5 Things You Never Knew About Credit Cards
The credit card you hold each day You may think that a credit card serves only to pay for goods and services in advance. But did you know that your credit card can still do other things as well?
5 things you never knew about credit cards
You have the right to cancel the card at all times. Do not be afraid of financial institution officials If you think that the credit card you are using does not meet the needs of your needs So you don't have to pay an annual fee if you don't use that credit card.
Can request to reduce interest
If you think that your credit card interest is too high You can make a request to reduce interest rates from the cardholder financial institution. But you must first make sure that you have a good payment history and no late payment history. Because it will affect the consideration.
Do not pay the minimum
Although financial institutions give you the opportunity to pay a minimum of 10% on credit card payments, do you know that you are about to encounter 20% interest per year and financial institutions will profit from your minimum payment?
Can request to increase the credit limit
Cardholder, if it is necessary to use more funds from the existing credit card limit Can request from financial institutions to increase credit line. But there is a condition that you must have a good payment history, an increase in salary, and you have enough discipline to not overuse credit cards.
Late payment, can be negotiated
If you have a need to pay late for a credit card Able to notify financial institutions for late payment requests So you don't pay late fees or late fees.
see also finance and business knowledge