, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Ed Gein

Ed Gein

Ed Gein

Killer and grave robber, he was only charged with two murders. But he was famous for his pastime of making furniture and clothing with human remains. In November 1957, police found, in Gein’s house, Bernice Worden’s body hanging from the ankles, beheaded and open at the torso. They also found ten female heads, lampshades and seats made of human skin, soup bowls made of skulls, and a necklace made of human lips and many other macabre items. Ed Gein admitted that he opened the graves of recently deceased women, stealing bodies and tanning skins. He admitted having killed Mary Hogan, but denied having had sex with the dead, arguing that “they smelled really bad.” He was declared mentally ill and spent the rest of his days in a mental institution where he had notoriously good behavior. He died in 1984, at age 77. While Ed Gein was in detention, his van was
auctioned. The buyer made a great deal -- he took the vehicle on a tour for several cities, charging those who wanted to see its interior.

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