, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Croatia: A devastating fire has reduced 33,000 hectares to ashes

Croatia: A devastating fire has reduced 33,000 hectares to ashes

Investigations to determine the cause of the fire, which burned about 33,000 hectares in central Croatia.

About 33,000 hectares have been reduced to ashes by a large forest fire in central Croatia, according to government sources.

The fire front has been brought under control in Sibenik-Knin County, but 330 firefighters remain on alert for the risk of flare-ups, said the head of the Civil Protection Directorate, Damir Trout, adding that an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the fire.

Meanwhile, local authorities are calling for the region to be declared a state of emergency in order to secure additional financial resources for the relief of fire victims who lost homes and property.

According to APE-MPE, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic pledged today that the government will assess the damage and immediately support the affected areas.

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