Using a Credit Card Without a Debt
Having a credit card may be easy. But using a credit card is not as easy as when applying Because we often hear that Many people have credit card debt and cannot pay. And the main reasons for credit card debt are No discipline in using credit cards Or use more than the ability to pay, so before becoming in debt, we should know how to prevent first.
Must be strong in yourself
Do not get lost with invitations if you are not ready to have a debt. Is it possible for you to use your existing cash first? Before becoming indebted But if you need to have a credit card for emergency But should not carry a credit card with you at all times Especially when you go shopping because 80% of people who use credit cards use credit cards for shopping.
Study the conditions of the cards that they hold
Few people who have received a new credit card will read various conditions. But did you know that the conditions that come with the new credit card are very important, such as specifying the credit limit, due date, and interest in the event of a wrong payment, and including the benefits received from that card?
Full payment in every installment
Although the condition of the credit card to pay can be paid 10% of the amount, but should not do so if not really necessary. Because that's equal to you're having an initial credit card debt And still face interest at up to 20% per year, even if you have already paid all But there is interest that you must continue to pay Therefore should pay in full every billing cycle.
This is a technique that can be used before thinking of having a credit card. And even if you choose to do it, you can apply this technique to use your credit card in every way as well.
see also finance and business knowledge