, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Italy: Draghi wants to resign, according to analysts - Mattarella's coup attempt

Italy: Draghi wants to resign, according to analysts - Mattarella's coup attempt

 The Italian prime minister's meeting with the country's president lasted an hour, with the latter trying to convince him to stay in his position until the spring.

The meeting between Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, lasted an hour. According to many analysts, the Italian technocrat prime minister wants to choose the resignation route, but Mattarella wants Draghi to stay in place until the end of this legislative term next spring.

In the meantime, Giuseppe Conte, president of the Five Star Movement (whose senators did not give a vote of confidence to the government at noon today), said a while ago: "We do not accept pressure and blackmail. We will never consent to the creation of a new waste incineration facility in the area of ​​the Italian capital."

It is expected to be ascertained whether the Italian president will finally convince Mario Draghi to remain in his post, after a new vote of confidence by the parliament and senate in Rome.

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