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5 Herbs for Sore Throat

5 Herbs for Sore Throat

A good partner in the kitchen, rich in anti-inflammatory properties
Sore throat for whatever reason Can be relieved Just use these herbs.
We have long believed that when a sore throat occurs The only way to best alleviate symptoms is to take antibiotics. But don't take all of that into believing, because actually you don't need to take anti-inflammatory drugs, it can relieve your sore throat. With something near Thai herbal samples That we brought up to know each other If you're having a sore throat Look left and look right for these herbs. If found and then hurry to use I can assure you that the sore throat is definitely relieving.

1. Garlic
Garlic is a kitchen herb that can stimulate the immune system as well as antimicrobial drugs used in medicine. It also has antibacterial properties by holistic physician Michael Finkelstein in Westchester County, New York. Have revealed that Garlic is an herb that can treat sore throats due to infection. It also helps fight off germs that cause sore throats as well. This is because of the Allicin contained in fresh garlic, Finkelstein suggested that if you want to use garlic to treat a sore throat but don't like the pungency of garlic, take the whole garlic head. Heat in the microwave for 10-15 seconds, then eat it. Will help reduce the pungent smell of garlic.

2. Turmeric
This herb is often used to flavor. Or add food coloring only But the properties of turmeric are considered good, right? Because the substance Curcumin (Curcumin) in turmeric has anti-inflammatory effects. It is especially suitable for treating sore throat caused by inflammation of the throat mucosa. It can also help reduce coughing as well. Just take the turmeric powder to brew with warm water and add a little honey. Take a sip while it is warm, it will help moisturize your throat and get rid of the sore throat faster.

3. Onions
Aside from garlic Relatives like onions can also cure a sore throat. Because onions contain the same powerful anti-inflammatory agents. It also helps fight viruses and certain bacteria. Not only Onions are also reputed to be a naturally safe antibiotic. Methods for treating a sore throat are not difficult. Just take the onions coarsely chopped. Mix with 6 ounces (approx. 177 ml) of honey, simmer in a double saucepan over low heat for about 2 hours, then bring to a warm brew. Take a sip during the day to help relieve symptoms.

4. Ginger
Ginger is a popular choice of many people when they feel a sore throat. Because ginger can help fight inflammation. It can also help kill the bacteria responsible for sore throat as well. How to use it is not difficult. Just bring the sliced ​​ginger to boil with water and take it for a tea. Or you can chew fresh ginger, but if you don't have time or don't like eating fresh ginger, Try to find ginger powder to brew warm water to help relieve sore throat as well.

5. Lime
Ends with a plant that tastes like lemons. Many people are mixed with honey and drinking warm water to relieve coughing. In addition to being high in vitamin C In lemon juice, it also has properties to help reduce inflammation as well. And if you drink it on a daily basis, it can help maintain your health. Which methods are used to treat sore throat Can be used in a variety of ways Whether it is lemon juice brewed with warm water and a little salt. Or add honey Or if you want to get better results, mix lemon juice with honey and a little chili powder. It will greatly help a sore throat. And the flu cured faster.

All Thai herbs are good for your health. So it seems to be a good choice to help treat a sore throat. But do not rely too much on nature. Because if the sore throat is chronic However, if you use herbs, you should see a doctor.

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