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68 Benefits of Bai Yanang

68 Benefits of Bai Yanang

Yanang, common name Bai-ya-nang (straight)
Scientific name area Limacia triandra Miers (scientific synonym Cocculus triandrus Colebr., Menispermum triandrum Roxb., Tiliacora triandra Diels) belong to the family of wormwood ( MENISPERMACEAE ).

In the central region, Yanang is called " Yaow Yanang " because this type of plant is a ivy vine connected with other trees.

Benefits of Bai Yanang, Yanang Bush

Yanang leaves are various properties. Because it is a cool herb Contains fresh natural chlorophyll. It also contains many essential vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, beta-carotene in relatively high amounts. It is an herb that many people are familiar with. Because it is used as a seasoning to enhance the mellow food such as bamboo shoot curry, bamboo shoot soup, liang curry, sweet curry, etc.

Benefits of Bai Yanang

Properties Bai Yanang
1. Yanang leaves in herbal textbooks are classified as elixirs.
2. It has a lot of anti-oxidants. Thus effectively reducing and slowing down the aging and aging.
3. Help strengthen the body's immune system.
4. Helps to add freshness to the body.
5. Help restore cells in the body.
6. Help in balancing the body.
7. It is an herb that helps in reducing obesity effectively and safely.
8. It helps to burn fat and be used as energy.
9. Help prevent and reduce the incidence of various types of cancer.
10. It is a cold-acting herb suitable for people suffering from cancer.
11. Helps relieve sore tongue.
12. Help prevent and treat heart disease.
13. Help prevent and treat asthma.
14. Help treat hepatitis.
15. Help treat diarrhea Because it helps kill germs that cause.
16. Helps relieve acute abdominal pain.
17. Help relieve constipation Reduce the symptoms of burning stomach.
18. Helps cure gastroenteritis.
19. Helps reduce spasms in the intestines.
20. Helps treat acid reflux.
21. Help treat toxic thyroid.
22. Help treat kidney stones Bladder stones Gallstones.
23. Helps treat burning urination Hot discharge in the urinary tract.
24. Helps relieve symptoms of dark urine, frequent urination, or symptoms of urine coming out of blood.
25. Help treat symptoms of enlarged uterus Uterine pain, possible bleeding.
26. Helps to treat an enlarged prostate.
27. Help prevent hernia.
28. It helps in treating herpes zoster.
29. Help prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids.
30. Help treat the symptoms of vaginal discharge.
31. Help prevent gout.
32. Helps to cure the poison from insect bites.
33. Helps treat skin disorders like burns.
34. Yanang juice when mixed with chewing gum or betel nut mixed until liquid can be applied to acne, blemishes, itchy bumps, clear rash, itchy pus and pustules as well.
35. Help prevent and treat cracked heels, sore heels.
36. Helps treat symptoms of nail decay, fingernails By treating the symptoms of fingernails, toenails, transverse, short, decay, tear easily, or the nails are brown, black Inflammation of the root of the nail.
37. For the benefits of Bai Yanang other aspects such as being processed into various products, for example, Bai Yanang capsule , Bai Yanang soap, Bai Yanang shampoo. Herbal drinks, etc.
38. Hair shampoo from Bai Yanang Helping my hair grow black Slow down the occurrence of gray hair.
39. If drinking Yanang leaves water on a regular basis The cancer lump will atrophy and shrink.
40. Help treat high blood pressure.
41. Help prevent heart disease.
42. Helps in the maintenance of liver and kidneys.
43. Help heal and treat paralysis.
44. Help relieve fatigue Exhaustion of the body that, even when rested, will not heal.
45. Helps to treat spasms, spasms, or frequent cramps.
46. Helps relieve pain like an electric shock. Or has a needle stabbed Or is hot like fire.
47. It prevents the capillaries in the body from breaking easily under the skin.
48. Helps treat freckles on the skin, brown, blotches on the body.
49. Help cure tumors.
50. Helps treat dizziness, fainting, nausea and vomiting.
51. Helps prevent allergies, coughing, sneezing, mucus and phlegm.
52. Dried root is used to cure all kinds of fever and reduce body heat.
53. Yanang root can cure all kinds of fever, including pox, measles, fever above, wrong manifest fever, etc.
54. Tao Yanang helps to reduce heat and neutralize Than Sang poison.
55. Contribute to inhibiting the growth of malaria.
56. Helps cure heat but no sweat.
57. Help treat the symptoms of diabetes Helps to lower blood sugar levels.
58. Contribute to pain and stiffness Muscle pain Pain in different areas.
59. Help treat allergies.
60. Yanang's root helps relieve symptoms of drunkenness.
61. Helps to relieve severe and chronic gingivitis.
62. Help relieve drowsiness after eating.
63. Help relieve nosebleeds.
64. Helps in the maintenance of eyesight and treatment of eye diseases such as red eyes, dry eyes, blurred eyes, stinging eyes, eye pain, dizziness, etc.
65. Helps to cure dry mouth Cracked or peeling lips.
66. Helps to solve the problem of sticky, thick, white, cloudy, yellow or green Or symptoms of phlegm.
67. Helps treat symptoms of sinusitis.
68. Helps reduce snoring.

Benefits of Bai Yanang, Yanang Juice

How to make Yanang leaves juice
1. Properties Bai YanangThe first is the preparation of ingredients: 10-20 Yanang leaves (according to the desired concentration) / 3 pandan leaves / 1 handful of Asiatica / 3-5 Peking grass / 1 handful of benjarong leaves / 1 handful of Esldpagpon leaves / Aloe Vera. 5 leaves.
2. Take the prepared herb leaves and cut them into small pieces.
3. The leaves are pounded or blended with a blender until smooth (blending for about 30 seconds to preserve the maximum amount of herbs).
4. Finished with a lot of water through a thin white cloth or a colander again.
5. Finished, Yanang juice water.

1. For some people who find it difficult to eat and feel uncomfortable, they can bring Yanang juice to a boil and bring it to drink or mix it with other herbal juices such as ginger, lemongrass, turmeric, or mix with coconut water, lemon juice, sugar. Or even Hell's Blue Boy water as well.
2. Drink Yanang fresh water before meals or on an empty stomach, about half a glass 3 times a day.
3. Should drink only If drinking and feeling sick, it should reduce the concentration of herbs added to a lesser until it suits us.
4. When done, drink immediately. Because if left too long, it will cause a bad smell. But can be refrigerated And should drink within 3 days.
5. Reliance on herbs alone may not be the answer to health problems. Therefore, you should do something else in addition to help make the treatment even more effective.

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Guava Benefits and Side Effects
Benefits Of Guava for the skin, brain, eye and other major parts of human body.

Side effects of guava
While there are many health benefits that one can derive from consuming guavas or its by-products, there are side effects which should be taken into consideration. For one, you shouldn t eat guavas on an empty stomach. Also, pregnant women who eat unripe or partly ripe guavas may result in dental problems like toothaches. Guavas should be washed before consumption as they can be sources of disease-causing germs.

In addition, it is important that guavas are not taken more than is required by the body. This is because guavas have high levels of some important nutrients, which when being excess in the body are harmful. Eating too many guavas can cause stomach ache, especially for pregnant women. The rich fiber content of guavas can result in diarrhea if the fruit is eaten in excess. Persons allergic to guavas should not eat them as they can cause allergic reactions.

Benefits of guava for the skin
Guava fruit contains vitamin K which is a good blood anti-coagulant as well as good in reducing skin blemishes. Guavas contain up to 80% water which is needed to keep the skin hydrated. In addition, the high concentration of vitamin C in guava makes it a good remedy for scurvy. Furthermore, the guava seeds have high antioxidants and anti-toxin contents that help in detoxifying the body. This combination ensures that the skin is glowing and doesn't age prematurely. Lycopene is an anti-oxidant that helps in protecting the skin against harmful ultra-violet rays.

Benefits of guava for the hair
The leaves of the guava tree also have health benefits. The leaves are high in anti-inflammatory chemicals that are essential for a healthy scalp. The guava leaves also boost hair growth. Moreover, the vitamin content of the fruit assists in the formation of a very important substance needed for healthy hair and skin. Drinking the juice of the guava fruit helps to prevent the loss of hair and dandruff. Other health benefits of eating guava.

Promotion of healthy eyes
Guava is also rich in vitamin A which is good for healthy eyes. The anti-oxidants contained in guava such as lycopene help in fighting against free radicals that can be harmful to the eyes. Therefore, eating guavas is a good way of maintaining healthy eyes.

Protection against cancer
Guava is rich in anti-oxidants and other chemical substances which help in fighting off cancer. For example, lycopene is a well-known phytonutrient with anti-cancer properties.

Boosts blood production
Important minerals and vitamins like pantothenic acid, and B-vitamins are vital in red blood cells production. Moreover, the high vitamin C content of the fruit allows the body to take in more iron.

Improves proper bowel movement
Improper bowel movement is a result of many things, top of which is the lack of fiber in the body. Guava is rich in fiber and as such acts as a solution for constipation. Aside from helping to prevent constipation, guava contains pectin which is a chemical substance that promotes digestion.

For stomachache
The fiber content in guava is just so good for the stomach; moreover, the potassium content of the fruit assists the acid neutralization process of the stomach.

For proper brain functioning
For a sound mental health, eating guavas is a good idea. The fruit contains essential vitamins and minerals that promote blood circulation to the brain. Besides, guava contains potassium which is a good electrolytes regulator. Because proper brain functioning depends on good electrolytes balance, it becomes ideal to add guavas to your daily diet.

For weight loss
Weight gain is a worldwide problem and anything that can help in weight reduction is a good idea. The guava seeds have high fiber content which helps to reduce calories. People who are looking for a way to shed off some weight without denying the body of its much-needed nutrients will find guavas a good option. Besides, for thin people who want to gain some weight, the high nutrient content of the guava fruit is a good choice.

Guavas are good for the thyroid gland
Guavas contain copper, which is essential for the operation of the thyroid gland. Moreover, copper is essential for the proper body metabolism.

20 Fruits and Vegetables Rich in Antioxidants

Which foods are the richest in antioxidants? Researchers at Tufts University's Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging measured various products according to the ORAC index, which measures their ability to absorb free radicals. Their super power, in fact! Here are the 20 Antioxidant-Rich Fruits and Vegetables You Should Eat.

Fresh prunes contain 4873 antioxidants while half a cup of their dried counterparts contains 7291 according to

The same goes for red grapes which get 2016 antioxidants per serving unlike raisins which contain 2490.

Blueberries have more antioxidants - those magic molecules that can help prevent a myriad of diseases - than 40 other fruits and vegetables. Eating a cup of wild blueberries will provide 13,427 antioxidants, or about 10 times the USDA recommendation. Cultivated blueberries will give you 9019 antioxidants per cup.

Blackberries are high in antioxidants, but did you know that they are also packed with polyols, one of the main components of sugar substitutes (often accused of causing abdominal health problems)?

Like blueberries and raspberries, strawberries are rich in antioxidants that protect healthy cells from many cancers.

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that ellagic acid (found in raspberries, pomegranates, nuts, and cranberries) improves the ability of quercetin (another type of antioxidant than apples, grapes, onions and buckwheat) are found to kill cancer cells.

Choose black plums which give you 4873 antioxidants per serving. Dried plums (prunes) offer even more!

Oranges, along with mangoes, peaches and watermelon, are high in beta-cryptoxanthin, an antioxidant, and one of two compounds that may reduce the risk of arthritis by 20-40%, according to study survey carried out with 25,000 people. Here is what doctors say you need to know about arthritis.

Red grapes
Enjoy this healthy, low-calorie snack: 20 seedless red grapes are barely 100 calories.

Juicy and sweet Montmorency cherries (or sour cherries) are an excellent source of antioxidant melatonin . Other cherries are too, but this variety contains the most. Melatonin protects the skin against ultraviolet rays. Researchers have found that this powerful little nutrient also helps repair sunburned skin because it stimulates the growth of skin cells. Cherries are also packed with vitamin C which is needed to build collagen ... your natural source of wrinkles!

Rich in antioxidants and anti-cancer vitamins, kale is also a good source of beta-carotene and offers an excellent combo of lutein and zeaxanthin.

Spinach is loaded with carotenoids that promote healthy eyes and help prevent macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in older people.

Brussels sprouts
These cousins of broccoli contain sulforaphanes as well as compounds called isothiocyanates that detoxify carcinogens in the body before they have time to do their dirty work of spreading. According to a Dutch study, men who ate Brussels sprouts daily for three weeks had 28% less genetic damage (this is a cause of cancer) than those who did not.

Alfalfa sprouts
This tiny, super-powerful sprout is rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant, which protects against lung cancer. Also, beta-carotene helps maintain healthy skin, hair, nails, gums, glands, bones, and teeth. Alfalfa sprouts are also a good source of vitamin E which can help prevent heart attacks and heart disease, as well as reduce the risk of death from bladder cancer.

Broccoli is packed with anti-cancer antioxidants plant. One study found that men who ate 5 or more servings per week of cruciferous vegetables , such as broccoli, were 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer over a 10-year period than men who rarely ate them.

Beets are bursting with healthy nutrients, like five of the most essential vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, and protein.

Red bell pepper
An average pepper is low in calories (only 32!), But lots of vitamin C (150% of the recommended daily value!) Which prevents atherosclerosis which can lead to heart disease. Here's why vitamin C is important for your health.

You will get the most out of this vegetable's anti-inflammatory antioxidants by eating it raw. Cooking onions at high temperatures greatly reduces the benefits of phytochemicals that protect against lung and prostate cancer.

A study in the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry found the longer corn cooked, the higher its level of antioxidants like lutein - which fights blindness in older people.

All types of eggplant are rich in chlorogenic acid which protects against the buildup of cardiac plaque in the artery walls and also fights cancer: this is what USDA scientists in Beltsville, Maryland say. In laboratory studies, eggplant lowered cholesterol and helped the artery walls relax which may reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Krachai Khao an anti-COVID-19 Herb
Can help prevent infection. With interesting properties.
Research has found Krachai Khao has 100% activity against coronavirus infection, so good properties I want to know a little bit of this antiviral herb.

Krachai Khao or Yellow Krachai It is a very familiar herb that is used in many Thai dishes. Whether it is stir-fried, spicy, stir-fried, stir-fried, or dishes like wild curry Some types of curry with coconut milk are added to add aroma, spicyness and smell of meaty smell. But in addition to being herbs for health , research from Mahidol University also found that Krachai Khao has 100% anti -COVID-19 activity ever.

What is White Krachai?
Krachai Khao or Yellow Krachai A kind of krachai There is a scientific name that Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. Is in the ginger family. (ZINGIBERACEAE) is an annual plant that originates in Southeast Asia and South Asia. There is an underground trunk which is called a rhizome. When the roots accumulate, the symptoms will become bulging. Look like fingers Krachai in English is therefore called Finger root or Chinese's Ginger.

Krachai Khao or Yellow Krachai It is an herb with a spicy, hot, bitter taste. Thai traditional medicine uses rhizome and root to be used both for treatment of disease and body maintenance. It is also considered as an elixir.

Krachai, extraordinary properties
Krachai, the properties of this herb are spread in various parts of the plant, such as leaves, rhizomes, roots and underground rhizomes. Each part of Krachai has different properties as follows.

Underground rhizomes
The underground rhizomes have a bitter and spicy taste. Helps relieve abdominal pain in the stomach, flatulence, indigestion due to the substance Cineole (Cineole), which has the effect of reducing the peristalsis of the intestine. Thus easing stomach pain This is also a drug to treat hemorrhoids. It also has properties to help strengthen. And nurturing sexual desire Disease treatment, he does not bowl.

Rhizomes and roots
Rhizomes and roots can be used to cure dysentery. Bloody discharge Help diuretic And relieve urinary disabilities It can also be used as a treatment for ringworm.

The leaves are another part of Krachai that can be used to nourish the body. Which can be eaten to nourish the elemental leaves Treat diseases in the mouth and in the throat Cure blood poisoning And help neutralize various things.

In addition, studies have found that In the rhizomes of Krachai there are essential oils which are rich in vitamins. Both vitamin A, vitamin B12, as well as calcium and iron are also found in curcumin. That has anti-inflammatory effects as well.

In the root Krachai also contains cavicinic acid (Chavicinic Acid), which has the effect of inhibiting the growth of many types of pathogens. While there are also many antioxidants that help prevent free radicals from damaging the cells in the body. Which is the cause of aging And some cancers.

White Krachai can resist COVID 19 effectively.
Above all The properties of Krachai Khao are also exciting. When research from Mahidol University found that extracts from Krachai Khao It has the effect of inhibiting the COVID-19 virus, the cause of COVID-19 in the in vitro up to 100%, that is, it has the ability to reduce the number of infected cells from 100% to 0% and can also inhibit the activity of cells. Increasing the virus Causing no new viruses to be added from the cells.

The researchers found that There are two active substances in Krachai Khao that have anti-corona virus activity, Panduratin A and Pinostrobin, which act as a mechanism to inhibit the growth of the virus that causes COVID-19. Antiretroviral therapy in humans Still need to study more research.

White ginger against COVID 19, how to eat it?
The research team also suggested that Eating correspondents White hopes to benefit anti- Claude David, 19 should eat white correspondents in the form of extracts. Because it will be able to definitely determine the quality and quantity of important substances of white krachai In addition, we can eat Krachai Khao in the amount that is not too much. But can be effective in inhibiting the corona virus.

However, while waiting for research, White Ginger can effectively fight COVID-19 in humans. We can also eat a menu that includes white ginger a bit often. At least he had other properties of the white Krachai in itself.

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