, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Italy: Mattarella did not accept Draghi's resignation - A new vote of confidence will be requested

Italy: Mattarella did not accept Draghi's resignation - A new vote of confidence will be requested

"Thriller" in Italy, with the President of the Republic not accepting Mario Draghi's resignation from the Prime Ministership. He asks him to address Parliament.

After the announcement of his resignation, the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi returned to the Cardinal Palace, to officially announce the president of the republic, Sergio Mattarella, his decision.

The Italian president, however, did not accept the resignation and asked Draghi to appear before the parliament, to ascertain whether he has the confidence of the parliament.

Next Wednesday, Draghi will address the House and the Senate, after which a new vote of confidence is expected.

The Italian prime minister earlier met with Sergio Mattarella, where Mario Draghi, according to analysts, expressed to the President his desire to resign, with Mattarella trying to dissuade him.

After this meeting, the Italian prime minister convened a cabinet and announced to its members his decision to resign.

In an official announcement by the Italian government, the statement of the Italian Prime Minister is reproduced, who said:

"I want to announce to you that tonight I am going to submit my resignation to the president of the Republic. Today's votes in the parliament are a very important event from a political point of view. The relationship of trust that forms the basis of government action no longer exists. The majority of national unity which supported this government from the first day of its creation is no more.

During these days, I made the maximum effort to continue the common course, trying to satisfy the requests made to me by the political forces. But it is clear from the political debate and from today's vote in Parliament that this effort was not enough."

Draghi recalled that he would continue as prime minister "only if there was a prospect of implementing the government program for which he had received the initial vote of confidence."

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