, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: The sun

The sun

As mentioned earlier that The sun is a very hot mass of matter. And can form a spherical shape By the attraction between atoms and molecules Gravity or gravity This gravitationalforce is directed toward the center. The substance of the sun Which is at a certain level within the body Will be overwhelmed by the material that is rising up So normal That must have greater pressure and density Content at a higher level According to this rule, it is said that the pressure and density of matter increase deep within the sun, and under high pressure the gas or vapor is forced to reduce its volume. If atoms or molecules of a gas or vapor do not have the speed to push them into the fight The speeds mentioned here are due to the high temperature. This is because the temperature of an object is the energy of motion. And the vibration of molecules, atoms in that matter. For this reason, we can consider that Matter at a certain level within the sun is in equilibrium. When there is temperature, pressure And the density is suitable for each other Which is higher and higher for deeper levels within the sun.

Currently there is no survey equipment of any kind. That could be used to measure the physics of the Sun's interior at a deeper level. The knowledge that we have on this subject It is the result of calculations which rely on the physics criteria And externally measured quantities such as the size, mass and temperature of the Sun at a scale that can be observed by telescopes.

At the core of the Sun in the sphere of a radius of about 200 thousand kilometers, which has a sufficiently high temperature. There is a thermonuclear reaction. And give energy in the form of gamma rays Short wave This radiation is radiated by transmission. Through the body of the sun to a depth of 140,000 kilometers from the surface of the sun The transfer of energy then converts from radiation to heat conduction (convection), where the hot gas will rise to a high level. Up to the surface of the sun, it radiates light and heat into space. Then when its temperature drops it will sink back. This process is similar to the boiling of liquids such as Water or oil that is put in a boiling container on the stove to heat it.

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