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Oleander Properties and benefits

Common names Oleander, Sweet Oleander, Rose Bay

Oleander Properties and benefits

Oleander Scientific name Nerium oleander L. (science synonym Nerium indicum Mill., Nerium odorum Aiton) is classified in the family trotters (APOCYNACEAE) and in the subfamily Lom Lom (APOCYNOIDEAE).

Oleander herbs have other local names as Thai oleander, Chinese oleander, white oleander, red oleander (Central), In Tho (North), etc.

Oleander, Sweet Oleander, Rose Bay, Nerium oleander L.

Characteristics of oleander
- Oleander trees are native to the Mediterranean, such as Portugal, to India and Iran (Persia), with the assumption that they were transmitted to Thailand by the Chinese. At the end of the reign of King Rama 2 or the beginning of the reign of King Rama 3 during the years 2352 - 2364, it looks like a shrub with a height of about 2 meters, the bark of the trunk is smooth gray. A milky white rubber.
- Oleander leaves are single leaves with an ellipsoidal shape and a pointed base like spear. The edges are smooth, thick, hard. It is dark green, about 15 cm long and 1.7 cm wide.
- Oleander flowers are pink and white flowers with both double and single flowers. The single-layered flowers will have 5 petals. When the flowers are mixed with pollen and fall off, they will produce 2 pods per flower.
- Oleander fruit is a long pod. When old, the hard shell will break. And there are many seeds inside, there will be silk-like hair attached to it that floats the wind a long distance By the oleander that can bloom all year. And can be planted anywhere Can grow in all soil conditions Will be with seeds, cuttings or grafts.

At present, our home will know and use the oleander as a flower decoration rather than. Because it has a beautiful rose-like flower that has a pleasant smell throughout the year And more importantly, it is easy to grow and durable and hard to die as well. As for the herb, it has medicinal properties as well. Which has both you and the penalty Which the parts used as medicine include oleander leaves and oleander flowers.

But because the latex in different parts of the oleander plant is highly toxic to humans and animals. Therefore can be used as medicinal properties are quite limited It is reported that Thai traditional medicine has used oleander leaves as a heart tonic. However, caution is required because people who ingest oleander leaves suffer from headache, nausea, vomiting, delirium, heartbeat, diarrhea, blood pressure drop, blurred vision, blurred vision. And even death In India, it was found that animals that eat oleander leaves such as cattle, horses, goats and sheep are deadly toxic. Or even those who ate roast beef skewered with oleander were toxic until they lost consciousness. Including honey from oleander is also a very dangerous poison and should not be eaten. By solving the initial poisoning, eat coffee before delivery to the hospital.For this reason, oleander leaves have been used as a rat poison and insecticide !

Oleander Properties and benefits, treatment of heart disease

9 benefits of oleander
1. Used as a maintenance and treatment of heart disease. Normalize the pulse But has a high toxicity It should be used with caution (leaves).
2. Used as a diuretic (effect).
3. Oleander properties help relieve headache (flower).
4. Helps relieve inflammation (flowers).
5. Oleander root and bark are used as a topical ointment. Can help heal eczema and blisters (bark, root).
6. Can be used as a pesticide and rat poison.
7. Oleander twigs can be used to make rodents. By placing it in the area that I like to hang around But must not be old wood or without latex Otherwise it will not work.
8. In ancient times, it was believed that Any home with children is a stubborn, mischievous-headed person. Parents will use sticky oleander branches to hit their children. Because they believe that they will make their children obey Stop stubborn Become a good boy Good at studying (It's just faith).
9. Popularly planted oleander as an ornamental plant for gardens. Because it has beautiful flowers that look like a rose.

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