, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Top 10 Scary Tik Tok Videos

Top 10 Scary Tik Tok Videos

The TikTok trend has opened a whole new door to the unknown that we can’t wait to take a peek through. Whether it’s a staged TikTok you don’t want to watch after dark or a makeup tutorial that took a supernatural turn, today we're covering our picks of the Top 10 Scary TikTok videos

10. Dancing in the dark 
I imagine this woman just felt like dancing to a song on TikTok at night in her onesie. She gets on the counter, she jams to her tune, and little does she know, something is going on in the background. In fact, she gets through the entire video without knowing that she’s actively recording some serious paranormal activity! It’s not until after that she’s like “what just happened?” Can you imagine? Take a good look at that apparition. There’s another similar one with a young girl doing a simple dance routine at home when an apparition runs across the second floor. Take a look and tell us what you think. Real deal? Or an attempt at fame through fiction?

9. Something’s Not Right 
This TikTok user explains in her video that lots of paranormal things happen in her room that she can never get on camera. I can relate to this, anything paranormal happens too quickly for me to even think about getting my phone out. She talks for a bit, and suddenly we see some items quickly move in the background. This one is really difficult to make a judgment on. It’s not that scary, but it makes you think about what happens when the camera is off. Is it real? 

8. Clever
This next TikTok is definitely not real, but the way it’s staged is really well done! Despite the fact that we know it’s not real from the beginning, it’s still not something you want to watch when you’re in a creepy mood. It’s done well and we’ll certainly allow the creepiness she’s channeling. 

7. What the..?
If you’re a person with a dog or a baby, you know almost everything you post is about them. Whether it’s interesting, cute, funny, or just plain boring. So, it’s no surprise that this woman’s TikTok pan over all her dogs to show them just hanging out would be real. What’s strange is what she and one of her dogs notice halfway through the video. They’re both just trying to puzzle out what’s happening when the shadow quickly goes into hiding. Take a good look.

6. A good, scary prank 
Another staged TikTok that gets you thinking. Surely, it’s good editing. Still though, what if that happened to you? Take away some lights, add some spooky music and you have a movie! What do you think? 

5. Grandpa?
A good scary clip has you fully-focused trying to figure out what it is that’s going wrong. Sometimes, the longer it takes, the more the frustration builds and the curiosity falls. In this case, I’d say the guy lets it go on long enough for us as viewers to be like “what is happening!”, until all of a sudden, there it is. Take a look. Is it grandpa with a hammer? Is it a ghost? Is it a murderer? What do you think? 

4. A glitch in the Matrix?
This one, to me, is one of the freakiest things I’ve ever seen. At first glance, it’s mundane and regular, but when you really think about it, so many questions arise. This guy is sitting in his car, with his sunglasses on. He raises his head, lowers it, but you know who doesn’t? His reflection in his side mirror! What is that?! Maybe he sold his soul to the devil? Maybe it’s edited? Maybe it’s just a glitch in the matrix. No ghosts needed, this will have me up for days.

3. Call The Police 
Scary isn’t just ghosts, ghouls and potentially demonic souls that mirrors don’t recognize. It’s also everyday things like murderers and breaking and entering. This TikTok user seems to have caught a person lurking in their yard with a full Balaklava! After trying to catch a peek from inside the house shining flashlights out the window (does that even do anything besides let them know you’re looking?) they go outside and what do you know? There’s a masked man hiding behind the shed.

2. Evil Doll: Real or Fake?
This TikTok user makes a big deal out of making sure people think what he’s showing is real. His story? Well, the doll is known to do strange and creepy things every now and then, so his plan is to point a camera at it and see what happens. Before long, things around the doll start falling to the ground. Take a look. In and of itself it’s not super creepy, but what if he’s right and the doll really is possessed? Suddenly, that mess on the ground looks a lot scarier.

1. Makeup tutorial gets dark 
If this TikTok is fake, give this girl an Oscar for best short thriller because it is incredible. The tension, the build-up, the acting, I could watch it over and over again. Here’s a breakdown of our #1 scariest TikTok video: a young woman sits to do a tutorial and looks up to examine, on her screen, what’s happening behind her. The closet doors start opening on their own. Then, chaos. What do you think is going on here? Me? I'm going to go hide in a corner. 

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