, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Around the World List 73287964: Rongthong Properties and Benefits

Rongthong Properties and Benefits

Rong Thong ( Rong ) Common name Gamboge tree, Indian gamboge tree, Hanbury's garcinia, Gambojia

Rongthong, scientific name Garcinia hanburyi Hook.f. (science synonym Garcinia morella var. Pedicellata T.Hanb.), Belongs to the mangosteen family ( CLUSIACEAE or GUTTIFERAE ) and is in the CLUSIOIDEAE subfamily.

Rongthong Properties and Benefits

Characteristics of Rongthong
- Ton Rong Thong is a small to medium perennial. With a height of 10-15 meters, all parts have yellow tires. The bark is brown. Where Ton Rongthong can be found in Chanthaburi Province.
- The golden leaf is a single leaf. Alternate The dark green leaf plates look like a spear-shaped oval. Approximately 4-6 cm wide and 8-14 cm long.
- Dot Krgtag a bouquet of flowers in yellow. Which will become clumps in the axillary leaves With yellow petals.
- Rongthong fruit is a fresh fruit with a single seed pulp. Round or oval appearance Yellow and orange Oval seeds.

Gamboge flower, Gamboge tree, Indian gamboge tree, Hanbury's garcinia, Gambojia

Properties of Rongthong
1. Ton Rongthong contains a substance called GAMBOGIC, which has the effect of helping to kill AIDS. Kill cancer cells (But still experimental).
2. The rubber from the trunk is used as a harsh laxative. When using it, it must be wrapped in galangal and lotus leaves. And bring to roast until crispy To be ground into powder To help reduce the violence (Currently not popular).
3. The bark and trees have laxative properties.
4. The bark and trunk properties help drive flattened worms.
5. The rubber from the trunk is used as an external drug to help heal eczema.
6. Used as a medicinal ingredient used to treat ulcers. Ringworm as well.
7. Ton Rongthong has properties to help kill bacteria.

Benefits of Rongthong
- Rubber from the trunk is yellow sticky rubber. Used to make fabric dye And made a yellow mother.
- The golden rubber bands can be used to paint the fiddle wood, the violin's body, and watercolor for drawing. Which will give a yellow color.

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