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10 Ways to Stop Bad Breath When Wear a Mask

10 Ways to Stop Bad Breath When Wear a Mask

Solve the problem of wearing masks and stinking mouth!
Put on a mask and stink your mouth Can smell clearly until I lose confidence Then let's get rid of bad breath. Give yourself a clean and fresh breath? When wearing a mask all day, many people realize that we have a rather bad breath. After eating Bad breath becomes even more foul. Breathing here, almost dead. Oh ... this problem is no small thing anyway, let's see what caused bad breath. And get rid of bad breath when you have to wear masks with these easy ways

What causes bad breath?
Bad breath is caused by many factors. Divided into 2 main causes as follows

1. Causes from inside the mouth, such as mouth ulcers, cavities, or gingivitis.
2. Causes outside the oral cavity, such as smoking or drinking alcohol. Including disorders of the respiratory system

How to stop bad breath when you need to wear a mask.
1.Clean your mouth before putting on the mask
Brush your teeth thoroughly before putting on a face mask or cloth mask. And don't forget to clean your tongue too. Because the accumulation of bad breath is on our tongue. Oh! In addition, it is best to use dental floss together. To get rid of food waste that may accumulate until causing bad breath

2. Rinse your mouth and use mouth odor spray to help
If it is inconvenient to brush your teeth Recommend to rinse your mouth with clean water. Then use a mouth spray to deodorize food in your mouth.

3. Sugar-free candy can help
For people who are uncomfortable, use a spray for mouth odor. Can turn to sugar-free candy formula instead But do not accidentally suck on candy with sugar Because the sugar will accumulate in the mouth And eventually turn into bad breath.

4. Avoid food with strong smells
Such as garlic, leek, onion, sataw, sataw, dried squid, etc.Spicy food like this will cause the smell to stick to your throat for hours and of course, if you breathe under a mask, it will inevitably smell the food residue in your mouth. Therefore, choosing not to eat would be better.

5. Drink lots of water
Because if we drink less water The body will produce less saliva. Making it impossible to remove food waste effectively Therefore for a clean breath without bad smell You can also drink a lot of clean water by sipping during the day often.

6. Replace the toothbrush every 2-3 months
For good oral health, we should change the toothbrush every few months, as toothbrushes that are used over a long time can accumulate bacteria. Causing tooth brushing to not be truly clean.

7. Try gargling with salt water
Salt will help reduce bacteria in the mouth. Reduce bad breath problems Therefore, you may mix 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth every morning and evening.

8. Do not smoke
The smell of cigarettes will stick to your mouth and carry on for a long time. So if you want a clean mouth Breath has no bad smell. Better to refrain from smoking for your good health as well.

9. Avoid alcoholic beverages
Alcoholic beverages, in addition to intoxicating Consciousness decreased from normal. It will also make our breath smell bad too. Therefore, if you do not want to smell bad when wearing a mask Try not to drink alcohol.

10. Oral health check every 6 months
Effective cleaning of the oral cavity You should take yourself to the dentist every 6 months to check your teeth or gums. Do you have any problems? Including the scaling and filling of the teeth in the affected areas In order not to cause chronic oral health problems that signal a bad breath.

Anyone who has a problem, wearing masks and stinking, can hardly stand. You can try one of these methods to stop bad breath when wearing a mask. And if you have any oral health problems, you should go see your dentist to get better.

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