like oranges, tamarinds, lemons, gooseberries, and acidic fruits like pineapples, which can cause stomach irritation. You should also avoid all kinds of fermented fruits such as pickled guava, pickled guava, pickled mango, pickled madan, pickled mapo, pickled grapes, including all kinds of compote.

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