, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Richard Ramírez, the Night Stalker

Richard Ramírez, the Night Stalker

Richard Ramírez, the Night Stalker

He killed 14 people in Los Angeles between 1984 and 1985. His father was extremely violent with him and his brothers. He witnessed his cousin murder his wife in cold blood with a shotgun. At age 24, he began his serial murders without specific methods, which made it harder to capture him. He killed people regardless of their sex, race or age. His weapons could be baseball bats, knives or guns. His modus operandi also varied. Since he could kill either without leaving a trace or leaving traces everywhere, he believed he was protected by the devil. He was captured thanks to his last victim, who survived the attack and saw Ramirez escape in a van. Los Angeles was filled with posters with the face of the “Night Stalker.” As Ramirez was out of town, he was unaware of his arrest warrant. Upon his return, a group of people, who recognized him on the street, tried to lynch him. He had to be rescued by the police itself. On October 3, 1989, he was sentenced to death. But Ramirez died in 2013 of liver failure at a hospital in California, while awaiting his execution.

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