, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: The atmosphere of the sun

The atmosphere of the sun

It is the atmosphere of the Sun above the photosphere. Not a flat atmosphere But consisted of a hot gas in the form of a jet to a high level And a large number of hot gas beams moving in curves from one position to another. The hot gas at this level is mostly composed of hydrogen. There are also calcium, helium and other elements in the chromosphere. Radiates only the wave size coming from certain gases which are so hot.

Therefore, there is a bright line spectrum (emission line spectrum) to explore the chromosphere requires special equipment. The movement of these gas beams, which are approximately 1,000 km in diameter and speed 20-30 km / s, and reach an altitude of 20,000 km, are in control of the solar field. The image of the chromosphere may therefore also indicate the condition of the Sun's magnetic field.

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