, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: David Berkowitz, the 44 Caliber Killer

David Berkowitz, the 44 Caliber Killer

David Berkowitz, the 44 Caliber Killer

He would suddenly shoot his victims. Six of those shots were fatal. Shortly after he was arrested, in August 1977, Berkowitz confessed to the crimes and said he had wounded seven other people. He stated that a demon, who had possessed his neighbor’s dog, had commanded him to commit the murders, but he later changed his statement. He said he had only fired twice. The other victims were killed, according to Berkowitz, by collaborators of a violent satanic cult of which he was a member. Although he remains as the only suspect, police found some degree of credibility in his last statement. It was possible that the killings had been committed by more than one person. The case was reopened in 1996. On June 12, 1978 Berkowitz was sentenced to six life sentences.

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