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Top 10 Thai Ghosts

Top 10 Thai ghosts reputed to be ghosts Everyone must be scared. But many people are curious to know what it is like. Today we will take you to see the top 10 scary Thai ghosts together.

1. Tai Hong ghost
A demon of death is someone who has died suddenly or unusally death. Such as being shot, drowning, car crash, suicide, etc. For round death. It is considered a deadly death as well.

A ghost with a fallen mind Due to the last mind before death Emotions are attached to fear, shock, spitefulness. Mourning I still cannot die The soul is trapped in the noose of various emotions. They are not at peace. Not accepting their current state Therefore still touring and appearing for people to be able to see Even if it is a ghost. Who died while there was malice Will be especially ferocious.

2. Prai Ghost
Most of the spirits inhabit more water than on land and are believed to be a type of spirit. The smallest In order of the soul That can appear to be perceived is the elven ghost, most demons tend to come from the fermentation of plant remains. Or tiny creatures who live in river.

A ghost with a fallen mind Due to the last mind before death Emotions are attached to fear, shock, spitefulness. Mourning I still cannot die The soul is trapped in the noose of various emotions. They are not at peace. Not accepting their current state Therefore still touring and appearing for people to be able to see Even if it is a ghost. Who died while there was malice Will be especially ferocious.

3. Porb Ghouls
The ogre is one of the ghosts. That is in the folk beliefs of Thailand Especially in the Isan region It is believed that Is a ghost who eats raw, fresh food, it is not satisfied with the belief that Who will become that ghoul Often you are a witchcraft player or you are occult enough to maintain your own spell. Or offending prohibitions In Isan language Can be both female and male.

4. Kraseue Ghost
Krasue is a type of ghost. It is believed to be in the body of a woman. Which is most often a grandmother Like eating fresh food Often nocturnal And go, but head and liver, kidney, gut The body would be left at home. When going, you will see a big red light. But most of them are fluorescent green lights Which will start to make a living from early evening Until all night And will return to the body near the dawn.

During the day it has body characteristics. Like normal people But has behavior Or unusual symptoms such as dislike, quiet eye contact, not speaking, not remembering Like to be alone Some do not like light.

5. Krahang Ghost
Krahang ghost, also known as Ka-tail, is a ghost according to Thai beliefs. It is a male ghost with a female ghost. It is believed that those who are the spirits Will be a superstition When the magic is strong Can not control it, will enter. Become a ghost The beliefs about spirits. When did it happen? Not known And did not appear in the prosecutor Characteristics of sued in the law enacted three stars.

The ghost will fly at night. Will use the grain to grind rice attached to the arm instead of the wing And use a pestle or pestle tied to the legs instead of the tail or the legs for the food out of the filth, like the ghost Krasue or phee phong.

6. Ghost Pret
The word jinn means "deceased" in Buddhism. One human That was born in Petwisai, which is one of the four Abhishaphum jinn has many types, such as one called Prattattup Chivipitt is a living jinn, the merit that is dedicated to If there is no merit that is dedicated to I tend to eat blood. And my own pus as food Ancient beliefs that If anyone hurts their parents Next life will be born as a ghost jinn.

7. Ghost of Nang Tanee
Nang Tani is a female ghost, just like Nang Takian, Nang Tanee is possessed in the Tanee banana tree. However, not every banana tree. There will be Phrai Tanee Singsathit Characteristics of Praitanee It is generally a beautiful woman. Wearing a traditional Thai woman's style. Banana smell.

8. Ghost of Nang Takian
Nang Takian ghost usually has a clean and beautiful appearance, long hair wrapped in sarong, some is dressed like a normal forest house girl.

People who believe in this Often believed that the Takian There is often a ghost of Nang Takian. Digging into a boat from Takhian (The old boat used to dig up from the whole tree) or bring Takian wood to build a house Need to perform a sacrifice Ask for permission from Nang Takian first. However, when the Takian tree has been transformed into a vehicle or building Nang Takian who resides in the Takian tree If it is a Nang Takian boat, it will become a Nang Takian boat, or if it is a Nang Takian house, it will be the owner or ghost of a house ghost.

9. Ghost houses
Ghost house Looks different from general ghosts. Is to be in the form of a holy spirit Which the host respects Will protect the home residents in Thai society at the festival Such as new year or birthday The believing host will make offerings It is believed that it looks like a normal person wearing Thai clothes. Is the village ghost while the house ghost is the house ghost And collectively called Ghost house.

10. Ghost with misbirth Death Tong Round Ghost (or sometimes referred to as the Thong Death Ghost, which is a misused word) is a type of Thai ghost. By women who died while pregnant with their babies Or while giving birth If while the child was about to give birth Then came to death Both mother and child Considered to be dead In another form, Nang Nak or Mae Nak Phra Khanong is also a round death ghost as well. Death Thung Round ghost will manifest haunting people in various forms, for example, if someone walks through a house with a woman in the night. Will hear the lullaby sound of lonely coming from inside the house With the woman who died round Or a bit heavy Maybe someone saw a crib tied on a tall tree With a round death ghost sitting underneath As for the hand stretched up on the cradle for the child.

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