, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy

An irresistible, smart, and handsome seducer, he received hundreds of letters of love with indecent proposals and lipstick kisses, while in prison in Starke, Florida, where he was confined until his execution.

Bundy had a degree in psychology, and was a young promise of the Republican Party. He was handsome and cheerful. Behind his gift of words with which he fascinated people, a ruthless monster was hiding.

When he was imprisoned, in 1976, he fired his attorneys and decided to defend himself. This allowed him access to the library, where he managed to escape by jumping from the second floor. He was captured six days later. On Christmas Eve, he escaped again through the air ducts. He had lost weight in order to get through the hole.

His second escape would include two more crimes. However, the most shocking crime for society was the murder and rape of a 12-year-old little girl, Kimberly Leach.

While defending himself, he questioned witnesses with arrogance, asking them to remember what had happened. The judicial absurdity reached its fever point when Bundy, taking advantage of an old law, married during a court session with a fan named Carole Ann Boone. Bundy exhausted all legal remedies to postpone his own death. He even gained time giving detectives information about unsolved murders. On January 24, 1989, he was finally executed in the electric chair for sadistically killing more than 30 women.

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