, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Top 10 Thai ghosts that people see most often

Top 10 Thai ghosts that people see most often

Ghost stories , many fear, but many people still want to see this take a look at the top 10 ghost Thailand has seen the most. Top 10: Who is the bathroom ghost? Where is the house? The bath was in a jar, and the ghost deceived or asked for charity at that time and was not afraid, and the death that happened was always in the hotel or the dorm. In general, this ghost would bump up and suddenly the bathroom door closed. Without wind Hear the sound of water flowing Toilet sound Let's say we are afraid as well.

9th place: The ghost of an abandoned house in your neighborhood (some of you) usually has a house covered with trees and debris. If your neighborhood looks like that, say yes. Usually, this ghost often appears like no one else. That is, there will always be people walking around that house. Will hear a woman screaming The sound of the child crying, if you meet, then move away or stay.

Number 8: Ghost by the road, when you come home alone, it will follow you more and more late, more scary, 99% of this ghost will always be killed. This ghost often appears in horror as well. Like (for a motorcycle win), this ghost will tell you to take it home and .......

Rank 7 Ghost of your relatives 1-2 days after the burn is complete, that is the day that progresses, but you do not think too much. This ghost often appears so you know He wants you to make merit for it.

Number 6: Ghost of the guardian spirit (an angel that many people believe lurks in the trees), this kind of ghost everyone likes, the more strange the appearance, the better, the more villagers rub it.

5th ghostly revenge missions. This ghost's trick method is extremely scary, it will give you the same amount of goosebumps, but it is terrifying for the person who pushes it before he dies But those who have not done anything to make it feel troubled are saved. The trick of this ghost often has the goal of Only kill those who hurt them.

The fourth place is the old ghost you bought and the most important thing that hits the charts the most is Bed and Cupboard 1. Bed. It usually starts with a few hours of sleep, and then it will either come to bed next to you or pull your leg. 2. Your closet. Try opening it at dusk.

No. 3 Child ghost, don't you think it's a child ghost But it was scary to the point where it was ranked No. 3 because of the childishness often Always starting with the quickie Then the tongue gradually grows, or may have full blood And then you fainted.

The second place is the ghost at the temple. Of course, the temple is the number 2 place where you will meet the ghosts. And bend between your legs.

Number 1, ghost, hotel, star, or even you yourself can meet as well. It starts with you hear a knock on the door. When you turn around, no one is there. Or the ghost slowly passed the window in the room, emitting a foul smell. Of course, you need to check it out as soon as possible after the first night.

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