, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: USA: Three dead and 11 injured in shootings in Philadelphia

USA: Three dead and 11 injured in shootings in Philadelphia

 New deadly shooting incident in the USA. Police on patrol located people with guns who were shooting at a crowd. 

Three people were killed and 11 injured in mid-street shootings in Philadelphia , police said.

"Fourteen people, as far as we know, were shot and taken to hospitals," Inspector D. F. Pace told reporters.

"Three of these people, two men and a woman, were found dead when they arrived at hospitals, having suffered multiple gunshot wounds," he added.

The incident happened around midnight Saturday (local time) when police on patrol located people with guns who were shooting at a crowd.

A police officer shot an armed man, without knowing if he was injured. The perpetrator threw his weapon and escaped.

Two weapons and many ammunition were found at the scene. The names of the victims have not been made public so far, while it is not yet known if the Police proceeded to arrests.

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