, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Elon Musk: His 76-year-old father had a second child with his stepdaughter

Elon Musk: His 76-year-old father had a second child with his stepdaughter

The 76-year-old father of Elon Musk revealed that 3 years ago he and his stepdaughter, Jana, gave birth to their second child.

Errol Musk, father of billionaire Elon, decided to reveal after some time that he had a second child with his stepdaughter, Jana Bezuidenhout.

Musk and 35-year-old Jana welcomed their daughter in 2019, but had not made any official announcement until Wednesday, when they confirmed the news to the Sun. "The only reason we exist on Earth is to reproduce," the 76-year-old said.

The two already have a son, 5-year-old Ellion Rush born in 2017.

Father and son share the same beliefs when it comes to procreation, with the news of Errol's daughter coming a week after Elon revealed that in 2021, shortly before his then-wife Grimes is due to give birth to their second child a colleague of his was also due to give birth to their twin children.

Elon Musk's father, for his part, admitted that his partner's pregnancy was not "planned" while revealing to journalists that they no longer live together, noting that the 41 years that separate them also played a role.

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