, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: In the Guinness Book of World Records the breathtaking glass bridge of Vietnam

In the Guinness Book of World Records the breathtaking glass bridge of Vietnam

 With a glass floor at a height of 150 meters, the bridge in Vietnam, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records, is not suitable for high-minded people.

In the pages of the Guinness Book of Records entered a bridge in Vietnam , which was described as the longest pedestrian bridge with a glass floor.

It has a length of 632 meters and its height is 150 meters. The "White Dragon" bridge joins two mountain slopes and includes another 342 meters which is the path to reach its entrance.

According to a report by Mega, in order to protect the glass floor , heels and hard shoes are prohibited and visitors must wear special "socks" to walk on the newly built bridge.

The reinforced glass has three layers, each 40 mm thick, and lifts the weight of 450 people at a time.

However, the first visitors did not seem completely familiar with the glass floor of the bridge, some were walking with difficulty, others were hooked on the railing and did not leave it with anything while many did not dare to look down.

The "White Dragon" has special suspensions that absorb the oscillations and took the Guinness record from the Chinese bridge with a glass floor in Guangdong, 526 meters long.

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