Climate of Bahamas
It is sunny almost every day With an average temperature of S0 degrees.
Animals of Bahamas
Only small animals are found in the Bahamas frogs, lizards snakes, bats and rodents. Colorful exotic birds and fish are plentiful.
Plants of Bahamas
Local plants are still used for medicine in the Bahamas. There are plants that are used to treatSores, stomach aches, colds and many more illnesses.
Arts & Crafts
The Bahamas is farnous for its Straw Market. Handmade items such as woven hats, dolls and wood carvings are available as well as discount designer items such as handbags and sunglasses.
1492: October 12
At two in the morning the sailor Rodrigo de Triana yells "Earth!" from the caravel Pinta. The New World has just been discovered. The territory sighted is an island in the Bahamas, which Columbus calls San Salvador and which is currently called Guanahani. Christopher Columbus will long believe that they have arrived in East Asia and not on a hitherto unknown continent in Europe. This discovery will determine the political, social and economic evolution of the coming centuries. From this trip only two caravels will return to Spain, the Pinta and the Niña. The Santa María will run aground on the island of Española in December 1492. Its remains will be used to build Fort Navidad. (529 years ago)